Chapter 22 was looking for her

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Lisa struggled to stay afloat, but her body sank like a stone. She couldn't swim, and the realization sent a wave of desperation through her. She kicked and thrashed, trying to keep her head above water, but it was no use. Panic set in as she felt herself being pulled down, the water closing over her head like a dark, suffocating shroud. She thought of her life, her dreams, her loved ones - everything she'd never get to experience or achieve. Fear, terror, and despair swirled together in a toxic mix, threatening to consume her. Lisa's mind went blank, and she became a primal, struggling creature, fighting for survival. As she sank deeper, the light from above grew dimmer, and Lisa felt herself slipping away, her consciousness fading. her lungs burned as she struggled to hold her breath, her body instinctively trying to surface. But the weight of her clothes and the force of the water pulled her down, down, down. She kicked and kicked, but her legs felt like lead, refusing to cooperate. Her arms flailed, trying to grab onto something, anything, but there was nothing. Panic set in, her mind racing with thoughts of death and drowning. She thought of Lugard, of her parents, of all the things she'd never get to do. Lisa's vision began to blur, her thoughts growing cloudy. She felt herself slipping away, her body numb and heavy. She thought to herself, "So this is how I'm going to die... alone, in this pool, without anyone to save me." As her consciousness faded, Lisa felt a heavy force jump into the pool, sending waves crashing over her. But she was beyond feeling, beyond thinking. She was gone, lost in a dark, silent world. The last thing she remembered was the sensation of being lifted, of being pulled upwards. But it was a distant memory, a fleeting thought before everything went black. Lisa's body went limp, her eyes closed, and she slipped into unconsciousness. She was completely still, her only movement the gentle lapping of the water against her lifeless form. But even as she lay there, motionless and silent, Lisa's rescuer held her close, cradling her in their arms. They pulled her towards the side of the pool, their movements swift and urgent. As they reached the edge, they lifted Lisa out of the water, laying her down on the cool tile. They checked her pulse, their face set in a worried frown. But even as they worked to revive her, Lisa remained still, lost in the darkness of her unconsciousness... Lugard, the young master of the estate, had returned home earlier than expected. He checked on Lisa to see how she was feeling after their last encounter. The servants informed him that she had gone for a walk around the estate, and Lugard decided to follow her after a few minutes to observe her from afar. As he strolled through the gardens, taking in the breathtaking views, Lugard couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and ownership. He was a tall, handsome man with piercing blue eyes and chiseled features. His black hair was perfectly styled, and his white skin seemed to glow in the sunlight. His physique was impressive, with broad shoulders and a muscular build that hinted at his athletic prowess. But Lugard's thoughts were consumed by Lisa, and he couldn't find her anywhere. He walked towards the swimming pool, his eyes scanning the surrounding area when he heard the sound of splashing water and commotion. His heart skipped a beat as he rushed towards the pool, his eyes fixed on the scene. And then he saw her, Lisa, struggling for her life in the pool. Lugard's heart sank immediately, and he didn't hesitate for a second. He rushed into the pool, his clothes getting wet, but he didn't care. He swam towards Lisa with powerful strokes, his eyes fixed on her face. The servants and bodyguards who had been following Lugard were shocked to see Lisa drowning in the swimming pool. They stood frozen in horror, unable to move or speak. But Lugard didn't need their help. He was a man on a mission. With a few swift strokes, Lugard reached Lisa and pulled her towards him. He held her close, his arms wrapped around her waist, With a few swift strokes, Lugard reached Lisa and pulled her towards him. He held her close, his arms wrapped around her waist, and swam back towards the edge of the pool. He lifted her out of the water, cradling her in his arms, and laid her down on the cool tile. Lugard refused to give up as he saw Lisa lying limp and lifeless. He checked her pulse, his face filled with worry, and immediately started administering CPR. The servants and bodyguards looked on in awe as Lugard worked tirelessly to revive Lisa, their faces reflecting gratitude and admiration. Lugard's hands moved swiftly and precisely, his fingers interlacing as he compressed Lisa's chest. Despite his efforts, Lisa's body remained still, her face pale and lifeless. The servants and guards who had gathered around were worried and scared, their hearts pounding with fear and panic. They had never seen Lugard in such a state before, with his cold and worried expression, his eyes fixed intensely on Lisa's face. After performing some compressions, Lugard carried her into the estate and laid her on her bed. His voice was firm and commanding as he asked, "What's taking the doctor so long?" The servants replied in fear, "He's on his way, sir. He'll be here soon." The room fell silent, the only sound being the soft hum of fear and anxiety. Lugard's mood made everything feel frozen. Any slight mistake could have serious consequences. After a few minutes, the young doctor rushed in, his face showing concern. "What were you doing when my sister-in-law fell into the pool?" he asked, his voice firm but with a hint of accusation. The doctor was a tall and handsome man, with fair skin and penetrating black eyes. His presence commanded attention, and his confidence was palpable. Lugard's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched in defensiveness. "I was looking for her," he growled, his voice low and menacing. The doctor's eyes flashed with anger, but he kept his cool. "And you didn't see her fall in?" he asked, his voice dripping with skepticism. Lugard shook his head, his eyes never leaving the doctor's face. "No, I didn't." The doctor's gaze lingered on Lugard's face, as if searching for any sign of deception. Then, he turned to Lisa's still form, his eyes scanning her face with a mixture of concern and fear. "Let's get her warm," he said, his voice softening. "And get me a blanket, now." The servants scurried to obey, their faces pale with fear. They knew better than to cross Lugard, especially when he was in a mood like this. As they wrapped Lisa in a warm blanket, the doctor began to examine her, his hands moving with a gentle yet precise touch. Lugard watched, his eyes fixed on the doctor's face, his expression unreadable. But beneath the surface, a storm was brewing. Lugard's anger and fear for Lisa's safety were simmering, waiting to erupt at any moment. And when it did, no one would be spared. The doctor let out a sigh of relief as Lugard's anger seemed to dissipate. He quickly turned his attention back to Lisa, checking her vital signs once more. "We need to keep her warm and comfortable," he said to the servants. "Get me a hot water bottle. Now."
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