Chapter 13: Secrets

1170 Words
Madeline's POV "Maddy" a voice sung softly. My eyes snapped open and before I sat up straight, I hit my head with something hard. "Oww!" A female voice said. I looked in front of me and saw Kat was rubbing her forehead in pain. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know," I said. "It's fine. I should've not stood above you like that. Anyways, let me go get Marcos since you're awake." She walked out of the room and I looked around the room. The walls were dark red with rich, golden patterns. The room was huge. Who's house was I in? Oh god, my mom is going to freak out. I had no idea what happened. No I lied, I do actually. I remember Azaria saying David was a werewolf too. Everyone is a werewolf. Even Marcos. A strong presence made me immediately look up and then my eyes locked with Marcos who was drying his messy, wet hair with a towel. He walked closer to the bed and I couldn't help but notice he was shirtless and the grey sweatpants he was wearing was making something inside of me go crazy. "Good morning Madeline," Marcos said. Hearing those words ease out of his mouth like that made me smile. But then it faded because I probably looked like a complete i***t. "Good morning," I said. He backed up away from me and crossed his arms against his chest. One hand went up to rub his chin. He was thinking. "I'm guessing you remember what happened last night?" "Yes," I said freaked out. "Someone care to explain?" "That's what we're going to do," he said. Marcos looked at the door. "Come in," he called out. Next, Kat and a few familiar faces walked in. What I didn't expect next was to see my mom and David. Kat stood next to the bed and smiled at me. "Mom?" I said looking at her. "Yes honey I have some explaining to do too," she said. My eyes drifted back to Marcos. "I'm the Alpha of Connor Reigns Pack," Marcos said. "I'm sure you know what it means. I'm the leader, the ruler, the President whatever you want to call it. I'm faster, stronger and smarter. I treat everyone in the pack equally and I make sure we become a stronger pack everyday." "Everyone has a role in the pack. David happens to be one of my enforcerers," he said and I looked at David. "They basically kill rogues and train teenage werewolves like Kat, Jayson, Stella, Ciara and most of the people in your school." "There's 12 enforcers. You'll meet them later. Also, we have my Beta. I don't know if you have met him yet, but you'll eventually see him around." "The older females of this pack take care of the little ones. Some people in the pack have mates and some others done. They're still looking. Now, I'll have your mom explain." I looked at my mom and she came closer to the bed. She held my hand and looked at me. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but your dad was a werewolf. Honey, he didn't die in a car accident. He was one of the previous Alpha's enforcers. He died trying to protect the pack and all I had left was you. After he died, I left to move to another state. To start another life with you. However, I had to bring you back here because your father always told me that once you turned 18, we would find out if you were human or not. Plus, you'll find your mate. So I brought you this year because you're almost 18. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I love you." "You should've told me. I wasn't going to freak out," my voice trembled. "Well I'm freaked out a little." "Who's Tamir?" I asked looking at everyone. Everybody looked at Marcos. "He's basically a villain. A few years ago, we went to war with his pack and I killed his mate. I didn't know it, I really didn't. It still haunts me until today. He took you because he thought you were my mate. So he wants to kill you just like I did to his. He should be targeting Azaria, not you. That's why I'm keeping a close eye on her." "Azaria is your mate?" I asked. "Yes." My mood went down for an odd reason and I felt a little bit jealous. Actually, I was very jealous. I wanted to rip her head off. "I need some time to think about all this. It doesn't really sink in that you guys are hairy animals who transform into raging beasts during a full moon." "You'll let it sink in at some point," Kat said. ------------------ I sat on the kitchen stool watching TV while eating breakfast. Kat was sitting next to me doing the same. "We should go out to eat tonight. You know? Away from everybody," Kat smiled. "That's a good id-" I got cut off by a loud voice entering the kitchen. "Touchdown!" I looked up at the loud male voice. Kat looked up too and rolled her eyes. He stood across the counter and took a bite of her food. "This is Marcos's stupid Beta, Chad." Chad looked at me and smiled. "Who are you?" He asked. Chad had green eyes and dark blonde hair. He was as tall as Marcos but looked cockier. "Madeline." "Oh you're the girl Marcos talked about. He was right you really do have nice boobs," he said. My face turned red and I immediately covered my chest. "Chad! That is so disrespectful," Kat raised her voice. He laughed. "I'm just kidding," he said. "You better be. I'll cut your n*****s off with a scissor at night," Kat said to him. His eyes widened. "Violent. You're just like your mom. She told me she would kick my ass if I didn't stop throwing the football at the tree." "Well that's what you deserve," Kat said. Chad walked away from the counter and looked into the refrigerator. Then, Azaria walked into the kitchen in a white robe with a smile on her face. This time, her hair was straight and she had less makeup on. "What are you smiling about?" Chad said taking the orange juice out. "Marcos gave it to ya didn't he." "Shut up Chad," Azaria said. "You might be right Chad look at her blushing," Kat said. I looked away and tried focusing on the TV. It took me strength to not jump over the counter and punch her in the face. "1-10 rate it," Chad said drinking out of the container. "8.5," Kat said trying to mimick Azaria's voice. Chad and Kat laughed. "Bye losers," Azaria said. "Goodbye looser," I blurted out. Kat and Chad bursted out again. Azaria rolled her eyes and walked out. "Way to go Madeline," Chad said. "I didn't think you had the balls to say that," Kat said. I smiled.
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