Episode 1

1139 Words
This is meant to be read after chapter Chapter 23, the night Rose passes out from too much to drink :).  Yes it's Xavier's POV! *    *    *  Sighing in frustration, Xavier caste a glance towards the bathroom where Rose was throwing up. He knocked on Rose’s bathroom door. She opened it looking like a mess. Her hair was tied back haphazardly and her face was still a little green. She clutched his shirt weakly in her fingers “Do you need help putting it on?” he asked a little worriedly since she hadn't changed yet. He was afraid she might just pass out in the bathroom with the way she looked. Rose clutched his shirt a little tighter between her fingers.  “I can do it,” she said weakly. At least she had the decency to look embarrassed as she shut the bathroom door. Rose was a total light weight. But what had he expected when she was getting drunk for the first time? Xavier was just glad he'd been there to make sure she didn't do anything stupid and that he was able to get her home safely.  However, this was not how he’d planned his night going. He was just supposed to take her to the party, drop her home and finally call Alyssa to see how she was doing. He’d broken up with her, but he’d promised to find his way back to her after figuring out how to solve this problem with Rose.  Alyssa and he had been together for so long, it was impossible to just no longer talk. It was completely natural for them to stay in contact. They still messaged each other constantly and talked to each other every night before they fell asleep because if Xavier had to be honest with himself, Alyssa had become a habit. She was a constant in his life he was firmly attached too.  Xavier looked at his phone sadly. Guess tonight he wouldn’t be able to talk with her. Xavier cringed when he heard Rose throw up again. “We could go see Dr. Danvers?” Xavier suggested as Rose wobbled out of the bathroom. He looked away, ignoring his wolf's satisfaction at seeing Rose in his over-sized t-shirt. She smelled like him too now since she was wearing his clothes.  “I-I think I’ll be all right now.” Her voice was shaky as she laid down on the bed. Her legs were bare and Xavier couldn't help his gaze skittering along her calves, up to her milky white thighs. He looked away, scolding himself. “The room finally stopped spinning.”  Rose mumbled the words as her eyes fluttering closed. Xavier sat down on the other side of the bed, kicking his shoes off. He looked around the room with a hmph. This room hadn’t been used in ages. If he recalled correctly, it had been a nursery for Janet until his mother turned it into a bedroom again around the time his father passed away. Actually, it was turned into a bedroom around the time his mother had insisted Xavier move into his father’s old room because it was now Xavier's by right. A right Xavier had after his father died. Xavier didn’t want that right. It seemed twisted and morbid, as if he was benefiting from his father’s death. It made him sick. For the longest time, he hadn’t been able to sleep in the room that had once been his father and mother's. It had been Alyssa back then who had pulled him out of the darkness.  She'd been there by his side, asking him to think of what his father would have wanted. She'd stayed with him that first night in his room, holding him and telling him it was all right to cry. Because the last time he had been in that room, it had housed his very alive father. And now it was Xavier's and his father was dead. Alyssa had been the one to help him come to terms with the fact that with his father gone, it was Xavier's time to stand tall and take care of the pack. He had to take his rightful place as alpha, including this house, the room, the pack.  Xavier tried to shake the morbid thoughts out of his mind as his eyes landed on Rose. She was breathing evenly now and it looked like she was falling into a deep sleep. But he couldn’t be sure she’d be fine if he left her alone. She’d had a lot of alcohol, probably for the first time. It wasn’t a good idea to leave her alone in her present condition. Xavier couldn’t take his eyes off the way small breaths escaped her slightly parted lips or the way her hand was nestled so adorably between her cheek and her pillow. Her curls were falling into her eyes, tentatively, he tenderly brought his fingers to graze over her soft cheek before looping the curls behind her ear and away from her face. His chest surged with something fiercely possessive. It was the same feeling he’d got when he’d seen her upset and crying. He wanted to take care of her, make sure there was no reason for her to cry ever again. What was this feeling? It seemed like the mate pull was beginning to consume him. Sitting here across from her on the bed, he didn’t even care that Alyssa was probably still waiting up for his call. When he was with her, the only thing he could think about, the only thing he cared about was her. Her eyelids fluttered and she unconsciously tilted her head into his hand. Xavier pulled back as if his hand was on fire. Rose's eyebrows furrowed in her sleep before smoothing out as she continued to sleep. Xavier sighed, leaning his back against the headboard of the bed, eyes still trained on Rose. A guy could get used to this. This feeling of contentment as he watched her sleep. She was beautiful, he acknowledged that. He felt an attraction to her, he knew that. But was he, by any chance, coming to care for her beyond the mate pull? And as he watched the steady rise and fall of her chest, the way her thick eyelashes stood stark against her skin making her look like an achingly beautiful porcelain doll, Xavier found an inner peace he hadn’t experienced in a long time, his wolf content with the knowledge that his mate was under his roof, under his protection and care. 
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