Chapter 13 Do you know I can throw you down these stairs right now

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Alexander's eyes gleamed with excitement as he typed out a message to Kelly "Hey, little sis. I think you should invite your two friends to the auction tomorrow." Kelly rolled her eyes in confusion. How did he know, she asked herself. "I already did, so you are the one that was staring at us earlier." "Why are you saying that? You didn't even see me," Alexander said. "I didn't see you, but I felt the feeling that we were being watched," Kelly said seriously, with a little trembling voice. "Hmm," Alexander breathed a sigh. "Yeah, I was the one looking at you all. I monitored to know if there was something suspicious about them. And I have never seen their faces around you before." "Oh, thanks for looking out for me, big brother. And they are my friends," Kelly said with a smile. "As for the bidding, I already invited them to accompany me." "Ok, see you guys at the bidding," Alexander said and hung up the phone. Lisa dropped Didi off at her house and drove back to her father's house. She walked into the living room with a smile, but when she saw her father sitting with her stepmother, and Mera acting spoiled beside her dad, her face changed drastically and turned cold. "Good evening, Dad," Lisa greeted with a smile. "Daddy, dear, you are back. How was your day?" Mr. John Davis asked, opening his arms to hug his daughter. Lisa's stepmother's face turned ugly, and Mera's face turned green. Lisa saw their expressions and laughed quietly to herself. Mr. John Davis stood up from his seat, walked towards Lisa, and wanted to hug his beloved daughter, whom he loved so much, but Lisa stepped back. "What's wrong, Daddy dear?" he asked with concern when he saw his daughter retreating from him. "Nothing's wrong, Dad. I am too tired and want to rest and have a good sleep," Lisa said before turning around and heading upstairs with a clenched fist. Mr. John Davis looked on with a pained expression, but there was no regret on his face. "I am doing this for you, Lisa," he thought to himself. Mera and her mother, Mrs. Claire, saw this and smiled happily. The next day, Lisa and Didi prepared for the bidding. They spent the afternoon pampering themselves at the spa, where they were greeted with refreshing glasses of champagne and warm smiles. They started with relaxing massages, allowing the skilled therapists to work out all the kinks and tension in their muscles. Layla chose a soothing lavender oil massage, and Emilia went for an invigorating citrus scrub. Afterward, they enjoyed luxurious facials and gentle exfoliation, leaving their skin glowing with radiance. Following their spa treatments, they returned home to get dressed and ready for the evening bidding. Lisa wore a stunning red gown, while Didi chose a sleek black jumpsuit. Once ready, Didi drove to Lisa's residence. The guards and the gatekeeper recognized her, as she was like a sister to their beautiful Miss Lisa. Didi parked her car in the parking lot before heading into the house. As she was heading to Lisa's room, someone blocked her way on the stairs with a smile spread across her face. "Who do we have here," Mera said mockingly. Didi didn't care to waste her saliva on the person in front of her. Oh," Mera said, using her hand to cover her mouth in surprise, and looking at Didi with a triumphant gaze. "Birds of a feather flock together; look at how weak and powerless they are." She looked at Didi and said, "You guys are all useless and incapable of protecting your futures." She smiled proudly, "I win this time, you bunch of fools." Mera said but received a loud, hot slap on her right cheek, and her eyes immediately turned red. Didi approached Mera aggressively, grabbed her by the neck, and choked her like an angry lion. She looked Mera in the eye and asked, "Do you know I can throw you down these stairs right now?" Didi said with a serious expression on her face. Mera felt fear creep down her spine. The maids who were there looked scared. "How dare you talk nonsense about me and Lisa in my presence. Do you want me to ruin your future by throwing you down these steps right now and making you a cripple? Then I can see how you will save your future," Didi said, looking at Mera coldly and gritting her teeth. "I hated seeing this spoiled brat who was always causing trouble for Lisa and trying to destroy her life. Didi grip on her neck became stronger. she thought to herself. Mera's lips trembled in fear and her eyes turned red. "Let go of me, you scum," Mera cursed, trying to loosen Didi's grip on her, but she was no match for Didi. In her heart, she was really scared of this." Didi. Didi laughed, who are you calling a scum. Mara felt her scalp tingled. The butler rushed in that was the scene he saw, he rushed forward immediately. Miss Didi, please let go of our young miss before you kill her. The butler said trying to pry open Didi's hand before Mera suffocated. "Didi released her grip on Mera's neck and gave her a stern look before heading towards Lisa's room. Mera collapsed to the ground, struggling to catch her breath and coughing heavily. The butler glared at Mera in frustration. "Please, young miss Mera, if you intend to cause trouble next time, try to stay far away from the person, to avoid being choked to death," the butler said with annoyance. Mera looked at him with anger and frustration. "What did you just say?" "If I want to cause trouble next time, that means I'm the one causing trouble," huh," Mera shouted as she slapped the butler across the face. All of the servants were shocked and angry, their mouths hanging open. The butler suppressed his anger and endured the situation because he couldn't do anything about her. On one hand, she was his master's daughter, but on the other hand, she was a troubled, spoiled brat. In Lisa's room, Didi and Lisa helped each other with their hair and makeup, adding the perfect touches of glamour to their already-polished looks. Layla's long, dark hair cascaded down her back in luscious waves, while Didi's long, blonde locks framed her heart-shaped face with a chic, sophisticated vibe. As they finished getting ready, they exchanged excited glances in the mirror. "Wow, we look amazing!" Lisa exclaimed. Didi nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "We're going to knock this bidding out of the park!" "Are we waiting for Kelly?" Didi asked. "No, I already sent a message to her not to come and pick us up, that we will come when we are done and she replied okay," Lisa explained. "Oh, okay. Let's go then, we are already done." As they arrived at the venue, Lisa and Didi were greeted by Kelly, who looked stunning in a red gown. "I'm so glad you could make it!" Kelly exclaimed, air-kissing their cheeks. Lisa and Didi returned the greeting with a friendly smile, admiring Kelly's elegant appearance. "You look amazing, Kelly," Lisa said. Kelly smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Thank you, I'm glad you like it. Let's go and have a seat." As Kelly led them through the crowd, Lisa and Didi couldn't help but notice the curious glances from the other guests. They felt a bit like fish out of water, but Kelly's warm presence made them feel more at ease. They found a good position, sat down elegantly, and chatted happily, waiting for the event to start. As Lisa, Kelly, and Didi continued to chat, a handsome young man approached them. He had chiseled features, piercing blue eyes, and a charming smile. "Hello, ladies," he said, his voice smooth and confident. "I couldn't help but notice you're having a great time. Mind if I join you?"
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