Chapter 14: Mr. Player Alpha

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Madeline's POV I walked outside chewing on a granola bar away from everybody or should I say, away from all the monsters. I absolutely couldn't believe it. What kind of world do I live in where there's actual humans who turn into animals? This would take me awhile to process but for now I was frightened. I know I shouldn't be surprised since some books I read made me believe at one point in werewolves. I took one more bite of the bar and looked around. Maybe I could go relax into the woods but what if Tamir was hiding in between them? I heard the sound of a car being unlocked and looked up. Marcos was sauntering towards his vehicle like he was modeling for Rolling Stone or Vogue magazine. He saw me and leaned on to the car, watching me. I slowly chewed the bar pretending like I didn't see him as I walked closer to the gates. "Where are you going?" Marcos said. "I just need some time to relax," I said. "Want to come with me? I need to visit my uncle. He'd be glad to see you," he said. My heart raced. Why would Marcos's uncle be glad to see me? I was nothing special unless Marcos has been talking about me. I wanted to find out. "Sure," I said. I turned around and walked towards the passenger side. Marcos unlocked the car but before I could pull the handle, he was besides me opening the door. "Thanks," I said and got in. He closed the door for me and walked back to the driver's seat. He started the car and began driving. "My uncle is kind of weird. When we arrive, don't be surprised if he says something about girlfriend. He thinks everyone is my girlfriend," he said. "Got it," I said. "So" Marcos said looking at me, "tell me about yourself." "My name is Madeline Elton. I'm 17 years old and I like Oreos." Marcos laughed. "My name is Marcos Levy. I'm 21 years old and I like cars." "You're 21?" I asked. "Yes. Do I look too old?" "No, you look fine," I said smiling. Very fine. "Why are you smiling?" He asked curiously. "It doesn't matter," I said. "Tell me," he said. He looked into my eyes and something in me just made the words slip right out of my mouth. "I said you look very fine," I said. "What's that supposed to mean?" "That you're quite handsome," I said. "I can say the same for you," he smiled. I started blushing. But usually when I blushed, it didn't last long so I panicked. Why was I blushing so much? Oh god. "You look like a little strawberry," Marcos laughed. "Shut up," I said. "If you say so," he said and kept his eyes on the road. I looked at the steering wheel and curiously popped up in my head. "You want to ask a question. What is it?" Marcos said. "How'd you know that?" I said. "I can feel any human emotion," Marcos said. "Oh. Well, anyways. How did you become rich? Like why do you have expensive cars, nice clothes and a nice house?" I asked. "I got it from my father. He was a powerful Alpha so he was known. His job was something royalty so of course, he got money rolling in like no other," he said. "Where is he?" I asked. That must've triggered something because Marcos's facial expression weakened. "He passed away on a pack mission," he said. "Just like my father? Were they on the same mission?" "Yes my father and Raphael were fighting together," Marcos said. Tears sprung to my eyes. "I try not to cry about it either. I just know that they served their purpose and this is exactly what they wanted to die for. For the pack and that's what every generation will do. We will fight and we will become bigger and stronger." That brought a smile to my face but inside I was torn apart. "That's what I'm here to do too. I would die for any member of this pack as long as they're safe," he said. "How are you so brave? You're not afraid?" "Nope. I grew up learning to be bold. What's an Alpha if he's scared of bullets or heights? Nothing. He shouldn't deserve a title and clearly the previous Alpha didn't teach him," he said. "True," I said. Marcos pulled up to a big house but this one didn't have gates. It was still gorgeous like all others. He parked in front of the door and there appeared a man in his late 40s with dark blonde hair and days old stubble. Marcos came over and opened the door me. "Marcos! I've been waiting for you. Maria made your favorite spaghetti," the man said. He also had a Spanish accent but thicker than Marcos. "Thank you Tio," Marcos said. "Who's the girl? Is she your girlfriend? Ah, Maria," the man called out. Maria appeared at the door. "Look at Marcos's new girlfriend. He must have gotten rid of that Azaria girl." "No he didn't. And I'm not his girlfriend," I said looking at the ground and back up. Marcos looked at me and then at his uncle. "I'm still with Azaria," he said. "Come in!" Maria said. Maria had curly, dark brown hair and tan skin. I walked into the