Chapter 19

2002 Words
ONE MONTH LATER Have I ever told you how much I hate Mondays? I really really do. I mean just as you get used to sleeping in….BAM… you have to get up early again. It’s really not my time of the week. I always wake up in a bad mood on Monday mornings. I just hate getting up. But regardless of how I feel about the situation and the day of the week, I have to get up. I rolled out of bed and got ready for school. And do you know what else I hate? My school uniform. You would think with all the school fees we pay that they would be able to afford a stylist that could make this rubbish excuse for a uniform something worth all the rules made up for it. When I was done I went back into the bathroom to check myself out in the mirror. Don’t roll your eyes because it’s not what you are thinking, I’m nowhere near vain. I just like to make sure I look drop dead gorgeous when ever I step out of my house. After deeming myself DDG (drop dead gorgeous), I got some breakfast and then headed for school. I got there a few minutes early and just chilled with my clique or whatever people call it these days. We were talking and laughing about absolute s**t like stupid fights and the ‘sotting’ that was going on. You see for the entire first semester the freshmen aka ‘sots’ get ‘initiated’… basically bullied by the all the seniors. It’s really funny but sometimes it gets out of hand and people end up hurt but oh well, if you want to survive at this school you have to show them that you can take s**t and still have the attitude of a movie star. Suddenly I heard a car pulling up to the school. I have never seen this car… is there a new student so late in the year? That is a very sexy car. I know people say hummers are so old but not this one. It was shiny black with sexy ass rims. On the side the word ‘sexy’ was written over a tattoo like thing and the windows were tinted. The music was blasting. All of us turned and stared at the car. There were whistles and ‘woooh’s’ and ‘ahh’s and ‘damn’s. This car is just fly. It made me wonder what the interior is like. The car parked and the music stopped when the engine was turned off. This mystery person got out of the car from the passengers side. It was Hawk. He looked like he had just got a hair cut and his uniform re-done or something. There was definitely something different about him. He looked good as he posed in front of the car with his bag slung over his shoulder, standing casually with a bored expression on his face. The driver stepped out of the car shut the door and locked his car behind him. He was wearing sun glasses and his short black hair was spiked up in a very sexy way. He slapped Hawk on the back as a signal to start walking. He looked sexy even in his uniform; very sexy but he reminded me of someone. I just can’t put my finger on him. He removed his glasses and let them hang out of the front pocket of his blazer. Oh my goodness… I can’t believe it….it’s Angelo. He looks really hot. It seems that he just got a new hair cut and he looks even better than he did the first time I saw him. It took a lot not to lick my lips and jump him right then and there. The guys turned away and got back to the conversation but Noah and I just stared at them. It’s so nice to have someone to stare at cute guys with you. But I shouldn’t be looking at him. I haven’t spoken to Angelo at all since that morning over a month ago. He and Hawk walked right pass us like we didn’t exist, laughing and with their arms casually thrown over each others shoulders. There is definitely something going on with those two. The first bell rang and as usual nobody even flinched. You see, nobody cares about the bells. The only reason people start to moving towards classes is when too many other people get bored with their own conversations and the quad and hallways start to clear out. I walked into my first period and walked towards my seat beside Noah. After a few minutes the teacher walked in looking confused and a bit scruffy. “I wonder who got into her” Noah whispered to me chuckling. I chuckled softly, the teacher Mrs. Crawford, shot us a glare; I guess she heard us. “Morning class” she mumbled jutting her chin out and walking towards her desk in a failed attempt to show she doesn’t care. “Now today we will be learning more about Shakespeare.” The class groaned. Seriously this Shakespeare dude had nothing better to do than figure out a way to torture young kids lives. I don’t understand half the crap he says never mind writing 1000 word essays on a 14 line poem. I really hate literature, but even more so I hate literature first thing on a Monday morning. “Yeah, Yeah; go ahead and groan and moan but it won’t make a difference, this counts for 65% of your final grade. So I thought I would make it a bit more difficult. We are not going to do a reenactment of the usual Romeo and Juliet or MacBeth. I