3880 Words
So everyone knows I had something else planned. I planned to have Xavier and Rose mate so she wouldn't have to live with him. This is that alternate scenario. THIS DOES NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN IN THE STORY. BUT yeah...it's a funny AND STEAMY piece of writing. Honestly, I was undecided with this entire scenario. Part of me wanted to end it with Rose and Xavier quitting after the second try. They weren't supposed to mate.  but then I wrote up a scenario where they did end up going all the way.  And then I realized I didn't like either of these scenes and we have what we have now in the main book.  But..yeah I wrote up some extra stuff as well to give everyone a quick fix for some Xavier/Rose action. They don't actually have s*x until later on in the actual story and it's after they're in a relationship with each other. I've written that part out too. It will be uploaded here soon :).  *    *    *  “What’s wrong?” Rose asked, sensing Xavier’s hesitation. She was supposed to be discharged in a few more days from the hospital and Aunty Maria had promised to come get her. Xavier had promised her he’d let her know how his meeting with the Council went regarding new measures for her safety. Rose wasn’t too thrilled to have this conversation, she knew that most likely, she would be blanketed under even more rules now. Rules more suffocating than the previous ones. That’s probably why Xavier seemed so hesitant to talk about it. Instead, he sat stoically looking at a spot on the floor. “You could move in with me.” Xavier offered the option as if he was talking about the weather. He looked up at her, his face impassive. “We just have to make it look like we’re together. Then I’ll mark you after your turn.” Rose looked at Xavier taken aback. What about his relationship with Alyssa? Was he really willing to sacrifice his happiness with Alyssa? Because they couldn’t make their relationship look real unless he cut off ties with her. “Do you really want to do that?” Rose asked. “What do you want to do?” Xavier queried, expressing a harsh breath. “Thomas wants to take you away. I know you love this pack. And I don’t want you to leave.” His eyes bellied an earnestness that took Rose’s breath away. She realized in that moment that he’d pretend and do all that was required of him just so she could stay in his pack and stay happy. “Are those the only two options?” Rose pushed. There had to be another way. Some middle ground where he could still do what he wanted and she could still be happy. Xavier let out a harsh laugh, the steel in his eyes surprising Rose. “We could actually mate instead of fooling people into thinking it. That’s what the Elders Council suggested for us to do actually. We'd be mind-linked after mating but it’s preposterous. You…you wouldn’t feel comfortable doing something like that.” He brushed off the option like it was non-existent. “If we were mind-linked, I could come and go as I please. No more rules?” Xavier nodded jerkily. “Rose you can’t be seriously considering this?” Rose looked at Xavier squarely in the eye. “I have a say in what happens in my life.” Rose’s voice was stern, bellying the complete helplessness she’d always felt when it came to having no say in the decisions people always took for her. Then she released a breath, asking him in an apprehensive tone. “Would you mind…the mating?” Xavier looked away for a minute. Would he mind?  His own sensibilities rebelled. s*x wasn't a business deal. It was only supposed to happen when two people really cared about each other. But honestly, his body probably wouldn't mind. “It’s different, for guys,” Xavier finally said. “You have to be more straight forward than that Xavier. You’re probably repulsed by me, since you’ve made it clear you don’t find me attractive at all. I’m probably the last person you’d ever-“ “I find you more attractive than I should.” Xavier said the words on a curt beat. As if he couldn’t stop them from coming out. “So you’d be OK with it?” Rose looked at him with big eyes. “Oh please Xavier, if it means no more curfews and suffocating rules, I’ll do it. I deserve to have my freedom. Please?” She looked at him with those doe-eyes of hers, pleading for something only he could give. And the image of her panting underneath him, begging him ‘please’ for something entirely different entered his mind. “It would be your first time.” Xavier said the words, a shot in the dark to deter her from something he realized his body badly wanted. “I…I’m sorry I’m not more experienced.” Rose’s voice was small. She felt so inadequate. “But if you told me what you like, I could do it.” This conversation was going to be his undoing. “I meant, shouldn’t your first time be special? With someone