Episode 3: Alternate Scenario Pt. 2

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Xavier reasoned to himself as he dried himself off and got into his boxers that Rose was only doing this for the mind-link. Maybe she’d go to Jake once this was all finished. The thought left a bad taste in his mouth as he pulled on his sweats. Rose was sitting huddled on the bed in her nightgown. She still felt hot and bothered, like her orgasm before hadn’t been nearly enough. That was odd. Usually if she came one time, it was more than enough to tide her over for…well…months even. She’d never been very sexually active but maybe that had less to do with her and more to do with the fact that she’d never been as exposed to Xavier as she was right now. She could feel it, her inner wolf was calling out to him. Yearning to be taken by her alpha. Rose suddenly jumped when she heard the bathroom door open and then her mouth went dry as she watched him walk out shirtless, wet and in sweats hanging low over his hips. Xavier’s eyes sparked as he trailed her form in a sleeveless white nightgown. Her zip was in front instead of the back and his fingers itched to lower the zip and free her breasts. But he wouldn’t. He’d only do what she wanted him too. He quietly came and sat next to her on the bed. “We don’t have to do anything if you’re having second thoughts.” Xavier tried again to be chivalrous. “I’m not having second thoughts.” Rose said forcefully and as if to prove her point, she brought a hand up to touch his bare chest. “Can I-“ she met his eyes, her other hand hovering to follow suit. Xavier nodded jerkily, hissing when her second hand fell against the muscles on his stomach. Then both hands were working in tandem, roaming over his upper body and making him hard. His muscles jumped under her palms and Xavier watched as her breathing picked up and cheeks reddened. She was enjoying this. His eyes went to her luna mark on her arm. His desire to claim her shot through his very being. If things had been different… this could have been their wedding night after their mating ceremony. The thought shot through him like a stake through the heart and he was pushing her down into the pillows, a growl coming from somewhere deep within his chest. Rose felt euphoric as Xavier began bunching  her dress up her thighs.  He was pleasantly surprised to realize she’d taken off her underwear already. A finger came to circle her clit, Rose bit back her moan as she felt jolts of pleasure shoot through her. The rustle of fabric indicated he was taking off his pants and then she heard the tearing of a wrapped. She looked up in time to see him putting on a condom.  "You don't have to do that." Rose quipped up. They'd both gotten tested to be on the safe side. Werewolves didn't really get STDs and Dr. Danvers had told her females didn't get really pregnant outside of their heat cycles. It was OK if he didn't use a condom. Xavier stilled. "Are you sure?"  "I...I'm sure." No sooner had Rose said the words than she was being pushed back down into the pillows.  Her legs were carefully nudges apart as Xavier settled between them and then she felt his pulsing hot member poke her core. “Tell me if you want me to stop.” He gritted out, holding her hips down in his hands. He thrust forward and Rose jumped back, yelping at the unexpected pain that twanged through her. Xavier released her instantly, pulling back like she was on fire. “So-sorry.” Rose panted out. “I just…you caught me by surprise. It’s OK…try…you can do it again.” She was shimmying her hips down again, opening her legs wider, bracing herself. “Go..go ahead.” Rose whispered encouragingly, hiking her dress up higher so that it pooled around her stomach. But Xavier had gone limp at the merest whisper that he may have forced her to take him. “It doesn’t work like that.” Xavier clipped out. The light in Rose’s eyes seemed to dwindle in understanding. Xavier sighed. “Look  you’re obviously not ready-“ “I am!” Rose retorted vehemently. “I am!” As if to prove her point, she was suddenly divesting her self of her nightgown, flinging it away and sitting in front of him in her white lacy bra.  He’d told her he found her hot, well... She brought his hand to her breast. “Tell me what to do to turn you on.” Rose breathed as his hand cupped her breast of its own according. She pulled him down and over her, opening her legs, letting his growing member rub against her wetness. “Your t**s turn me on.” Xavier growled.  Rose arched into him and simultaneously unclasped her bra, flinging it across the room. “Fuck.” Xavier panted.  He watched her n*****s pebbling once exposed to the cool air of the room. “Take me.” Rose breathed, she braced herself for his entrance as she she felt him enter her. He got a little farther in this time before Rose suddenly cried out in pain, instinctively jerking away from him. And he was gone like a warm blanket ripped away on a cold winter’s morning. “NO!” Rose cried out, chasing him, hands trying to grab his shoulders to make him come back. “You’ve got to be f*****g kidding me. That’s the second time.” Xavier snapped out. He was grabbing his boxers now off the bed. “I’m not doing this Rose. I can’t. I’m sorry. You-we….I can’t rape you.” “It’s not rape!” Rose whispered brokenly, arms coming around him from behind where he sat with his back to her on the bed. “It’s not. We both agreed to do this.” “You’re not ready.” Xavier said curtly. “I can’t…relax. I’m