Chapter 20

2663 Words
“That’s just a dumb idea.” I snorted rolling my eyes. “Yeah, well Mr. Know-it-all, you haven’t come up with anything better so just get over yourself and start pulling your weight you spoilt b***h!” Hawk yelled “Says the kid who gets everything he wants!” I yelled back. With that the shouting match began, every time Hawk went higher than me, I went higher than him. The class sat in their seats staring at us; some in amusement and some with weariness at what had become our daily routine. It has been a week since the project was announced and needless to say, Hawk and I have nothing. We spend more time shooting each other down (figuratively), yelling and ignoring each other than actually working. Like I said my first ‘F’ will be shared with this i***t. “Well, it’s not my fault that he liked me more and now you have to hate to make yourself feel better. It was fifth grade, GET OVER IT” I yelled “I don’t care about what that queen man-w***e thought or liked! Oh please, just because I beat you at checkers for 2 years, you have never been able to heal your bruised ego, you drag queen!” Hawk shouted I scoffed “ I don’t care about that stupid game! And says the man-w***e himself!” I yelled We were both seething and our hands were balled up in fists. It doesn’t take much for us to jump at each other’s throats. I was beyond sick of this rubbish, I want a new partner! “I WANT A NEW PARTNER” Hawk and I screamed at the same time, shifting our attention to Mrs. C who was rubbing her temple, she just groaned. She stood up and walked over to where we were calmly. “You want new partners, boys?” she asked softly, we just nodded in response. She lifted her hands and smacked us upside the head at the same time. Ow! What the hell, I turned to her with a questioning look “Shut up and sit down!” she yelled. We sat down obediently. “Now, what’s the problem this time?” she asked glaring down at us. We both started yelling at the same time, throwing accusations at each other. SMACK! We shut up again and rubbed our heads. Ugh this is going to cause a headache. “I am beyond fed up with you two! I should just fail you right now! But I won’t because…well I don’t even know why!!! Okay let’s see… Who is willing to exchange partners with these two?” she asked turning towards the rest of the class. Nobody lifted their hands, they all just stared at her blankly, bunch of asses! I threw Noah a pleading look. He has to save me, he’s supposed to be my friend. He groaned and then said something to Angelo. Angelo groaned too and then nodded. They lifted their hands slowly. “Ah, Noah and Angelo, okay excellent.” “I will go with Randy, Miss” Noah muttered. Mrs C just rubbed her chin thinking deeply then said “No. You Mr. Green will be with Mr. Peter’s over here” she said gesturing Hawk. “And you Mr. Ryan will be with Mr. Porter.” Hawk and Noah paled slightly. That’s so odd…what the hell is their problem? Angelo and I can be civil even if it will be very hard. I saw Noah gulp and clear his throat. “uh, Miss, Why is that exactly?” he asked in a shaky voice. Wow, he is freaking out more than I am. “Because that would defeat the purpose of pairing people who are not close and you and Mr. Porter are as close as Mr. Ryan and Mr. Peters – which is really close. Therefore you will not be paired up, unless you want to change you mind, then these two numbnuts will have to stay paired. It’s up to you two” she stated simply. “N-n-no it’s *gulp* fine” Noah and Hawk Responded. They are acting odd. I stood up glaring at Hawk, grabbed my bag and walked in the direction of Angelo and Noah’s desks. Noah and I met halfway and he narrowed his eyes at me. “You owe me….big time” he seethed. I swallowed and nodded my head quickly. “Thanks so much, Noah.” I said softly. “Yeah, yeah” he mumbled walking off. I sat down at the desk previously occupied by Noah which of course was next to Angelo’s. The air felt thick and it was suddenly so difficult to breathe. Oh my gosh I can’t believe that I’m sitting next to him. I’m so close to him, closer than I have been since…. No, Randy, don’t think about that. Stay calm and focus on breathing, that’s right in and out, in and out. What should I do now? Do I say hi or do I wait for him to greet me first? Aaahhh this is so hard, but I may as well greet him first. Just to be courteous right? Yeah, courtesy, that’s right. So should I say hi or hello or what’s up or sup or maybe I should say what’s shaking bra? No? I’m just going to wing it. I cleared my throat, took a shaky breath and look at him. “Uh… Hi?” Yeah, Randy, not lame at all. “Hey” he breathed looking at me. A silence lapsed between us and I would be lying if I said that it wasn’t awkward. In fact the air was so tense that if it were ice cream you would have to use a knife to get through it and no one likes hard ice-cream. “So…” I began “How’s life?” “All good and yours?” “Good…good” I murmured looking down. “Listen I’m really sorry that you had to change partners and end up with me, but Hawk and I….yeah, no.” I apologized and he giggled and gave a small smile. “Although it would probably work against me… I should probably forewarn you that I totally suck at Shakespeare. I really do so it may be a more difficult than you imagined.” I warned blushing scarlet. “Well then, lets just hope that I have enough Shakespearean knowledge for both of us.” he laughed. He actually laughed with me, well at me, but still he laughed! This is great! I looked at him smiling. “Now that’s something I pray for,” I joked and he just smiled. “So do you…..wanna… you know…come..over..later? For the project and all, so that we can get started?” I finished quickly “Uhm… Uh well…” he stuttered nervously rubbing the back of his neck “S-sure” *RRRRIIIIINNNNGGGG* Aw great, just when I start enjoying literature the period has to come to an end. I stood up and gathered my stuff, I turned to look at Angelo who had just finished gathering his stuff and was also looking at me. “See you after school by my car?” I asked. “Y-yeah s-sure, Randy” he nodded and I smiled at him before walking off. Yeah, this is going to be the best project ever… * “So what do you want to base the play on?” I asked Angelo as