you care about?” Xavier couldn’t hide the pink on his cheeks. Images of Rose grabbing his d**k, asking what he liked searing themselves inside his brain. Rose looked at Xavier, c*****g her head to the side. He was worried for her. Worried how the experience might be for her. “I’ll be fine. You’ll take care of me.” Rose said the words confidently, because she knew he would. He always did take care of her, didn’t he? He was there to get her out from the fire in the tent. He cheered her up when she was down, taking her to parties and looking after her when she got drunk…he found her when she was kidnapped…  “I’m not worried if it’s you.” Rose said assuredly. Xavier looked away, her words and eyes making it impossible for him to disagree with her request. *    *    * It had been an entire week since Rose was home from the hospital. She hadn’t gone to classes. Xavier and her had decided to wait until they opened the mind-link between them. Then she’d be able to go wherever she wanted. That was fine with Rose. What was a week of classes compared to the rest of her life? But today, Rose was a complete bundle of nerves because tonight Xavier said he’d pick her up so they could…mate. She blushed furiously over the thought. Her father wasn’t happy. Xavier had conveyed their decision to the elders and Thomas was still pushing for Rose to leave the pack with him. But Rose didn’t want to leave. She loved the pack. Within the span of the last year, she realized that she didn’t know how to live without belonging to it. So for her, leaving was out of the question. There was a knock on her bedroom door before Aunty Maria entered. “Alpha Xavier’s here to pick you up.”  Maria’s voice was solemn.  “Rose your father isn’t too happy about this.” “It’s my decision,” Rose replied curtly. “I’ve spent my entire life letting everyone make decisions for me. This is the first thing I’ve gotten to decide on my own. Can’t any of you respect that?” Aunty Maria looked away. Rose simply brushed past her, hoisting her overnight tote-bag over her shoulder. She’d packed a few essentials and a change of clothes. Her hair was still wet from the shower she’d taken, scrubbing furiously over every nook and every crevice of her body. Xavier breathed in the smell of her as she sat in his car. Her damp hair had made the back of her white t-shirt wet and her dark blue skinny jeans clung to her butt in a way that put him on edge. Ever since he’d seen the CCTV footage of Jake and her, he had this fierce desire to claim her as his so Jake would back off. But he couldn’t bring himself to be angry at Rose because her voice kept playing in his head. You’ll take care of me. I’m not worried if it’s you. There was a perverse satisfaction in knowing that she’d preferred him to be her first over Jake. Or had she? Should he ask her? Xavier swallowed. He'd been angry at first after viewing the CCTV footage but after he'd had a few days to calm down, he'd reasoned that she'd chosen him to be her first, not Jake.   “This isn’t the way to your house.” Rose’s voice broke through his musings. “My house is filled with kids and Tony popping in at every odd hour of the day.” Xavier replied wryly. He swerved onto the main road which led deeper into the country side. He exhaled before venturing his next question. “There’s still time to back out if you’re having second thoughts.” “I’m not.” Rose’s reply was firm. There was a brief silence and then-“Where are we going if not your place?” “Somewhere private. There’s a bed and breakfast here that the pack owns.” Xavier responded vaguely. He shrugged his shoulders. “I just didn’t think you’d feel comfortable waking up the next day and seeing everyone…Mom can be a little nosey.” Xavier confided. Rose let out a mirthless laugh. “I didn’t expect to be allowed to stay until the next day.” She gave him a sideways glance. Truth be told, she’d expected him to drop her home the minute the deed was done. “You deserve better than that.” Xavier glanced at her sideways before settling his eyes back on the road. Rose swallowed. Xavier’s car came to a halt outside a quaint wooden building with a sign ‘The Phoenix Inn’. “They have some trails out here if you want to go for a walk.” Xavier suggested as they both got out of the car. “It’s still light out.” He suggested it to her like this was a date. Like they actually came here just to enjoy each other’s company. Rose was a mass of nerves and she couldn’t help but nod and then furiously begin shaking her head no. This summer heat wouldn’t be good for her curls, and the walk would make her red, sweaty and stinky. All the things she’d tried her best to avoid for tonight. “So is that a yes or no?” Xavier asked tilting his head, trying to decipher Rose’s odd reaction. “I..I’d like to just go inside.” Her voice was a pitch higher than normal. Xavier left Rose to her own devices for awhile in their room, saying he was going to go for a run in his wolf form to unwind. The room had a huge king-size bed that Rose couldn't stop looking at and a couch with a coffee table on the other side of the room.  