house with Marcos behind me. It smelled delicious. "Why haven't you had pups with Azaria yet?" the man said. "Vincent!" Maria called out. Vincent chuckled. "I don't know Tio. I feel like it's something I just can't do," Marcos said. "Are you sure she's your mate?" Maria said walking back into the foyer with a fork in her hand. "He probably has no idea," Vincent said. Vincent looked at me. "You guys would be a nice couple, eh? Why don't you date the lady," Vincent said. "She's not a lady, Tio. She's only 17." "Well when she's 18, you might find out if she's your mate," Vincent said. Vincent walked off into the kitchen and I followed Marcos. "If you're wondering, I'm Cuban," Marcos said. "But most of my family looks like we're white. That explains my dark blonde hair and eyes and my uncles too." "So you're like a mix of something and it eventually created Spanish people with blonde hair?" I said. "I guess you can say that," he said. "Im guessing you got the blonde from you're dad since your mom has dark hair?" I said. "Correct." Marcos sat down on a chair and I sat besides him. Maria spoke in a different language to Marcos and he nodded. I sat staring at him. Could he be any hotter? His pink lips and his perfectly sculptured jaw was making me melt. His messy dark blonde hair and his mesmerizing hazel eyes. Suddenly, Marcos eyes met mine and he smiled. "You have beautiful eyes Maddy," he said. "Thank you," I said still staring into his. Marcos suddenly froze and his eyes were locked. I felt lost into his gorgeous eyes and something wouldn't let me pull away and I think he couldn't either when his lips parted and his eyebrows furrowed. A distant voice interrupted us. "Are you alright?" Maria said watching Marcos cautiously with a plate in front of him. Marcos was still watching me. I snapped out of it and looked down at my nails. "Yeah, why?" Marcos asked his aunt. "You seemed a little lost there honey. Your uncle went upstairs. He just called you," Maria said. Marcos thanked his aunt for the food and kissed her on the cheek. He walked away from the table and disappeared out of the kitchen. "Do you think Marcos is handsome?" Maria smiled widely with a proud look on her face. I looked around the kitchen hoping he wasn't eavesdropping. "Yes," I said. "I knew you did. I could tell by the way you were looking at him," she said. "I've never seen somebody so jaw dropping," I said. "He is handsome. I'm just warning you now, he has anger problems and he likes to sleep with girls to get the frustration out. Remember this because you will need it in the future," Maria said. "Why do I need to know this in the future?" I said. "There's something special waiting for you soon," Maria said. "Tell me," I said. "You'll find out." I could hear Marcos and his uncle walking down the stairs and they both appeared into the kitchen talking. Maria passed me a plate and I thanked her. ------ We finished eating and now Marcos was laughing at the jokes his uncle was telling. "Vincent, you wished you had all the ladies!" Maria said. "Darling, I did!" Vincent said. "You know it too. Remember you wanted to scratch that girls eyes out? Rebecca?" Maria laughed. Marcos looked up at the clock on the wall. "I wish I could stay longer, but I have to go Tio. Thank you for the food Tia. Come over sometime," he told them. "You're welcome honey," Maria said. "Thank you," I said to Maria. She smiled. Marcos and I walked into the foyer and Vincent opened the door for us. We stepped out into the cool night. "Bye!" Maria said. "Bye," Marcos said. Maria closed the door and I waited for Marcos to unlock the car. He walked towards my door but stopped in front of me. I felt uncomfortable. Marcos pushed me down lightly on to the car and his hands were on the car on both sides of my face. His watched me again just like he did in the kitchen and his face moved dangerously closer. His face moved near my neck and cheek and I could feel his hot breath on me. His nose lightly touched my jaw and goosebumps ran across my arms. His arm came down and touched mine. He intertwined his in mine and lifted my hand up slightly. His soft lips barely touched my neck. His breathing became heavier and my heart felt like it would pound out of my chest. His face came forward and I looked into his eyes. His lips parted slowly and he looked at my lips. Then, I felt the car door handle open. He took one step back and walked away from me. I stood there completely baffled. I took a deep breath and slid into the car seat. "Your perfume smelled nice," Marcos said. I sat looking straight ahead not knowing what to think it even say. I thought he would kiss me or something but he just opened the door and walked away! I was a fool for thinking anything romantic was going to happen. "Thanks."
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