Chapter 11: Accident

1377 Words
After having coffee, Didi and Lisa decided to take a walk. "So, Lisa, are you determined to marry Miller Lugard?" Didi asked, her brow furrowed with concern. Lisa sighed, her eyes gazing into the distance. "I have no choice, Didi. It's my father's decision." This is my father's choice. Even though I disagreed, he wouldn't change his mind. He said there was no room for me to refuse, and insisted that I will get married to Miller Lugard. As they strolled, Lisa reminisced about her childhood. "My daddy always mentioned it casually... 'Daddy's dear, my precious treasure, you know Daddy loves you, Daddy will train you until you grow up and marry a good man...'" Didi listened intently, her expression empathetic. "And you never thought to refuse?" Lisa looked at the passing cars and reminisced, "When I was young, my Daddy always mentioned it casually to us. He used to say, 'Daddy's dear, my precious treasure, you know Daddy loves you, Daddy will train you until you grow up and marry a good man that will take care of you,'" Lisa said with her eyes turning red. "I would always respond, 'Daddy if I marry when I grow up, I want a handsome, powerful, and calm guy who will treat me like a princess. ' And my daddy would reply with a smile, 'Don't worry about that, I have already chosen someone for you.'" Daddy, I will ask with a frown, "Who is that, and why did you choose someone for me? I'm still little and I want to choose the one I like myself." I will say it like a big teacher talking to her students. My daddy will keep quiet for some minutes. Then he will ask, "Lili, do you remember my big friend, Uncle Miller?" I will smile happily. "Yes, I remember that handsome uncle." "Would you like his son?" my dad will ask. I will be confused, "How can I like someone I have never seen?" I will reply to him seriously. But my Dad will always say, "Dear, you have met him before and even played with him, but you have forgotten him. He is very handsome and strong, and can protect my Princess when he grows up," Lisa narrated with a smile as she looked along the road with her hands behind her back. "How my father used to talk about him back then! He must have been very handsome and outstanding. But the accident he had 4 years ago damaged and disfigured him so badly," Lisa said calmly as she looked at Didi with a red eye. "It's my fate to marry him, even if he's a beast or a blood-sucking demon. No problem, I will marry him. Besides, he is a human being born to a human. A woman gave birth to him; he must have a heart," Lisa added with a determined expression on her face. Didi sighed, feeling uncertain about how to persuade Lisa to change her mind and run away from this marriage. "The wedding is already close," Didi said. "Yes, in three days," Lisa replied calmly. "I wonder if he will show up that day. People may be terrified when they see him if he shows up," Didi said as they continued to look around and enjoy the beautiful view. They watched different people walking up and down, and cars passing along the road while continuing their conversation. As Lisa and Emilia strolled along the road, taking in the vibrant atmosphere and scenic views, As they walked, Lisa noticed a girl with piercing blue eyes and raven-black hair, her beauty leaving her speechless. Lisa, captivated by the girl's elegance, couldn't help but stare. Lisa was captivated by the girl's beauty and couldn't help but stare. But her admiration was short-lived, as she saw the girl rush towards the road. Lisa looked back and noticed a car speeding towards the girl, who was oblivious to the oncoming danger. Without hesitation, Layla sprinted towards the road, her heart racing with urgency. Time seemed to slow down as Layla rushed towards the girl, her eyes fixed on the car's rapid approach. She managed to grab the girl's arm and pull her away from the road just as the car whizzed by, mere inches from their faces. The force of the pull sent both girls tumbling to the ground, landing with a loud thud. The girl's eyes widened in shock, and she gazed up at Lisa with gratitude. The force of the pull sent both girls tumbling to the ground. The girl's eyes widened in shock, her voice trembling. "Thank you... I owe you my life." Lisa smiled warmly, helping the girl up. "You don't owe me anything. I'm just glad I was there to help." The girl looked at Lisa's beautiful face and said, "Thank you for saving my life. If that car had hit me, just now I would have been dead or fallen into an everlasting coma. What can I do to show my gratitude?" Lisa shook her head. "No, I don't want anything. I lack nothing. I already have everything I want, and I didn't save you to expect anything in return. I'm just happy I saved a very beautiful girl like you." The girl smiled shyly, her cheeks turning red. "Oh, you're even a shy person. I think with your beauty, you will be showing off," Lisa said playfully. "I'm not the type that always shows off," the girl replied, dusting off her clothes. "Sorry, my name is Kelly," she introduced herself with a smile, extending her hand to Lisa. Lisa smiled and shook the girl's hand, "I'm Lisa." "I love your name, Lisa," Kelly said, pronouncing the name with a smile. "Thanks," Lisa smiled. As they dusted themselves off, Deva rushed over with concern etched on her face. "Lisa, what happened? I saw you run out of nowhere like a flash!" Lisa introduced Kelly, recounting the close call. "Thank you so much," Kelly exclaimed, her eyes shining with appreciation. Didi was shocked by Kelly's beauty. "I've never seen someone as beautiful as my Lisa," she thought to herself. Didi couldn't help but notice her striking features – piercing blue eyes, porcelain skin, and raven-black hair creating a stunning combination. Kelly's style was eclectic, with a flowy white dress and black canvas suiting her perfectly. "Beauty, you should be very careful next time you are crossing the road," Didi advised seriously. "Do you want to waste your natural beauty?" The girl nodded vigorously, her long black hair bobbing with the motion. "I will, I promise! My name is Kelly by the way." Deva introduced herself, and the three of them stood there for a moment, chatting and processing the close call. The three girls exchanged numbers, and Kelly invited them to join her for coffee at a nearby café. As they walked together, Lisa felt a sense of connection with Kelly as if their chance encounter might lead to a beautiful friendship. Little did she know, their lives were about to become intertwined in unexpected ways. At the coffee shop, just as they were about to enter, Didi spoke up. "Didi sighed, 'Ugh, this coffee again,'" she said with a disgusted look on her face. Lisa and Kelly both turned to look at her, puzzled. "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the coffee?" Kelly asked with a curious and friendly expression. "We just had coffee not long ago before we left and saw you," Lisa explained with a smile, looking at Didi with her striking crystal ash and black eyes. "Oh, sorry. Okay, come with me. Let's go to a restaurant then," Kelly said in a friendly manner. Lisa and Didi looked at each other. Kelly turned and walked towards her luxurious car and gestured for them to enter. "We came in our car," Lisa said with a smile, gesturing to where their car was parked. "Oh, don't worry, my bodyguard will drive it and follow us behind," Kelly reassured them, happily inviting them to join her in her car. After hesitating for a moment, Lisa and Didi entered the car and handed over their key to the bodyguard. They knew they wouldn't be kidnapped because there was a tracker in Lisa's car.
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