Rose was thankful for the brief reprieve to get her thoughts in order. Xavier was so calm and collected. It probably wasn’t that big of a deal for him. But for Rose…she’d only had very limited interaction with the opposite s*x. She’d had a few dates in high school that hadn’t culminated into anything worthwhile except for a guy trying to grope her butt. Xavier had been her first real kiss. And the only other guy she’d kissed was Jake. Aside from touching herself a few times, Rose really was clueless and afraid. Very afraid. She started as Xavier entered the room a few hours later, the book in her lap falling to the floor. “I brought dinner.” He said by way of explanation, holding up a white plastic bag filled with plastic boxes. “They had prepared pad thai in the kitchens so I asked them to pack it up so I could bring it up.” His eyes fell on the book that had fallen to the floor with it’s cover facing up.  “Count of Monte Cristo?” he asked, reading the title as Rose bent to pick it up. Rose nodded, bending to pick up the book. Xavier sat the food out on the small coffee table in front of the couch in their room. “Come sit next to me.” He said the words on a sigh. Rose looked at Xavier inquisitively, wondering why he said what he did. “You need to be comfortable with my proximity.”  Xavier spread his hands out helplessly in front of him, staring at the palms of his hands. This was not how he’d ever wanted things to go between him and Rose. And he was promising himself that if she backed out even at the last minute, he’d stop this nonsense. The only reason he’d even agreed is because she seemed to want this. Xavier understood on a certain level that this was Rose’s way of taking control of her own life. But that didn’t mean he’d have to like her decisions. He was only going along with this in an effort to be supportive and because he was a an alpha whose wolf was horny for it's mate. Maybe this would finally take the edge off. Like scratching an itch to relieve yourself. But he'd only do it if Rose was 100% sure it was what she wanted.  The couch dipped slightly as Rose sat perilously close to him. She reached forward, grabbing a box of noodles, but she didn’t eat it. “You have to eat dinner.” Xavier pushed. “I…I don’t think I’m hungry.” Xavier speared some pad thai of his own, holding it up to Rose’s lips. “Come on, try some.” His eyes darkened momentarily as he watched her lips close over his fork, sliding against it until the tips emerged from her lips. Rose’s eyes lightened as she relished the taste of the food. “It’s good.” Xavier grinned, spearing some more and feeding it to her. “It’s their specialty. They make really good pad thai.” Rose smiled back at Xavier, grabbing her fork and aiming for Xavier’s box of food. He pulled it back. “Uh-uh. You have your own.” He motioned to Rose’s unopened plastic container. Rose pretended to pout, muttering about Xavier ‘not sharing’. “I don’t share. I'm a possessive alpha.” Xavier said with a smirk as Rose forked out some of her own noodles. “You’re spoiled.” Rose counteracted. “Probably.” Xavier retorted, smiling as he saw her hmph. She seemed more relaxed now which had been his main goal from the beginning. He turned conversation to the book Rose had been reading and that seemed to relax her even further. Xavier let her give him a basic premise of the book which he thought sounded like complete rubbish. But he kept that opinion to himself as she talked on while he began to clean up, picking up the plastic containers of food and used napkins to throw away. By the time he came back to sit down next to her, she was fingering the lettering of her book. “Only you would bring a book.” Xavier muttered fondly, his hand lightly brushed her hair away from the side of her neck before allowing his fingers to graze the area his mark was supposed to go. Rose stiffened as his fingertips touched her neck.  “Relax…” Xavier breathed, leaning into her. “Just trust me.” He was going to make this good for her. He wasn’t going to let it go down like some business deal. His arms came around her, hauling her into his lap. Hands ran up and down her arms soothingly.  