Chapter 1

1367 Words
My senior year of high school was coming to an end and I couldn’t be happier. I had made it into my dream college to study creative writing, I had the best boyfriend in the entire world, and my 18th birthday is on Friday. James and I have been dating since Freshman year and I don’t know what I will do if he’s not my mate. Every werewolf has a mate out in the world somewhere, but not everyone finds their mate. The Moon Goddess chooses your mate for you and they are supposed to be perfect for you. Literally the other half of your soul. You might have known your mate for your whole life but wouldn’t know they were your mate until you turn eighteen. At eighteen, James is the youngest son of our Alpha. This means that although he won’t be Alpha someday he will still hold a higher position in our pack. With me being the daughter of our Gamma, we are the perfect power couple at our school. But if we aren’t fated mates it will all fall apart. My wolf, Athena, pulled me out of my depressing thoughts as we walked down the hallway at school. Athena was convinced that James would be our mate and that we had nothing to worry about. Although I hoped above all else that we were mates, I had a bad feeling about it. Something about James has been off lately, but I can’t figure out what it is. “Ava, baby!” I look up and see James’ smiling face looking back at me. James is so incredibly handsome with his chocolate colored hair, green eyes, and 6’ height. But just his smile is enough to ease some of the anxiety I am feeling. “I’m so excited for your birthday in two days! And we will know that we are mates and can finally be mated.” James gave me a wolffish grin and leaned forward to bury his face in my neck and nibble on my earlobe. I felt butterflies break out in my belly and leaned into his touch. Most teenagers our age have already had s*x but I have been waiting for my fated mate. Although James has tried to convince me in the past, he has mostly respected my decision. I believe that being with your mate for your first time solidifies your bond even more. But James is definitely getting impatient. “Well James, you’ll be happy to know that I have something special planned for you Friday night.” I gave him a sly grin as I watched his jaw drop at my boldness. I might be saving myself but that doesn’t mean that I’m immune to the wants of my own body. “Wait a minute. Friday night? As in the same night of your big party? Please tell me you guys aren’t going to hook up for the first time while you have a house full of people?” My best friend Sarah walked up in time to hear the end of our conversation and is thoroughly appalled. I giggled before letting her know my plans for James would be happening after the party. “Phew! I was worried there for a minute. Cause obviously I want to spend time with the birthday girl too!” Sarah pouted comically before slinging her arm across my shoulders and steering me toward our first class. After not seeing James for the rest of the day all of my anxieties started to come back. The next two days passed in a blur and before I knew it, it was Friday. My parents were letting me skip school after I insisted that I didn’t want to find out James was my mate right there in front of everyone. Plus, I had some extra plans to get ready for. Although I had told James and Sarah that James and I would be hooking up after my party, I was actually planning on waiting for him after school. I wanted to go to my party tonight with my handsome mate and his mark proudly displayed on my neck. School was going to be out soon and I was busy getting ready when I stopped to check myself out in my bedroom mirror. I flushed with pride at my appearance. My strawberry blond hair cascaded down to my waist in big loose curls, big blue eyes were lined with dark lashes, and my body was killer. I don’t normally like to compliment myself quite so much but I worked hard for this body so why not show it off every now and then? I went to all of the pack training sessions and ran every morning to keep myself lean and strong and my waist slim. And with my 5’8” height I had legs for days. I checked my tight white dress and gold heels in the mirror before heading out the door to go to the pack house. The pack house was home to many wolves but the Alpha family got the whole third floor to themselves. I made my way straight to his room cause he would be home soon and I wanted to be sitting seductively on his bed when he got home. As I walked down the hallway leading to his room I could hear noises coming from his room. Well, crap. He must have gotten home sooner than I expected and was listening to music or something. Oh well. I guess I would just have to make a grand entrance! When I reached his room I didn’t hesitate before throwing open the door and strutting inside. But what I saw made my steps come to a screeching halt. There was James, naked, slamming into another woman. As soon as his door had opened James had stopped his hard thrusts into her to look over his shoulder at me. When he saw it was me his mouth dropped open and he scrambled to pull his clothes on. And the woman? I knew who it was before she even turned around. I would recognize Sarah’s short brown hair anywhere. Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves definitely didn’t help. Because it was then that James’ scent reached me and I heard Athena whimper “mate” in my head. As soon as she had seen what was going on Athena had become enraged and was wanting to jump out to rip out their throats. What a f***ing disaster. “So this is how badly you couldn’t wait for me huh? You were just so anxious to get your d**k wet you decided to step out on your mate? How long has this been going on?” “My mate?” “Oh you were so busy just now you couldn’t even take a deep breath?” With those words I stormed over to him until I was so close my scent was enveloping him and I watched as the realization hit him. “Mate.” His voice had turned to a low possessive growl as he reached out to me before I stepped away. That was when Sarah decided to pipe up. “We’re so sorry Ava! It’s just that you kept James waiting for so long. He’s an Alpha, with an Alpha’s needs!” The sound of my laughter filled the room and left them feeling shocked. By the time I pulled myself together James had come closer to me and was stroking my arms looking at me in awe. I slapped his hands away and said, “You’re insane if you think I’m going to let you touch me now. I came here to give myself to you since we are officially mates. But now that won’t be happening because you cheated. And you know how I feel about cheaters. I’ve been saving myself for my mate and it turns out he’s not worth the wait. I guess someone else will get to have what you were too impatient to wait for. No need for me to keep saving it.” I looked into James’ eyes with a predatory grin before dealing my final blow.
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