sorry. Maybe if…” she bit her lip recalling how she’d relaxed into his touch when she’d been drunk. “Do we have any alcohol?” “Rose you’ve got to be f*****g kidding me. If you think I’m going to get you drunk just to have sex..." Xavier swore some more incoherently. "No." The word was said quite emphatically. "That’s not what I agreed to.” Xavier tried to struggle out of her arms angrily. “If you can’t, then you can’t. Stop forcing your body to do something you’re not ready to do.” Rose wanted to reply she was ready. There was something fierce and animalistic inside of her telling her she had to do this but her body’s instinctive reaction was to flinch away from pain. Rose’s chest was pushed up against his back, her soft breasts warm and sensually rubbing against him as Rose breathed in and out. “One more time. Please.” Rose pleaded, her arms still around him. Xavier sighed. “You’re really stubborn.” He didn’t move, didn’t try to push her away. So Rose let her hands trail down his front, hoping it turned him on like it had last time. She pressed a kiss to his shoulder from behind and then she was pulling him back until his back hit the mattress. Rose hesitated for a mili-second before throwing her legs on either side of him, rubbing against his hardening member. Xavier hissed as her slick wetness drenched him. He throbbed under her. Rose moaned, allowing the animal in her to guide her as she moved the length of him against the seams of her womanhood. Xavier’s hands were suddenly on her breasts, caging them and massaging them. “You’re f*****g beautiful.” His words made her feel wanted, special. She could pretend. Pretend they were together. Pretend he cared about her and wanted to be with her. She could do this. “Keep talking.” Rose murmured the words pleadingly as she gripped the length of him in her fist. “Your smell, your taste…it turns me on.” Xavier noticed her wetness gather under him and it clicked. She had to hear him say it. “You’re ass-“ he choked as he felt her try to lower herself on him. “-.fucking amazing.” Rose grunted in frustration, trying to position Xavier over her entrance. “A little lower.” Xavier gruffly spoke the words, realizing she was trying to guide him inside of her. “Yeessss.”  He hissed when she got it right. Rose bite her bottom lip as she lowered herself further onto him and felt the stinging pain. “I need to kiss you.” Xavier groaned. “When you bite your lip, it makes me want to kiss you.” Rose let out a small wail, his words slamming into her at the same time that she finally settled around him. The pain burst through her like a flash of lightning before slowly starting to recede. Xavier let out a groan as her walls opened for him, adjusting him inside of her. She was so wet and tight and warm…and so right.  He jerked under her, groaning again he rubbed against her tight walls. “It’s…that’s it?” Rose suddenly asked, opening her eyes. She still felt remnants of a stinging pain but other than that...nothing.   Xavier’s control was hanging on by a thread. He opened an eye in disbelief. “All that fuss…over this.” She sat atop him, still as a statue as if he wasn’t about to burst inside of her. She c****d her head, looking down at him. “You're...all the way inside. Right?" Xavier let out a low growl, flipping her while she was still inside him and began to move. What the f**k did she mean, that’s it? His senses were completely affronted. Maybe laying still underneath her for so long wasn't a good idea.  Rose couldn’t help but noticed how Xavier seemed to be enjoying himself as he shuddered and moved over her. And then she gave a start when he lifted her hips and bottomed out, firmly sliding all the way inside and picking up the pace. Oh…thrust..Oh. This was..,he thrusted again,…OH. Rose felt an entirely new and immensely pleasurable feeling begin to mount within her. She tried to hold back the sounds of pleasure that were fighting to escape her mouth. Xavier panted and grunted as he finally drove into her faster and faster once he was sure she’d adjusted to his size. He didn’t want to hurt her, just pleasure her. He noticed Rose biting her lip and growled as he swooped down to kiss her, swallowing the moans she’d been trying to bite back. The bed rattled as he drove into her and when he pulled back he growled, “Don’t you dare try to keep quiet.” Rose’s moans filled the room along with Xavier’s grunts and the creaking of the bed. “You’re f*****g gorgeous. I want to see you come… I need to see you come.” Xavier panted, supremely satisfied at the rush of wetness he felt from her womanhood. He brought a thumb to rub her clit. “Come on Princess. Come for me.” Rose raked her nails down his chest, lost in the new sensations he was making her feel as he pumped her nub and rutted into her in an age old rhythm her body understood. Of their own volition, her thighs came to wrap around his waist. He snapped into her more vigorously. Her smells, her squeals, her…everything was consuming him. s*x would never be the same again. He would never be the same again. This was amazing. This was unlike anything he’d ever experienced before. He felt like a teenager discovering the wonders of s*x for the first time but no…he was just discovering her for the first time. This…him inside her...it was perfect. It felt like he belonged here. Rose threw her head back as she fell over the precipice, fire bursting inside of her. She spasmed against him as Xavier rode her through it before he allowed himself to spend himself inside of her. He fell next to her, his breathing coming in shallow pants as he regained control of his breath. Rose was still seeing stars, unable to comprehend what had just happened. And just as she seemed to come back to her senses, to realize with awful clarity the import of what she had done and with whom, Xavier was there, hauling her up against his side, nuzzling his nose into her neck. Xavier's lips came up to hers in a sweet kiss, holding her against his side, daring her to pull away.  