Chapter 29: Mr. Lu I was wrong

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Lisa, who had been waiting anxiously in her room, heard the sound and felt a pang of disappointment. She had hoped to talk to him, to clear the air and work through their issues. But now, it seemed, he was avoiding her again. Lisa's heart skipped a beat. maybe, she could talk to him now. She made her way to his room, her hand hesitating over the doorknob. Should she go in? Or should she leave him alone? She sighed and stood there, deciding to give him some space. But as she wanted to knock, she heard the sound of running water coming from Lugard's room. He was taking a bath.: hmm, his taking a shower. Lisa decided to leave him alone, not wanting to intrude on his privacy. She turned away from the door and went back to her room, trying to distract herself by reading a book. But her mind kept wandering back to Lugard, wondering what was wrong and why he was avoiding her. As the minutes passed, Lisa found herself growing more and more anxious. She couldn't concentrate on her book, and her mind was filled with worst-case scenarios. Had she done something to drive him away? Was he regretting their marriage? will he divorce her now? Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. She got up and went back to Lugard's room, hoping to find him in a better mood. Lisa returned to Lugard's door, hoping to find him in a better mood. But as she approached, she noticed that the sound of running water had stopped. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should knock or just leave him alone, besides is not her business. But her concern for him got the better of her, and she decided to knock. She rapped softly on the door, her heart beating loudly faster in her chest. Lisa knocked a few times before Lugard finally opened the door, his towering frame filling the doorway. But to her surprise, he didn't invite her in. Instead, he stood in front of the door, his arms crossed, blocking her entry. Lisa's eyes widened as she took in the sight of him. He was wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, which indicates he just got out of the shower. his well-defined body on full display. His skin was a radiant white, like polished jade, and his muscles rippled beneath the surface as he moved. His chest was broad and chiseled, his abs defined, and his arms strong. But it was his face that truly took her breath away. His features were chiseled, his cheekbones high, and his nose straight. His sea-blue eyes stared at her coldly, their piercing gaze sending shivers down her spine. He looked like a god, a statue of perfection, and Lisa felt her heart race as she gazed at him. But his expression was unyielding, his eyes icy, and his jaw clenched in a tight line. "What do you want, Mrs Davis?" he asked, his voice low and husky, his tone dismissive. Lisa felt a surge of goosebumps as she stared at him, her body reacting to his proximity. She tried to speak, but her voice caught in her throat. She swallowed hard, trying to find her words. " Mr cold face, I...I wanted to talk to you," she stammered, her eyes fixed on his chest. But Lugard just raised an eyebrow, his expression unchanging. "Talk?" he repeated, his voice dripping with skepticism. "What's there to talk about, Mrs trouble?" Lisa stared at him for a few seconds, her eyes devouring the sight of his chiseled body. Her gaze moved from his chest to the V-line in his abdomen, and she felt a flutter in her chest. Lugard frowned, his expression darkening. "Have you not done staring?" he asked, his voice dissatisfied with her gaze. Lisa quickly moved her gaze away from him, feeling a flush rise to her cheeks. "May I come in?" she asked, trying to sound nonchalant. But Lugard refused, his voice cold. "Not allowed," he said, his arms still crossed, blocking her entry. Lisa felt a pang of disappointment. She had hoped to talk to him, to clear the air and work through their issues. But now, it seemed, he was shutting her out. "Why not?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady. Lugard raised an eyebrow. "You know why," he said, his tone cryptic. Lisa shook her head. "No, I don't," she said, feeling a sense of frustration. is he hiding something in that room she wondered. She tried to look into the room but she couldn't see anything because inside the room was dark like darkness. why is there no light in this cold demon room? she thought curiously. Lugard sighed, his expression unyielding. "Just leave, Mrs troublemaker," he said, his voice firm. Lisa glared at him with a stubborn attitude, who are you calling a troublemaker? Lugard furrowed his brow looking down at her, he replied seriously, you. Lisa felt a sting from his words, but she refused to back down. She stood her ground, her eyes locked on his. "I won't leave until we talk," she said, her voice firm. "Speak," Lugard said curtly, his eyes flashing with impatience. "I have something far more important to do than stand here with you all day." Lisa felt a surge of anger at his tone, but she bit back her retort. She knew she had to tread carefully if she wanted to get through to him. "I want to know what's going on with you," she said, her voice steady. "You've been acting coldly, ignoring my greetings for days, and I don't know what I've done to deserve it." Lugard snorted, his expression scornful. "You don't know, do you?" he said, his voice dripping with disdain. Lisa shook her head, feeling a sense of frustration. "No, I don't," she said, her voice firm. "And I won't leave until you tell me." Lugard raised an eyebrow, his eyes glinting with amusement. "You're stubborn, I'll give you that," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But fine. If you must know, I've been busy dealing with the consequences of your actions." Lisa felt a pang of fear at his words. What had she done? And what consequences was he talking about? She tried to ask, but Lugard cut her off. "That's all I'm saying for now," he said, his voice firm. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do." And with that, he turned and walked away, leaving Lisa standing alone in the hallway, feeling confused and scared. Lugard turned to close the door, but Lisa quickly moved to block his way, her hand on the doorframe. "Wait," she said, her voice soft. "I'm sorry for misunderstanding you the day before yesterday." and accusing you wrongly. Lugard frowned, his expression darkening. "What are you talking about?" he asked, his voice gruff. Lisa took a deep breath. "I know I didn't understand what you were trying to do to me," she said, her eyes locked on his. "And I'm sorry for thinking that way. Lugard's expression darkened, his eyes flashing with anger. "You think you can just apologize and everything will be okay?" he asked, his voice low and even. Lisa nodded, her eyes wide with fear. "I'm so sorry, Mr Lu. I was wrong to accuse you of trying to take advantage of me. I know you were just trying to save me when I fell into the pool." Lugard's jaw clenched, his lips compressing into a thin line. "You woke up and pushed me away, accusing me of kissing you," he said, his voice dripping with coldness. "You didn't even want to hear any explanation. Lisa took a step closer, her hands extended. "I was confused and scared," she said, her voice pleading. "I didn't mean to hurt you. Can you please forgive me?" Lugard's expression didn't change, his eyes still flashing with anger. "That's not even why I'm angry with you," he said, his voice cold. Lisa's eyes widened in confusion. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
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