Chapter 7

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Its been two weeks since Angelo joined Charlington and these feelings of mines are just getting worse and its frustrating because everyone seemed to notice. I’ve been moodier, and I have been flirting with girls much more. Its quite funny actually because I flirt with all the right girls but I feel nothing for them or for anyone really. You know when you feel something for someone you barely know but you feel like you alone have the right to flirt with or like that person? No? Just psychos like me then. Hm go figure. I don’t want to have these feelings. Ugh and the fact that he is an awesome guy doesn’t help the matter either. Why do all the forbidden relationships or unwanted ones have to be the most tempting. I mean goodness he is a sexy height, sexy face, sexy body, sexy personality.... why why why..... sexiness in the first degree should be illegal. On the second day I actually asked for his number. can you believe it? Me. No? Well Im Randy Porter, I do s**t like that without having to give explanations to anyone. So we have been texting, I.M-ing, Skyping and sometimes even video calling. He is awesome. Getting to know him is awesome. But now im wondering if we are going to be just friends forever or more. But I would rather be his friend than nothing. That would just be pure agony don’t you think. Another thing is that even though we are close him and that Hawk are closer. I mean that’s not fair. they are almost always together because their like best buddies or whatever and they are on the swim team together and I don’t do swim team at all. I can swim, I can but theres just someTHING that puts me off. Yeah you guess it....Hawk. I really don’t like him. He is just too...................... him-ish. I don’t know and I don’t care. So im sitting in Maths Higher level I think you call it advanced math but where im from its just Higher maths, anyway Im texting Sky about Jay’s party that’s today. Its at his beach house which is about 2 hours from here but that’s no problem because I just wanna party, drink and have fun. So wooohoo party! It only starts at 8 and I will probably be an hour late. So for me it starts a nine. There was a knock at the door and I heard the teacher conversing with someone and the class went silent. I wonder. I looked up and DAMN.... is this my lucky year or what? Twins..... Hot new twins. Woohoo. Bring on the sexy. Thank you Jesus. Twin1: Sex – female Hair – long black with pink and blonde highlights Eyes – big and grey with thick eye lashes Height – 5’7 Body type – slender and SEXXXY Name – Maya Green Twin2: Sex – Male Hair – black with blue highlights almost shoulder length and bangs that cover left eye Eyes – grey and kinda seductive with long thick lashes Height – 6’ Body type – slim with enough muscle to make people go wild Lips – semi-thick but slender, heart shaped and pink with a hint of.....lip gloss? Delicious... wink Name – Noah Green I bet you are drooling because I swear I am. For both of them and im not ashamed to admit it....haha that guy could probably turn anyone gay except me... but he is one FINE motherfucker. And I one of those lucky ass people who gets to sit next to Noah Green hmm. He walked over with what seemed like pure confidence, I almost envy him....almost! he sat down in the seat next to mine and took a look at me like he was analyzing me. “Randy Porter” I said with a huge grin and an extended hand, both of which he returned “Noah Green, nice to meet you. Just moved here from England” he said in a thick British accent that was “Wow. That’s awesome. Go Manchester United!” I exclaimed with a smile and a air punch “What makes you think im Manchester United? What if im arsenal?” he said with a serious face and crossing his muscled arms over his broad chest. Come on dude Arsenal? I think not. They are not do I put this.....umm I don’t know.....they suck. No offence.” (no offence to all the arsenal fans out there.) “None taken and they do not. But im so Man U too. Arsenal is a good team. I guess. The fans are more cocky than the team itself.” He said with a smile whispering the last part.(again no offence) “Really. So how do you like it here so far?” “its really hot compared to England but its awesome” “cool” We went on talking until the teacher gave us this reeeeaaaallllyyyy scary death glare that stopped me in mid-sentence and made me shut my mouth faster than I can blink. Damn she can be scary. After a while I decided that its safe to carry on with the conversation and so the conversation went on and I told about the school and he told me about his home and all. Hes not a bad guy at all, like I said before: Sexy f*****g guys with sexy f*****g personalities. Its awesome. The day went on and it turns out that he is in all my classes. Great right? Oh and his sister is pretty awesome too. Oh and another thing that’s happening today is that my parents are coming home to the house and well I think it time we talk about me getting a sibling. I mean its only fair right. So im going to ask them today and hopefully they will do something about it even if it means adopting. After school I get home and surprise surprise, mommy and daddy are here. We exchanged greetings and such, talked about school, sports, life-ish and stuff well my parents aren’t exactly talkative people so when we were chilling in the lounge or whatever that room is called, I decided I should just ask. “Mother, Father I would like to.......uh.... make you a proposition” I began trying to sound professional, why I will never know. “A proposition?” my father asked sceptically raising an eyebrow, “What kind of proposition?” “You need to have another kid.” “What” they asked at the same time with this....shocked expression on their faces.haha “yes. You need to have another kid” “Right and how is this a proposition. What would we get in return?” my father asked after his moment of shock was over. “i....i will happy” I replied with a huge grin on my face and raising my voice towards the end “Why Randolf?” my mother asked with a weird expression on her face “Because mother I am lonely and I want another sibling to take care of and be a Big Brother to.” “Randolf Im not having more kids just like that. I simply don’t have the time. Im sorry, but I cant do that” “but mother you don’t have time for me either and im still here. And he or she can stay here and be raised by me and nanny, you know” “Randolf children are not a play thing for when you feel a bit lonely. Anyway we have to get going now. We have an appointment with a client.” “Mother, Father. I....ugh....but im LONELY” “Get a puppy.” My father said I think in a voice that was supposed to be sympathetic. Tsk tsk tsk. Damn that didn’t go down well. Oh well. A puppy, huh? That sounds like a plan. I think I will get one right now. I have time to spare before the party. Cool. So I got my keys and went to the pet store. I walked in and saw like puppy galore and different animals but I wanted a puppy so I asked the helper person for help and ended up picking a white fluffy puppy. Its so awesome. And as I was walking out I saw this brown fluffy one that just looked at me as I looked down at it and......... I knew I had to have it. So I got both. Cool. Two puppies. Not bad and all in a day. I got them some food and dog accessories and play things and sleeping stuff and a whole lot of things they may need. I got in my car, drove home, had people set up the stuff while I sat and played with them. I named the white one Tuna because I like that name and I love tuna oh and Tuna is a girl and I named the brown one Chub chub because it’s a boy and he is a fat little bugger. Oooh I need to get ready for the party! I put my new ‘kids’ so to speak in their little house thingy and went upstairs to get ready for the party. WOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO PPPPPPPPAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!
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