Chapter 29 :: East wind!

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How do you supposed to feel like finding yourself just one block away from a ruin.........police car's horn blaring loudly, helicopter rounding over everyone with huge flashlights, men...lots and lots of them and blinding camera flashing in distance trying to get information much to officers' dismay, they were continuously trying to keep the curious crowd away....... Yes! Ruin rubbles Remnants Wreckage Of New York's one of the biggest hospital .......out of nowhere without remembering what happened mere few hours ago! Funny ain't it ? Mayuree can't seem to remember anything at all. But she knew she wasn’t supposed to be here in fact.....Kallan's workplace was at the opposite direction. " did i reach here..... I...i was on my way to Kallan's quarter...." She thought flabbergastedly sitting in front of an agent who was questioning her and pacing around in frustration for not getting the answers he needed.....wanted! Oh! Yes!! you are thinking right! she was the prime suspect of this bombing and was taken into the FBI's custody and an agent named Fin Norman here was asking questions which she doesn't have any answer of....... according to him, Bomb was detonated by a remote and they found her fingerprints on it....! she was still in daze, words were still blur to her. She didn't know how was she even get here in the first place and sun is already down's 7:30 in the evening. Rikkard was home already and must be worried sick...he hardly left her side these days, she had to force him to go office everyday even when he insisted working from home! They seized her phone, and now she can't even contact one! even if she could,.....what would she say ? How did she come here ? Why she is the prime suspect of a hospital bombing ? How can someone be so heartless to kill sick people....Hundreds of them Bombing a Hospital ? Why ? Her heart broke thinking of those peoples who lost their families because of this......they were probably cursing at her, wishing all sorts of bad thing happens to her. Few days ago..... After the confrontation with her parents at KING's Mansion, Rikk called Zahin Qureshi in a restaurant for lunch, he arrived quite early so he was waiting, fortunately he booked a scheduled area for their meeting.....because it was quite crowded today! a server bought Zahin to that scheduled area....... 'Zahin Qureshi' Rikkard pulled his hand out to greet "Mr. King" Zahin shook his hand nodding 'Please sit,... I hope you didn't mind i called to meet you here all of a sudden' "..not really! I admit it's little surprising though. I mean...why ? If you are concerned about the kidnapper then Don't, he won't bother you again" Zahin replied frowning and reassuring him at the same time 'hm....i suppose time is precious to both of us so i won't beat around the bush, What do you know about Mayuree King' Rikkard asked "Nothing, that you don't, i suppose MR.KING" Zahin smirked and said looking into his eyes,.....he knew what Rikk was doing, by stating who exactly she was to him, he was drawing in jealous, he could sense Rikkard's eyes narrowed.....a chuckle left his mouth 'why are you laughing' Rikkard asked grinding his teeth. Zahin just shrugged carelessly! 'fine,....what do you know about Mayuree Parrish ? I know she knows you and not from after that attempt of kidnapping incident but before that,...both of you knew each other.... way before!' Rikk said, he knew in a way he was challenging Zahin....trying to piss him off "Fine...whatever do you want to know ?" Zahin sighed and leaned his back on his chair and asked while peeling the lobster...... It's going to be a looong lunch, Hopefully not eventful.....Zahin thought! 'She has nightmares, and based on what i noticed worst.....she barely sleeps and she doesn't eat much' Zahin stopped at Rikk's statement.... ''finally someone noticed'' Zahin muttered "She has eating disorder and insomnia.... no one in her family knows that because they didn’t notice it, just few friends...she hides it well Mr.King" Zahin replied direct, straightforward answer with a sceptical look on his face. Rikkard looked like someone threw ice cold water on him! How could he not realize this simple fact.... "Mr.King" Zahin called trying to gain his attention 'Huh!....well Umm..she is troubled, she is emotionally_' Zahin cuts him off "fine! She's perfectly fine, strong and confident....there is absolutely nothing wrong with her. But Mr.King even superman needs help sometime and she is just 24 years old girl. She didn't have a good childhood like other normal kids. She struggled a lot to come here, where she is today.....she is not perfect i admit but she tries everyday and never gave up for once. All she need is someone she can trust and a shoulder she can lean on in need" Rikkard's jaw tightened 'Did her family abu__' Zahin cuts him off again "Oh! no! Her family is very loving and caring, they took care of even me as their own child,...and Mayur was apple of their eyes. They really took good care of her especially after she returned!" 'So, i was right, you do know everything !' Rikk asked him,..... more like stated! "and you don't ? She never told you....?" Rikkard's puzzled look gave away..... "she can be really reserved from time and again" Zahin said shaking his head 'What else do___' just when he is about to ask another question Zahin's phone beeped "i really have to go now lunch break is over. Duty calls. And please Mr.King take care of her...she is like a little sister to me" Zahin looked at his phone and then to him with soft pleading eyes 'How come she knows you, if you said you are not a Parrish, were not there at our wedding! And no offence but you do look older than her much studied together too or what ?' Rikkard asked balling his fist, it was one thing that he was curious and completely another that he felt a burning sensation crawling in his skin when Zahin revealed secrets of his wife, one that no one knew, not even her family, one he didn’t know even after spending so much time with her.......he c****d his head and looked at him, trying to find something dark in Zahin's soul.... If only it was that easy....Zahin thought noticing his look " many questions at once!" Zahin chuckled and looked at him long before answering.... "Let's just say fate Mr.King." It was indeed fate.....what would've happened if he hadn't save her that day!....maybe they would've never come this far, he shook his head thinking "Good day Mr.King." Zahin didn't know why he told all those about her to an unknown person......well technically not an unknown person and NOT everything! He never told anybody about those horrible days..... Unknown to you though......his inner voice said he just got know about him few months ago, but Rikkard King looked genuinely concerned about Mayuree. He wasn’t someone to fool around, pretty direct, outspoken and someone who he can trust her sister with.....But why didn't he confronted Mayuree himself. surely she could've expla____except she never did.....He sighed ----------------
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