Chapter 2

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“I Ava Green, of the Blood Thorn Pack, reject you, James Wolfe, also of the Blood Thorn Pack as my mate due to your infidelity and disregard of the mate bond bestowed upon us by the Moon Goddess herself.” Once the words were spoken a burn spread throughout my chest and an intense pain I had never felt before wracked my body. James was now on his knees clutching his chest and howled “Why?! Ava don’t do this! You are my mate! I love you! I made a mistake please!” “How long has this mistake been going on?” Sarah had gotten off the bed to comfort James and now looked at me with hatred in her eyes. “We’ve been f***ing for years.” She sneered at me before continuing, “And now that you’re out of the way I will be his chosen mate!” “If that’s the case then James won’t have any problem accepting my rejection.” It was taking all of my willpower to not crumple onto the floor right next to James but I needed to see this through. He would not get to see me be weak. “I do not accept your rejection. I know you’re upset but we can work through this! The goddess made us mates for a reason, you can’t turn your back on that.” Sarah looked hurt by his words but kept rubbing his back and arm while she glared at me. “You say that but you are the one who disregarded the moon goddess’ wishes. And you want me to forgive you yet you still let your mistress touch you. Accept the rejection James.” With those last words I turned on my heel and left him behind. He pushed Sarah away and tried to pursue me before yelling after me, “I will never accept your rejection Sarah! You WILL be my mate!” With James’ words still ringing in my ears I fled from the pack house. By the time I made it to my car the physical pain in my chest was better but the pain in my heart was worse. But I somehow made it home before turning into a puddle of tears. I was curled up under the covers in my bed bawling my face off when my mom came into my room. “Oh honey what happened? Is James not your mate?” My mother’s face was pinched with concern and she was rubbing my back gently. I sat up so fast she jolted back a little. “Oh no he’s my mate! But I found him in bed with Sarah!” I wailed out her name and collapsed back on the bed. “Oh no honey I’m so sorry! I’ll talk to his parents. This is outrageous that a member of the alpha family would behave this way!” “No mom don’t tell them! I already rejected him and I’m just waiting for him to accept it.” “Honey I know you’re hurt but do you think a rejection was really the right call?” “Sarah said they had been sleeping together for years Mom. He has been cheating on me for YEARS! Maybe one time I could forgive. But I can’t forgive years. Especially not when he was telling me the whole time that he was so sure we were mates. If he was really so sure he wouldn’t have had a problem waiting for me.” “That’s a very good point honey. I’m so sorry that this is happening to you and I stand by your decision. But we do need to talk to the Alpha and Luna. He needs to be reprimanded for his actions. And maybe they will help him see reason and accept your rejection.” “Okay mom. But not yet. I can’t go into a meeting with him and his parents like this.” I gestured to my blotchy tear-stained face and then to all the used tissues surrounding me. “If I go into the meeting like this then I will look weak and he will think he can still change my mind. But he can’t.” “I completely understand Ava. How about I go ahead and call them and set up the meeting for Monday?” “Monday would be good. Thank you.” My mom gave me a tight hug before leaving my room so I could be alone again. I cancelled my birthday party and stayed in bed all day. Then I stayed there all day Saturday as well. By Sunday most of the sadness was gone but all of the anger and betrayal was still there. Athena hadn’t said much the last two days but Sunday she came back with a vengeance. The anger I felt was nothing compared to hers. I could feel her getting closer and closer to the surface but I couldn’t let her out. Werewolves could hear and interact with their wolves when they turn 16 but couldn’t shift until they turn 18. Since my 18th birthday had been an absolute sh*t show I hadn’t had the mental or emotional capacity to let her out safely. The first shift was supposed to be excruciating and sometimes if your wolf was out of control then anyone around you could get hurt. I knew that I had to get Athena under control and fast. A workout seemed to be the best way to go. So I dug out some leggings, a matching sports bra, and my favorite running shoes before throwing my hair up and running out the door. I had ran five miles by the time Athena had calmed down enough and I could finally head home. When I walked in the door my mom was there sitting at the kitchen table with my dad. “How was your run sweetie?” “It was exhausting, but it was exactly what Athena and I both needed. I’m guessing mom told you what happened?” My dad looked down at the table before responding, “Yes she did. She’s been very worried about you and wants me to go to the meeting with you guys tomorrow.” “Don’t worry dad, I’m not upset she told you. In fact, I’m glad she did. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to talk about it again, but I’m feeling a lot better now. I don’t know what to expect from the meeting tomorrow but I’m ready for it.” “I’m glad to hear it. I’m so proud of you Sweetie. I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself. He might be from the Alpha family but you are worth so much more than the cards that he tried to deal to you.” I lunged forward to give my dad a hug as tears welled up in my eyes at his words. I was proud of me too but it was so nice to hear someone else say it. The rest of the day I did anything and everything to try and keep my mind off of tomorrows meeting. I knew that if I even thought about having to see James that I was going to break down again. And I didn’t want that. James didn’t deserve any more of my tears. I had given him everything for the last four years and he wasn’t getting anything else. So instead I cleaned. And cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. The whole house was sparkling by the time I was done and I was definitely not sparkly. But my soul felt a little lighter and I was tired enough that I hoped I would sleep good. Surprisingly, my sleep was dreamless and uninterrupted.
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