Chapter 6

924 Words
Randy's P.O.V So here I was infront of this.....this.....this thing....uuuhhhhgggg. for goodness sake how many times do I have to tell this person to just f**k off and leave me alone. A million you say? Well im pretty sure I've told them 5 343 869 times and yes I have been counting so there. What doesn't he get. Im just not that into him. Yes I did say him. I know you may be confused cause I said im not gay which im not but you see a while ago, my friends and I decided to play a joke on this guy. He is pretty good looking I wont lie but anyway so the joke ended up with me making out with this guy by mistake. Dudes I was DRUNK give me a break. So yes now everyone thinks im bi which im not - I think. I mean I remember the kiss and it was heavy and hot and wooh he is a good kisser but still I don't like him like that at all. And ever since then he has been on my case, my goodness somebody get me a teaspoon I think im about ready to maul him to death if that's what it takes. Im so pissed right now, not only because he is here but also because he is sitting on my car with a coffee on my boot a his legs swinging like he has no care in the world. I mean wtf here I am innocently walking to my car and BOOM; this i***t is there coffee and all, making himself at home on my beautiful car. I mean just cause he has dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes, puffy pink lips, a tall lean frame with slight muscles and an ass to die for- doesn't mean he has got to sit on MY car. Nah uh. Aw hell no. ugh what and i***t. Imma kick his ass. R* what the f**k are you doing Jake? He looked up startled at the sudden intrusion in the lala land he was in just now. J* Randy. I- I just want to talk Randy. Please R* firstly GET. THE. f**k. OFF. MY. CAR. I hissed with a death glare still on my face. He jumped off and stood relatively far from my baby and me for his own safety. AND THE f*****g COFFEE JAKE. THE f*****g COFFEE. I shouted He quickly and carefully grabbed the coffee and returned to his position of safety. J* Randy.... I- I really like you please just give me a chance. I know we could make this work. Please. Im only asking for one chance just one. R* Jake. I really don't care what you want because I am sure that it wont work. I'M JUST NOT INTO YOU. We can be friends but that's about it. Understand? J* Randy.... I - I.....understand I mean I just have to I guess. But I will never give up. Never. He said grabbing onto my shirt. Whats with this guy and touching my stuff as in seriously. I turned my glare to a higher level and dropped my tone to icily cold and straightened up a bit more. R* Get. Off. Of. Me. Jake. Im not in the mood. Now back away slowly and I wont hurt you. By this time Skyler had his hand on my should lightly squeezing. Something that always calmed me down. I don't know why. But it did. But now I was beyond infuriated and he was kinda calming me down but that's not what I wanted. I wanted to f**k Jake up but now I was too calm. Ugh bloody bestfriends. Oh well let me end this now I wanna go home. R* listen Jake Im sorry you think we will work but we wont now get the f**k away and never ask me about this again. I said we can only be friends but you don't seem to get it. If you insist I will never talk to you again. I said as calmly as I could. Hmm sky is really doing his job. Ah right the final touch. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and lifted him a few inches in the air and turned the death glare back on with my lips set in a straight line and R* oh ad Jake. If you ever sit on my car or come within 2 meters of it I will hurt you and that my dear fool is a promise. I hissed and put on a smirk for maximum effect. I put him down and watched him pick himself up and walk off after which I inspected my car just to make sure and then I said bye to Sky and I was about to get into my car when I looked to the side and saw Angelo...........and Hawk but mostly Angelo. Hawk had an amused look on his face and Angelo looked surprised and shocked and a bit amused. I was about to wave when I glanced down at his waist and I saw Hawk's arm around it and BAM the pang of jealousy right on queue. Hawk smirked and winked at me. Ugh i***t. Angelo just stood there. I better just leave before my anger comes back. That wont be good for anyone. Angelo probably already thinks im insane for treating jake like that but you understand that he was sitting on my car. Oh well. I got in my car and drove home.
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