Rose blinked, What was he doing? It was done. He didn’t need to do anything more… but he was. He was touching her, kissing her neck, holding her close to him like she mattered to him. Like she was his..  “Mine.” Xavier grunted, his eyes glowing yellow momentarily. “You’re f*****g mine.” Ahh…his wolf. It made sense. They’d mated, his wolf was being territorial. Rose nodded once. “I mean it Rose. You’re mine. You can’t go to Jake after this. I won’t let you.” “What?” Rose was hauling herself up, leveraging herself against his chest to look at him. “Why would I go to Jake?” Xavier’s eyes glowed yellow again before going back to brown. “I saw the CCTV footage when I was trying to figure out who messed with your car. I saw you guys kiss. Jake’s your boyfriend isn’t he?” Rose shook her head vehemently. “It was just a kiss Xavier...” A kiss that had meant nothing compared to Xavier’s kisses. He’d kissed her enough times tonight for her to realize that. “So you’re not…interested in him?” Xavier ventured. Rose arched an eyebrow. “If I’d been interested in him, I don’t think I’d be laying here…naked…with you.” Xavier had the decency to look contrite. “Oh.” Was all he said. Rose snorted. “For someone so smart, you’re pretty dense.” Xavier gave a small chuckle, pulling her head down to rest in the crook of his neck. He wanted to take her again but she might not want it. Just because she didn’t like Jake didn’t mean she was magically available for him. “Is it always like this?” Rose asked, breathing in the scent from his neck. “Only one way to find out.” Xavier said with a crooked grin. *    *    * Rose awoke the next day with a delicious creak in her body. Muscles that had never been used before had been used quite vigorously. And Xavier…she got a dreamy smile on her face. Xavier had been perfect. He’d taken her twice the night before and once in the early hours of the morning when he’d woken up to go for a run. Rose couldn’t help but giggle when she recalled his morning wood poking into her backside as he’d palmed her breast whispering how hot he was for her first thing in the morning. So this was what s*x was like with Xavier. It was amazing. She didn’t think she could go back to the way things were before after this. Would he expect her too? Her brows furrowed in confusion. What were they supposed to do next? Just go back to being…what? Friends? An ominous cloud seemed to hover over her as she thought about the repercussions of last night. That’s how Xavier found her when he entered the room with a hot mug of coffee for her. He handed it over as Rose sat up with the sheet wrapped around her. Rose declined. “Oh I can’t drink coffee unless it’s got-“ “-a dash of cinnamon in it.” Xavier finished the sentence for her. He rolled his eyes. “Give me some credit here Princess. I know how you like it.” And just to make sure, Rose held her nose over the mug to smell it. She was surprised when faint traces of cinnamon wafted towards her. She took a sip, enjoying the explosion of flavors. “Get ready, we’ll have breakfast before I drop you home.” Xavier stated. “I have to leave for my Regional Alpha Meeting in another hour.” “Is the mind-link open?” Rose ventured. Yes Rose gave a start. Xavier had just spoken inside her head. But it’s just between us. You can’t mind-link the pack until you turn. Xavier spoke inside her head. So it was done. And for some reason, Rose felt a rock sinking inside her stomach. Would she even see him again after this? Would he even want to see her? “When do you get back from your meeting?” Rose finally asked as she gathered the sheet around her to go into the bathroom to shower. “Monday night. I have class on Tuesday. The police might drop by your place to question you Rose. Just mind-link me and let me know what they have to say and if they’ve made any progress on finding the kidnapper.” Xavier said off-handedly as she reached the bathroom. Rose nodded before closing the bathroom door. He’d been so distant just now… Xavier looked at the bathroom door with a sigh. He’d even brought her coffee but she hadn’t so much as kissed him before going to shower. That meant she probably didn’t want anything else to do with him. They’d accomplished their goal of mating to open the mind-link.  He’d fulfilled his purpose for her. He wanted to go after her, to join her in the shower. Instead, he pinched the bridge of his nose, reminding himself he’d already showered once this morning and Rose probably wouldn’t appreciate his advances now. In the light of day, he was no longer so sure if she wanted him. Maybe she was just happy to have lost her virginity to the alpha of her pack? Xavier heaved a sigh, leaving the room to wait for Rose patiently downstairs so she’d have some privacy. Meanwhile, Rose came out of the room to find Xavier gone and felt like he was avoiding her after being strong-armed into mating with her.
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