Rose stiffened slightly but tried to act nonchalant. Xavier was holding her like it was no big deal, she could remain calm too. He’d told her to relax. “It just sounds like a guy desperate for revenge.” Xavier referred to the book, hands still going up and down her arms. “It’s not.” Rose responded stiffly. Xavier pulled her back into his chest, her left shoulder against his chest while her legs were thrown over his. He breathed her in deeply, enjoying the rush of having her butt resting on his legs. “Touch me,” Xavier coaxed. He began Bbringing her hands up to rest over his shoulders before bringing her closer to him. Rose’s hip brushed against his growing erection. “Oh." She whispered, realizing he was aroused. Xavier pulled her closer, his desire growing with her proximity. “If I didn’t find you insanely hot, this-“ he nudged her hip into his manhood. “-wouldn’t be happening. So stop telling yourself I don’t find you attractive.” Rose bit her lip. Xavier growled, capturing her mouth in a kiss. She was still a little rigid in his arms and he couldn’t help but remember how beautifully she’d melted against him when they had been at the frat party. Tentatively, he pulled at her leg, hinting he wanted her to straddle him. Rose complied, lost in a pool of heat Xavier’s tongue was drowning her in as he explored her mouth. She had her legs on either side of him now as she mentally scolded herself for wearing these jeans. She should have worn a light skirt so this stupid denim fabric wouldn’t reduce the friction of her rubbing against him. “Does it feel good?”  Xavier’s voice was hoarse as he controlled himself from moving too aggressively against her. She had to set a pace she liked. This was about her. She rubbed against him, gasping each time her core made contact with his manhood. Rose nodded mutely, grinding a little clumsily against him. This felt so good. And something else took over. Something primal and wild and fierce. She recalled Xavier’s earlier words. Surrender to your instincts. Her instincts… And instinctively Rose, leveraged herself against him, moving in circular motions she hadn’t even known she knew how to perform. “I need more.” She mumbled brokenly, hair falling around her as her head lolled back in pleasure.  She grunted, trying to create more of the sensation as she gyrated into his manhood. Xavier sensed it. Her wolf was guiding her and he watched the flush deepen on her checks as her head was thrown back enjoying him. And suddenly Xavier was cupping her chin, bringing her face down to capture her lips with his, leaving her completely breathless. He broke the kiss, looking into her eyes searchingly as desire spiked across Rose’s body radiating to him in waves upon waves. Finally, he brought his hands to unbutton her jeans, helping to peel them off before her silky legs were opening wider, the fabric of her underwear wet from her desire. Unconsciously, his hand went to palm her butt. “You have a perfect ass.” Xavier growled, squeezing her butt cheek through her white lacy underwear as she ground against him. Why hadn't he noticed that perfect butt of hers before?  The smell of her arousal was driving him crazy. He buried his head in her t-shirt clad chest which was bouncing up and down as she dry humped him until she came on a silent moan, head falling onto his shoulder. He held her through it as she breathed hard against him, his hands running up and down her back. Before he could think twice, he kissed her shoulder.  “You OK?” he asked, pulling back to look at her. Her hair was matted and sticking to her neck and face. Xavier thought she looked beautiful in her post orgasmic glow. “You didn’t-“ Rose looked down between them, at his still present and more pronounced bulge in his pants. “We have all night.” Xavier responded. His hand was palming her butt again. “There’s no rush. You need to feel comfortable touching me. How do you feel?” “I feel good.” Rose said looking into his eyes sincerely. Her own hand came up to brush cool fingers against his jaw. “I’m OK. Really. I-“ Rose bit her lip. Xavier bit back the impulse to kiss her again. “Stop worrying about me.” Rose finally blurted out. She motioned towards the bed. “Do you want to…?” “Give me a minute.” Xavier said tightly, nudging her gently so she moved away from him.  He needed to calm down so he went into the bathroom, turning on the shower, letting the cool water hit him. Never had he been so close to orgasming just from dry humping. But her smell, her taste…her eyes, they were enough to make him lose control. He needed to cool down, to get his own ardor under control before he ravaged her. They needed to go slow her first time. Maybe later he could take her hard and fast like he wanted too. Maybe one day she’d let him smack that perfect ass of hers… tie her up and dominate her like he wanted too.. Xavier started over the thoughts, palm slapping the against the tiles in front of him. Why was he thinking like there was going to be a next time?  
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