Chapter 3

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The next morning I woke up filled with determination. I got dressed in running clothes and went for a short run. Just like usual. Then I came home and showered, just like usual. But nothing really was usual anymore. The man I loved had betrayed me. Standing in front of my closet trying to pick out an outfit seemed impossible. I reminded myself that I’m a boss b**ch and I should dress like one. Last time I had seen James I had been dressed sexy to show him what I had to offer. Now I needed to dress to show him what he had lost. Casual s*xy seemed to be a good way to go. I ended up choosing a tight gold top that showed off my ample cleavage with dark blue skinny jeans and the same gold heels I had worn last night. I let my hair fall in its natural waves before swiping on some mascara and lip gloss. I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. Mom and dad were already in the kitchen drinking coffee when I walked downstairs. Without saying a word my dad handed me a cup of coffee as well and we all just sat in awkward silence while we sipped. Finally I couldn’t take it anymore and I started to speak. “I’m done being sad. But now I’m furious. How do I keep that in check so I don’t end up attacking him? Athena is already on edge and she tried to shift yesterday.” My parents looked at each other before my dad cleared his throat. “I think that you have every right to be mad. And I think it’s okay to show that. Maybe, showing some of that rage will show him just how serious you are. And then after this meeting is done maybe you can have your first shift? If you’re feeling up for it, that is.” Just the thought of shifting had Athena jumping around in my head and yipping for joy. I felt a smile spread across my face and told my parents that I would love that. By the end of our conversation the coffees were gone and we were headed out to the car. My mom slid into the back seat with me and leaned over to clasp my hand. “You look absolutely beautiful honey. I hope he takes one look at you and regrets his whole life as he watches his future with you fade away.” I’m sure my face showed just how stunned I was by her words. My mom is a very strong wolf but always has a kind word for everyone. “What? I can’t hope for a little misery for the boy who broke my baby’s heart?” “Oh no you absolutely can mom. I appreciate your support more than you could possibly know.” The closer we got to the pack house the more anxious I got. Athena was pacing in my mind and that certainly wasn’t helping. My mom still had my hand in hers and I was very grateful for the physical contact. I was also grateful that we were doing this on a Monday when any teenager, that would normally be around, is at school. Sure, I was skipping a day but it was worth it. When we arrived my stomach was twisting into knots and I honestly worried I might puke. When I stepped out of the car my dad grabbed my arms and stopped me from going any further. “Let the anxiety go. You have done nothing wrong and he should be the one feeling anxious and nervous. You hold onto your rage. He deserves your rage not your nerves.” It was almost like his words were magic because they seemed to seep into my brain and take hold. Immediately the tight feeling in my stomach loosened but I could feel all of my anger was still there. My face and shoulders relaxed and I gave my dad a nod before he let go of me. The three of us walked side by side up the stairs into the pack house and made our way to the Alpha’s office. I could smell James in the office before we even opened the door. His cinnamon smell used to make me feel warm and comforted. But now, it was suffocating and my nose wrinkled in disgust. My dad knocked on the door and entered the office first with me following him and my mom behind me. “Alpha Noah, Luna Debra.” My dad acknowledged the Alpha and Luna and we all bowed our heads to them in respect. I had always loved them like they were an aunt and uncle. James and I had been friends even before we started dating and I had been close with his parents. Once I raised my head back up Luna Debra came over to me and wrapped me in a tight hug. “Oh honey I’m so sorry! I don’t understand my son’s actions. I can only tell you how much I love you and how sorry I am.” I felt my eyes sting a little at her words but was glad my voice didn’t crack when I responded. “Luna Debra you have nothing to apologize for. You have done nothing wrong and I don’t hold your son’s actions against you or Alpha Noah.” Alpha Noah’s voice boomed across the room as his wife walked back over to him. “I also agree with what my wife has already said. We can’t tell you how sorry we are for what has happened. James’ actions are unforgivable. We have loved you like a daughter for years. But we are a little confused about this meeting. I wish there was some way this situation could be corrected but you already rejected James, correct? So why are we having this meeting?” For the first time since I arrived I looked over at James. I was surprised to see that he was a wreck. It looked like he hadn’t changed clothes since Friday, his hair was an unwashed mess, and his bloodshot eyes were focused on me with so much pain. Turning back to Alpha Noah I answered his question, “Yes Alpha, I have already rejected James. He has apparently been cheating on me for years despite believing that we were mates. However, he did not accept my rejection. I want to be able to move on with my life but I can’t do that if I’m still tied to him. I felt my side of our mate bond break when I rejected him but I can tell part of it is still there.” James’ mother gasped and said, “James is this true? You led us to believe it only happened once but it has been going on for years? You need to accept her rejection right now and let her move on! You have done enough to damage to her life as is.” “No! I won’t!” James had been silent this whole time so his outburst surprised everyone. “What do you mean you won’t?” I was so angry that my voice was shaking and I could feel Athena pushing to break through. “You have a lot of nerve trying to keep me tethered to you after what you have done!” James held his hands out towards me and said, “Baby, I know I messed up but I can fix this if you just give me a chance!” I felt something snap in my mind and was barely able to bark out, “You deserve a lot of things, but another chance is not one of them!”
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