Chapter 5

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Randy's POV I am currently sitting on my bed listening to pink - fuckin' perfect on my ipod touch.... im doubting myself. How come he doesn't like me? I mean I know im attractive and Im popular.... wth. No no no im not going through this. I.DONT.CARE! I don't care whether he likes me or not. I don't care who he is with or going to be with. He is NOTHING to me....then why is there a voice in my head laughing saying sure...its true... I think. I checked the time on my iPhone4.... "SHITTTT" I screamed when I saw the time it was 4 and I hadn't even taken a shower. Shitttt why...dammit. I jumped out of my bed and ran to my connected bathroom like Michael Jackson's ghost was chasing me. I took a quick shower then ran back to my room and got dressed in my football uniform, grabbed my ipod and my phone and ran downstairs shouting s**t repeatedly......where are my car keys.... where....where.... the kitchen I opened the fridge to grab the rest of my sandwich which I had abandoned earlier and some coke. And there in my plate sat my absent minded much. I grabbed them then bolted straight to the garage and hopped in my car and sped off. By now I had 15 minutes to get my ass to school. I sped down the road praying that I wouldn't crash. I approached the school and I saw my team mates pulling in....*sigh* phewwwwwww Im not late. I parked in my usual spot and it was 4:49. WHATTTTTT!! UGH I just risked my life and it turns out im ten minutes early...oh well better early than.................what the fuck..! are they just everywhere. There pulling in, in his Chrysler was Angelo and getting out of his already parked Lamborghini was Hawk. Hawk stepped out to the song G6, trying to look hot I guess. When Angelo saw him, both of their face lit up especially Hawks... did I ever tell you how much I hate that guy? Well I f*****g hate his f*****g guts. He turned off the radio and locked his car which made that signature beep but in kinda seductive its trying to seduce you...ha like car like owner.. ugh. He walked to Angelo and they hugged like they had been friends forever instead of just a day. Ugh im tired of watching this s**t. I got out and walked towards my team mates and we walked to the field talking about nothing in particular, just anything that came to mind. During practise I worked my ass off as usual. By 8 when we finished I was beyond exhausted. Coach really worked our asses tonight. I walked to my car with skyler by my side telling me about the party some guy called Jay was holding this weekend. I was listening, I swear I was but everything seemed to fade when I saw what was right in front of me...for f***s sake...! this day really loves me right? Note the sarcasm..... ugh im so not in the mood to deal with this. You've got think that some people will only leave you alone when you have them kidnapped, thrown into a cage, raped by a monkey with a horse sized d**k and mauled to death with a teaspoon....!! I walked up towards the one thing that was making my mood worse with a death glare and an irritated look clouding my face. My blood was starting to boil, my fists clenched and unclenched involuntarily, my nostrils were already flaring and my vision was already going red. "What the f**k are you doing...." I spat angry as hell that this of all things had to happen to make my already bad day worse....... Angelo's P.O.V I met up with Hawk in the parking lot at 4:50 cause I super excited about swimming. I got out the car and saw him getting out of his car with like a G6 blaring in his car. He looked so sexy getting out, taking off his aviators in time to the music and the way he had a grin on his face as he stepped out of that sexy Lamborghini. He was wearing blue and white swimming trunks with a tight white vest-like top that showed off all his muscles. Thank you Jesus. This is so becoming worth the move. He came over and hugged me and I felt so nice in his arms it was like............ I don't know. We went in after exchanging greetings. Damn let me tell you their pool area was off the hook. Top of the line everything, you can really see where this school puts its money. No wonder we pay so much. And the water looked so beautiful I was falling in love with it. We trained a lot and yes I was better than most of the people there and when I say most I mean all except one.........Hawk. I just couldn't beat him. We were at the same pace all the time... but I don't mind cause wow he's............him... never thought I'd ever say that about anyone except my boyfriend... speaking of my boyfriend I haven't spoken to him in a while.... oh well I will check on him later When practise was finally over, I didn't really feel all that tired but none-the-less I did just want to go home and sleep and eat chocolate moose.hmmm. So I walked to the locker room and took a shower whilst keeping my head down cause....woooh when Shumi said they were only sexy people on the swim team she was not exaggerating at all. And my lower half noticed it too, not to mention Hawk just walked in with nothing covering his lower half. I have too look away. Oh my.......... Think Grandma in a g-string. Grandma in a g-string. Good, much better no boner. I finished showering and jumped out and got dressed as fast as I could just in case I couldn't keep grandma in my mind for long. I ran out of the changing room thinking about chocolate moose cause that's what im craving at the moment, and how it will go down so well. Hmmmm yumm. "ANGELOOOOOOOOO!!!" I heard a familiar voice calling me from behind. I saw hawk looking fine as usual. He was wearing loose jeans with a pink polo and a pair of white air force. A* Sup hawk I said as soon as he caught up with me H* nothing just wanted to walk out with you that's all A* Aww that's so sweet. But cool lets go. I cant wait to get home and SLEEP I said emphasizing the word sleep. Man im so freaking tired its amazing. H* dude is it me or you. So tell me Angelo do you have a uhm a uh um a you know. a boyfriend? He asked blushing. A* Well yes I do. You? H* not anymore. It's a long story. He said with a sad smile and a hint of pain in his eyes. I wondered what happened. It must have been really deep. We walked out to our cars while I told him about Nate my boyfriend. When we got there we were talking while leaning against his car. We were talking and laughing when suddenly Hawk came and stood in front of me leaning closer and closer. My heart was beating so fast and all. He leaned dangerously close to me, there was practically no space between us. "Angelo Ryan I know you have a boyfriend but I want you and I really like you." He whispered in my ear-his breath tickling my ear. "One day you will be mine." Then all of a sudden we heard someone shout, "What the f**k are you doing?" At first Hawk didn't move. He didn't even flinch, his eyes just focused on mine. Those beautiful eyes just bore into my own as if trying to make me see or feel that he was serious about what he just said. Man this guy one bold dude. I mean he knows I'm in a relationship but he still says stuff like that not that im complaining because honestly I find that pretty damn hott. I mean who wouldn't..... don't lie to yourself you know you'd find that hot. Anyway as we kept staring at eachother, I noticed his face coming closer. Lips perfect pink, plump-ish lips coming closer. I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from them. Instead I found myself alternating between his eyes and his lips. He was moving slowly, really really really slowly. I almost couldn't resist....i mean the guy is awesome and a perfect lips and face and body and smile, but I had to...for um...whats his name uhm..oh yes Nate my bf. Right for him. Okay. I have to stop this now. A* I have a bf. I cant do this. H* he will never know He said in a husky voice. The lust and desire clear in his voice and eyes. Oh my goodness- no no no no Nate think Nate, Angelo think Nate. A* I know he won't but I don't cheat. I just don't because I wouldn't want someone to cheat on me we can't do this. I said matter-of-factly. I cant cheat on Nate. No. its not right. H* You're right. But you will be mine. He said then looked at me and kissed my temple. It felt nice I wont deny. It really did. He started to back off of me which I was part glad about since a mans temptation can only go so far. Im no martyr so don't judge me when I say I would've kissed him if he had persisted. Now that the moment was over we realised there was still shouting going on hmmm. Who the f**k is shouting. Hawk seemed to be thinking the same thing as he turned away from me to the direction of the shouting. And it was none other than that jock Randy. He looked proper pissed. Oh im starting to feel sorry for the person I mean he could probably kill the entire football team on his own. It's a good thing that there's someone there with him with what I think is a calming hand on his shoulder. Oooo but he looks hot when he's angry.haha. hawk and I just stood and watched. Only thing missing: popcorn and smarties.
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