was thinking King Lear but then said to myself: these are advanced English students they should be able to bring something more to the table…. So instead of re-acting one of his written plays, you will be making you own play” she piped happily clasping her hands together with a starry look in her eyes. Yup, this woman has definitely lost it. “But here is the catch. It has to be made entirely out of Shakespearean dialogue from any of his works, with of cause a 5% allowance of your own dialogue. You see, this will challenge you lazy technological brains; put down your phone Larry, you can’t google this assignment because no has written it yet.” She deadpanned some kid who was typing away at his phone maniacally, the kid sighed and put the phone down “So… you will be working in pairs of course and your partner will be chosen at random. There will be some same s*x pairing but whatever, just work it out.” She took a hat out of her desk drawer and put it on her desk. “Oh and class, remember, Shakespeare is all about L.O.V.E – love so please for the love of your cell phones, don’t write about hate or technology or anything that I would find stupid. Okay, Addler Jason, you are lucky number 1. Step up and claim your mate!” I sat there with my mouth slightly ajar and staring at Mrs. Crawford like she had grown three heads. This woman is absolutely positively insane…. A play… out of Shakespeare’s dialogue only?! How the hell am I supposed to get that right? “Close your mouth, mate, you might attract flies” Noah said chuckling and shutting my mouth for me. “Dude, this totally sucks. I can’t write plays, never mind plays about Shakespeare stuff.” I groaned. “Well then just hope we get paired together ‘cause I happen to be an expert at Shakespeare and writing.” “That would be awesome. But with my luck, I bet this is going to be such a cliché and I’m going to be paired up with Angelo and we will magically fall for each other and ride off into the sunset” I glowered jokingly. “On the bright side, the last part is not likely to happen, so at least it won’t be that gay and cliché. Ooh that rhymes!” he chirped, I just rolled my eyes at his over-optimistic ways. “Ah, Peters Hawk, your turn. Hey you may even find your prince charming” Mrs C chirped happily. Typical fan-girl, tsk tsk tsk. Hawk strode to the front of the class room slowly with a slight smirk on his face. You know, I still don’t like him, even if he is good looking and a ‘nice’ person. Ah bleh, as if. He dipped his hand into the hat that would reveal the poor soul that would be stuck with him for the rest of the semester. He handed the paper to Mrs C without looking at it, with his cocky smirk still in place. I rolled my eyes. I pity the poor loser who has gets stuck with him. “Ah, you Mr. Peters, are paired with…..Randolf Porter.” Mrs. C said unsurely “Well, maybe this will be an opportunity to…bond?” ME!!! I have to pair up with HIM! The guy who is with the guy I like? I would rather have been paired up with Angelo than him. Ugh, well here comes my first ‘F’ in English. Screw English, Screw him and Screw my life! Hawk’s smirk turned into a frown, he spun on his heel and grabbed the paper out of the teacher’s hand to make sure it wasn’t a prank. When he confirmed that it wasn’t his shoulders sagged, he groaned out loud and sulked all the way to his desk. “Ryan Angelo, you’re up” Mrs C called. Angelo stood up slowly and walked to the teacher’s desk with a slight smirk playing on his pink lips. He pulled a name out of the hat and unlike Hawk, he read it himself. “Noah Green?” He said aloud. Noah’s hand shot up to show his position to Angelo. Angelo gave him a once over and tilted his head to the side. His smirk increased as he handed the paper back to Mrs. C nodding his head in approval. He shot Noah a wink, then strode back to his seat beside Hawk. Ah! He just winked at Noah! Goodness has he no shame?! My friend?!!! My friend?!!! Oh-kay that sounded a bit too feminine. But seriously! My friend?! I felt a tug at my heart; I see my little friend, the green-eyed monster called Jealousy is back. I shook my head to clear my thoughts, Noah would never do anything with Angelo, he’s my friend. Yeah, definitely, I can trust him. A/N: So.... what's up.... *waves slowly*. Okay so this is a triple upload because...Well... i only got the 5th comment a few days ago so here i am....uploading... so enjoy. i'm kinda getting bored with this story and i'm thinking of posting another one or two..but i don't know. do you think i should continue with this one or should it suffer the fate of so many others and die a slow and painful death with no hope of survival in a dark and lonely place forever and ever....It's in ICU so help it! Help Rangelo or Angolf or whatever! Do it, do it do it do it do it!!! comment, vote, like, love. Mwah!!!!
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