Chapter 15: Fantasy Fool

791 Words
Madeline's POV I got out the car right before Marcos could help me and I raced towards the front door. "Maddy," Marcos called out. I absolutely did not want to talk to him. That was rude of him to just act like he was going to kiss me. Plus, he had Azaria. Why would he tell me I had beautiful eyes and call me gorgeous? "He's just being friendly" my conscience said. You're right. I turned around sharply. "What?" I said. He jogged towards me and his warm hands touched my upper arm. He looked into my eyes and was struggling to say something. "Say it," I said. The front door swung open and there stood Azaria with a surprised look on her face. She was dressed up like she was going on a dinner date. I looked back at Marcos. "Right now is not the time," he whispered and let go of me. He walked away and as he walked away, I felt cold. Why was I reacting like this towards a stranger? I had to tell my mom about this strange feeling. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and walked past Marcos and Azaria. I walked into the house and my mom was sitting with a few other women. I stood next to her. "What's wrong darling?" She said. I gave her the look - the look I always gave her when I needed help. She smiled at the other women politely and walked out of the living room. I followed her to wherever she was going. We stepped into the kitchen and she closed the door behind me. "It's Marcos. I have no idea what's going on but I've never felt feelings like this towards a stranger before. When he talks to Azaria, I want to rip her head off but when he talks to me, I feel happy," I said. My mom smiled. "Why are you smiling?" "Nothing. It was just an instinct. How do you feel about Marcos? Open up to me even if it's the dirtiest thing I've ever heard my daughter say," she said and laughed. "I mean, he is hot don't get me wrong. I find myself wishing I could jump on him and rip his clothes off. Like mom, I seriously can't control it," I said. "He might think the same for you," she said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "From what you're telling me, he might want to do the same to you," she said. I stared at her. "What? Mom, are you insane? Look at me, I'm the ugliest human being on earth. Look at Azaria." "You're right. I mean not that you're ugly, I mean Azaria is a gorgeous girl but you are too. Marcos just might want something from you that Azaria can't give him," she said. "The only thing Azaria can't give him is babies and he wouldn't want any with me. They're mates and there's nothing I could do about it. I'm living this silly fantasy where I think this hot Alpha could possibly want to rip my clothes off too. Face it, they do it to each other every night. Maybe  even tonight too!" I ranted. "Why are you so angry?" She asked. "I'm jealous," I said. "Look, Madeline. Marcos is a young man who lusts for women. He has those stages where he can't even control it either and it's coming soon. All I'm going to say is, don't let him get into your panties unless you truly believe it was meant to be. Don't let his words fool you either, trust me." "Thanks for the advice. As much as I wished he got into my panties, I won't let him," I said. She laughed. --------------------- Marcos's POV "Baby, have you seen my red lipstick anywhere?" Azaria said searching through her little purse. "I have no idea," I said. "Found it," she said. "Don't put so much of it on. If you kiss me, I might get it on my lips," I said. "I'll lick it off," she said and turned slightly to look at me. I shook my head and chuckled. After she finished, I finally got to start the car and began driving. I wanted to take Azaria to a nice restaurant since lately she's been feeling jealous about Madeline. Don't get me wrong, Madeline was very gorgeous. Every time I caught her eyes looking at me, she'd blush like a little cherry. I wanted to make this night special because I had to tell something to Madeline very important. It might end me and Azaria too if she found out so I had to keep it a secret. I'd be devastated if Maddy went around telling everyone.
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