Chapter 27 Did he used to stay out without coming back sometimes?

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Lugard's gaze finally shifted, his eyes locking onto Dr. Ryder's. "I'll play her game," he said, his voice dripping with venom. "I'll let her think she's winning until she realizes too late that she's made a terrible mistake." The air in the room seemed to grow colder, the tension between them palpable. Dr. Ryder knew that he was witnessing something sinister, something that could have devastating consequences. The next morning, Lisa woke up feeling a sense of unease. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, that Lugard's compliance at dinner had been too good to be true. She got dressed and headed downstairs, her heart racing with anticipation. What would today bring? As she entered the restaurant, she saw Lugard already seated at the table, sipping a cup of coffee. But when she tried to greet him, he ignored her. "Good morning, Mr Lu," she said, trying to sound cheerful. But Lugard didn't respond. He didn't even look up. Lisa felt a chill run down her spine. What was going on? Why was he ignoring her? She tried again, "Mr Lu, is everything okay?" But he still didn't respond. He just kept staring at his coffee, his expression cold and unyielding. Lisa's instincts told her to be careful. Something was brewing, and she didn't know what. What had she done to provoke this cold Guy? And what would happen next? she thought to herself. As Lugard finished drinking his coffee, he pushed the cup away and stood up, his movements swift and deliberate. Without a word, he turned and walked out of the restaurant, leaving Lisa alone at the table. Lisa's brow furrowed in confusion as she stuffed a bite of egg into her mouth. She chewed slowly, her eyes fixed on the empty chair across from her. What was going on with this cold face? why didn't he answer my greetings? Lisa wondered. She swallowed her food and set her fork down, her appetite suddenly gone. The silence in the dining was oppressive, and Lisa couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. She looked around the room, hoping to find some clue as to what was bothering Lugard, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. The restaurant was spotless, the sunlight streaming through the windows casting a warm glow over everything. The eggs on her plate seemed to stare up at her, congealed and unappetizing. Lisa shuddered and scraped them into the trash, feeling a sense of unease that she couldn't explain. Lisa pushed her chair back and stood up, leaving the remnants of her breakfast behind. She didn't bother to clear the table or wipe down the counters, knowing that the servants would take care of it. As she walked out of the restaurant, she could feel the eyes of the servants on her. They were always discreet, but Lisa could sense their curiosity. Maria, the cook, and Jenkins, the butler, exchanged a curious glance as Lisa left the dining. "So much for the honeymoon phase," Maria whispered. Jenkins raised an eyebrow. "Indeed. I've never seen a newlywed couple so... distant." Maria nodded. "And they've only been married for 5 days! I hope they can work through whatever issues they're having." Jenkins sighed. "Let's just hope it's not a sign of things to come. An unhappy master and mistress can make for a very uncomfortable household." The two servants went back to their work, but they couldn't help sneaking glances at each other, wondering what could be causing the tension between the newlyweds. Lisa walked back to her room, her mind racing with thoughts of Lugard's strange behavior. She couldn't understand why he was being so cold and distant. Lisa tossed and turned in bed, unable to shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in her stomach. She couldn't stop thinking about Lugard's cold demeanor, his piercing gaze that seemed to bore into her soul. She had tried to brush it off as mere stress, but deep down, she knew it was more than that. As the hours ticked by, Lisa's resolve grew stronger. She would find Lugard and apologize, trying to make things right between them. Maybe she had been too harsh, too critical. Maybe she could learn to understand him better. With newfound determination, Lisa threw off the covers and got out of bed. She quickly dressed and made her way downstairs, her heart pounding in her chest. " butler jaken have you seen Master Lugard?" she asked the butler, trying to sound calm. Jenkins bowed slightly. "Yes, milady. The young master went to the company. He said he had some important matters to attend to." Lisa's face fell. The company? But why? And what about their issues? She had hoped to talk to him, to clear the air. "Thank you, Jenkins," she said, trying to hide her disappointment. Jenkins nodded sympathetically. "If you'll excuse me, milady, I'll make sure to let Master Lugard know you were looking for him." Lisa nodded, feeling a pang of frustration. She had been so sure she could find him, talk to him. Now, it seemed, she would have to wait. With a sigh, Lisa turned and walked away, her mind racing with thoughts of Lugard and what she would say to him when she finally found him. Lisa waited and waited, but as the hours ticked by, there was no sign of Lugard. She tried to distract herself by reading a book, but her mind kept wandering back to her husband. Where was he? Why hadn't he come back? As the night drew to a close, Lisa's anxiety grew. She had expected Lugard to return, to talk to her and work through their issues. But now, it seemed, he was avoiding her. She tried to push the thoughts aside and went to bed, but sleep eluded her. She tossed and turned, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios. Had he left her for good? Was he tired of their marriage already? The hours ticked by, and the darkness outside seemed to press in on her. Lisa felt alone and scared, unsure of what the future holds. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the first light of dawn crept into the room. Lisa got out of bed, exhausted and worried. She went downstairs, hoping against hope that Lugard would be there, sitting at the breakfast table, ready to talk. But the room was empty. Jenkins, the butler, greeted her with a sympathetic smile. "Good morning, milady. I'm afraid Master Lugard didn't return last night." Lisa's heart sank. He hadn't come back. He was still avoiding her. She tried to eat some breakfast, but the food tasted like ash in her mouth. She couldn't shake the feeling that she had done something wrong. "Did he use to stay out without coming back sometimes?" Lisa asked Butler Jenkins, trying to keep her voice steady. the butler shook his head, his expression serious. "No, milady. Master Lugard has always been punctual and respectful of time or else he went to a business trip. This is the first time he has stayed out overnight without warning." Lisa's eyes widened in alarm. this was not like Lugard at all. He was always so considerate, so thoughtful. Something must be wrong. the butler said. "Thank you, butler Jenkins," she said, trying to hide her fear. "I'll just go and... wait for him, I suppose." Jenkins nodded sympathetically. "Yes, milady. I'll make sure to let you know as soon as Master Lugard returns." Lisa nodded and turned away, trying to compose herself. But as she walked back to her room, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in her stomach. Where was Lugard? And why hadn't he come back to his estate? The next day, Lugard returned to the estate, his face stern and unyielding. He entered the house, nodding curtly to Jenkins, who greeted him in the foyer. "Good day, Master Lugard," Jenkins said, eyeing him warily. "Milady has been waiting for you." Lugard's expression didn't change. "I'll see her later," he said, his voice cold. "First, I need to clean up." Without another word, he strode up the stairs, his long legs eating up the distance. He entered his room, slamming the door shut behind him.
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