Chapter 26 Until she realized too late that she had made a terrible mistake.

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Lisa picked up a tender piece of grilled chicken, cooked to perfection, and placed it on Lugard's plate. She added a spoonful of steamed vegetables, fresh from the garden, and a small serving of quinoa, flavored with herbs. She looked at Lugard, her eyes encouraging, and said, "Try this, it's very delicious and good for your health." Lisa placed the dishes on Lugard's plate, her movements confident. The servants and butler watched in shock, their eyes wide with disbelief. They knew that Lugard didn't like those foods, and he have cleanliness obsessions, if you mistakenly touch his plate while eating he would never touch them again. But then, something unexpected happened. Lugard picked up his fork, his expression cold, and took a bite. The servants gasped, their mouths hanging open in shock. Dr. Ryder's eyes widened in amazement, his mind racing with thoughts. "Man, I thought this was your worst food, and you hate someone touching your plate, not to talk of serving you without washing there hands and you're eating it calmly as if you like it," Dr. Ryder thought to himself, his eyes fixed on Lugard's face. "Just blink, if you're being kidnapped," he screamed in his head, unable to comprehend what was happening. Lugard continued eating, his expression unchanging, his eyes fixed on his plate. The servants were thunderstruck, their faces pale, their bodies frozen in shock. They couldn't believe what they were seeing, their minds reeling with questions. Lisa, however, seemed pleased, her eyes sparkling with satisfaction. She smiled, her face radiant, and said, "See, I told you it was good." The room was silent, the only sound the clinking of silverware against plates. The tension was palpable, the air thick with unspoken words. But Lugard just kept eating, his face a mask, his emotions hidden. Dr. Ryder's eyes were fixed on Lugard's face, his mind racing with thoughts. He couldn't understand why Lugard was eating the food, why he wasn't reacting with his usual disgust. It was as if he was in a trance, his body moving mechanically, his eyes fixed on his plate. The servants were still in shock, their faces pale, their bodies frozen in place. They didn't know what to do, how to react. They had never seen Lugard like this before, never seen him eat food he hated. Lisa, however, seemed to be enjoying the scene, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She leaned back in her chair, her hands clasped together, and watched Lugard with a satisfied smile. As Lugard continued eating, the room remained silent, the tension building with each passing moment. Dr. Ryder's eyes were fixed on Lugard's face, his mind racing with questions. What was happening to him? Why was he eating the food without no complains? And then, just as suddenly as it had started, Lugard stopped eating. He pushed his plate away, his eyes fixed on Lisa, and spoke in a cold, detached tone. "Thank you," he said. "I'm full." The room erupted into chaos, the servants gasping in shock, Dr. Ryder's eyes wide with amazement. Lisa, however, just smiled, her eyes sparkling with triumph. She had done something, something that no one else could do. She had made Lugard eat food he hated. Lugard's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing as he looked at Lisa. "Are you satisfied now?" he asked, his voice cold, detached. Lisa's smile faltered, her eyes flashing with uncertainty. She seemed taken aback by Lugard's sudden question, his tone. "I...I just wanted to help," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. Lugard's expression didn't change, his eyes still fixed on Lisa. "You've made your point," he said, his voice dripping with disdain. "You've proven that you can manipulate me into doing something I don't want to do." Lisa's face fell, her eyes dropping to the floor. "That wasn't my intention," she whispered. Lugard's gaze lingered on her for a moment, then he turned and walked away, leaving Lisa looking crestfallen. The servants and Dr. Ryder watched in silence, their faces filled with shock and confusion. Lisa's eyes flashed with a triumphant smile as she thought to herself, "I will make you do what you don't like until you divorce me." She felt a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, knowing that she had successfully manipulated Lugard into eating the foods he hated. As she walked back to her room, she couldn't help but feel proud of herself. She had planned and executed her move perfectly, using the information she had gathered from the servant the day before. She had made a mental note of the foods Lugard despised, and today she had made him eat some. She closed the door to her room behind her, a smug smile still plastered on her face. She felt a sense of power and control, knowing that she had the upper hand in their twisted game. She walked over to her mirror, admiring her reflection. "You're so clever, Lisa," she said to herself, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "You're going to drive him crazy, and he'll be begging for a divorce in no time." She giggled to herself, feeling a sense of glee and satisfaction. She knew that she had started something, and she was eager to see how Lugard would react next. She was ready for whatever came next, knowing that she had the upper hand. Lisa's smile grew wider as she thought about her next move. She knew that she had to keep pushing Lugard's buttons, making him do things he didn't want to do. She was determined to break him, to make him realize that he couldn't control her. She sat down at her dresser, pulling out a small notebook and pen. She began to write down a list of all the things Lugard hated, all the things that made him uncomfortable. She was going to use this list to her advantage, to make him squirm. As she wrote, she felt a sense of excitement building inside her. She finished her list, feeling a sense of satisfaction. She knew that she had the power now, and she was going to use it. She was going to make Lugard's life miserable, and he will regrate marring her. Just then, there was a knock at the door. It was one of the servants, come to ask Lisa if she needed anything. Lisa smiled sweetly, her eyes glinting with mischief. "No, thank you," she said. "I have everything I need." The servant bowed and left, unaware of the storm that was brewing inside Lisa's mind. Lisa's smile grew wider, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She was ready for whatever came next, ready to take on Lugard and win. Dr. Ryder knocked on Lugard's door, his mind still reeling from the events at the dining room table. He couldn't understand why Lugard had eaten the food he hated, why he had seemed so... compliant. "Enter," Lugard's voice called out from inside the room. Dr. Ryder opened the door and stepped inside, finding Lugard sitting in a chair, staring out the window. The curtains were open, and the sun cast an eerie glow over the room. "Man, what's going on?" Dr. Ryder asked, his confusion evident in his voice. "Why did you eat that food? You know you hate it." Lugard didn't turn around, his gaze fixed on the night outside. "She did it unopposed," he said, his voice low and even. "She's trying to make me despise her, to drive me to divorce her." Dr. Ryder's eyes narrowed. "Lisa? But why? What's going on between you two?" Lugard's expression didn't change, but his voice took on a hint of bitterness. "She asked for a devorce. Ryder. saying that she never wants to get married not now not soon especially me. Trying to manipulate me, to make me pissed off with her. And today, at dinner... she did it." The room was silent for a moment, the only sound the ticking of a clock in the corner. Dr. Ryder's mind was racing, trying to understand the dynamics between Lugard and Lisa. "What are you going to do?" Dr. Ryder asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
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