he sat on the other side of the desk in my study in my house. We had arrived at my house and ate lunch before deciding it was time to begin with the project. The atmosphere was still a bit tense and awkward but hopefully I can change that by the end of the day. And by the way I am NOT planning on seducing him into comfort….although that would be nice and hot…but the point is I’m not going to do that! “Well, it has to be only 15 minutes or less but it still has to tell a great story. We could write about love?” he said absent mindedly twirling his pencil between his fingers. And what great fingers they are; so long, slender and strong-looking. The things he could do to me with those fingers… no! For goodness sake randy! I cleared my throat “eh, but love is so cliché” “Yeah that’s what I was thinking” he said nervously glancing at me “but we could always put a spin on it?” “Yeah, like the discovery of the gay sexuality...” I suggested. He looked at me with an eyebrow quirked and that ‘what the f**k’ look. “Just saying…it would make it… interesting or whatever…so ya…but if you’re not cool with it…we could…ya” I stumbled over my words blushing and hoping that I hadn’t offended him. I ended up looking at my lap and pouting slightly. He continued to stare then suddenly burst out laughing. “What?” I whined still pouting to which he only laughed harder. “N-Nothing…it’s a good idea... We should do that” he said still giggling slightly. Well I never! Hmph! Laughing at me! Oh the insanity! Well at least the tension has gone down and now we can work…as friends. That thought had my stupid heart tugging again. “Good” I exclaimed cheerily. We worked on our project for a few hours. It’s starting to get dark and I should probably go and get Noah from Hawk’s house before he corrupts my friend, the imbecile. “Well, I think that’s enough work for one day. Besides its Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday….uuuhhh…yeah well that’s all I know” I broke into song, singing Rebecca Black’s song. “Eeeeuuuuh!!!! No, not that song! Ugh, thank goodness you only know one line!” he winced covering his ears and laughing at the same time. He gathered his stuff and walked towards the door. “Ah whatevs. Okay let’s get going. Gotta get Noah from hawk’s house now anyway.” I laughed “Ooooookaaay. Why?” “He’s sleeping over this weekend.” I explained shrugging my shoulders casually. “And he can’t come over himself cause?’ “I’m taking you anyway and I love the element of surprise…besides I wanna go out to eat today and it would be a shorter trip.” “Ah” he said with a hint of…disappointment? “Cool” “Yeah, he’s an awesome guy and all so it’s always a good time with him” I smiled at the thought of Noah’s British ways. Ah good times. Angelo gave a tight smile as he got into my car. The drive to Hawks house was filled with laughing and jokes as if that morning over a month ago never happened. I was on cloud nine but as all good things have to, it came to an end when arrived at Hawk’s house. I parked just in front of the mansion and leaned back in my seat glancing at Angelo. “Well, uh, here we are…” he mumbled “Yes we are” I acknowledged “So, uh, Thanks for the ride, Randy.” “You are welcome, Angelo” I sighed. We sat in silence for a while, and then as if my body had a mind of its own, I tapped him on the shoulder. What the hell am I doing?! He turned to face me with a questioning yet hopeful look on his face. “Yeah,” he questioned. I felt myself slowly leaning in. I stole a glance at his lips then his eyes and back again. He started to lean in and stopped when there was about a centimeter of space separating our lips. I could feel his hot breath on my lips and I could see the lust in his beautiful eyes, but I could also see the hesitation and slight fear in his eyes. I can’t do this again, no, not again. I pulled back and leaned into my seat in an attempt to restrain myself from jumping him. “I’m sorry” I sighed. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.” I apologized “I-It’s fine. D-don’t fret. We cool” he muttered slightly breathless. “Thanks. Well lets go in.” I laughed nervously. We both got out of the car and knocked on the giant double doors. An old man, whom I assume was the butler answered the door with a sullen expression which disappeared as soon as he saw Angelo. “Mr. Ryan, how are you sir?” the man greeted fondly. “I’m great and yourself, Jeebs? I’ve told you to call me Angelo” Angelo responded with a huge grin on his face. “Ok, Mr. Angelo” Jeebs smiled. “Oh, Jeebs, what will I do with you?” Angelo laughed. “Is Hawk in?” “Ah yes, the young master is in his ‘layer’ with a young British gentleman, Mr. Green I believe. He said not to be disturbed and to send you up when you came around. Although, I believe he was expecting you to be a bit later and alone.” He answered peering around Angelo to look at me. “Oh, where have my manners gone? Jeebs this is Randolf Porter, Randy this is Jeebs, The Peters’ Head of Household Affairs.” He introduced. I stepped into view and held my hand out to shake Jeebs’ “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jeebs” He took my hand a shook it firmly. “The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Porter. I have heard about your family and the prestige with which it is associated.” He said bowing his head slightly. “Thank you and please call me Randy.” “Ok, Mr. Randy. Come on in and head right up, they may as well take a break.” Jeebs said opening the door wider and stepping aside. We stepped inside and thanked Jeebs before running up the stairs. I followed Angelo through the twist and turns to get to Hawk’s ‘layers’. Hmph maybe I should get a layer too. We finally got to the door of the ‘layer’ and we heard Avenged Sevenfold blasting through the door. I frowned and rose and eyebrow to Angelo who just shrugged. How can the work with such loud music, they wouldn’t even be able to hear each other. Angelo opened the door letting it swing fully open. My jaw hit the floor and my eyes bulged out of their sockets. Oh hell to the f*****g no. They were working through the music alright, and they were working really hard. Pun intended.

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