Chapter 14

2409 Words
His soft hand caressed my naked torso, as he lay half on top of me. His head was resting at the crook of my neck and his breath tickled my skin. The feel of his skin against mine was amazing. It was like we were meant to be. We were talking about everything and nothing at all. I liked it when we were like this, just chilling together without worrying about anyone or anything; when the only thing that mattered was us. I hugged him closer to my body; I could feel his heartbeat through my skin. The fact that it was beating normally made me feel content. We were laughing at a joke he just made. Suddenly he was on top of me, grinning like a mad man. “What are you smiling at?” I asked smiling up at him “You” he laughed “What about me?” “Everything” he smiled. He leaned down to kiss me, what started out as an innocent kiss quickly became an R-Rated kiss. I could feel him smirking when I moaned into the kiss. He started grinding on me, rubbing our arousal against each other. I could feel how much he wanted me; he was kissing my neck and rubbing my pecs and grinding against me. I wanted him badly; we were meant to be, if we weren’t then why is he here with me right now. I moaned his name as he took one of my n*****s into his sweet mouth, teasing the already swollen nub and manipulating it with his talented tongue. I arched my back wanting to get him closer than he was if that was possible. He switched to my other n****e as I continued to moan his name loudly. He left a trail of kisses as he continued down my chest, to my happy trail and finally coming to my arousal which stood tall and proud. He looked me in the eyes as he licked my tip, I sucked in a sharp breath and bucked my hips, and my heart fluttered as a wave of pleasure ran through my body. I moaned again. He licked my tip again; teasing me; he licked my slit then ran his tongue from the tip to the base and back again. I begged for him to stop teasing me but he just smiled at me. Suddenly he took my length into his hot mouth; pleasure exploded through my body as I moaned his name and bucked my hips again. He bobbed his head on my length and sucked harder with each moan that spilled from my mouth. I felt that familiar bubbling in the pit of my stomach and I felt my balls tighten. I was about to come and I let him know. He lifted his from my throbbing member and took a tight hold on it, I whimpered because of the sudden loss of warmth and the tight grip he had on me. I bucked my hips into his hand wanting him to continue. He licked the head again and I cried out. “Angelo, stop teasing me” I whimpered. His voice filled my ears as he chuckled at me. I looked up at him through the daze that clouded my brain. He was now hovering over me, looking down at me from his position between my legs. I felt his arousal poking my entrance; he smiled at me as he rubbed his member - that was already leaking precum – against the puckered hole. I moaned from the contact and moved my hips to gain more contact. My eyes drifted shut as more waves of pleasure rippled through my body like electric currents. “Randy baby, look at me. I want you to be looking at me as I do this.” He said huskily. I opened my eyes and looked up at him when suddenly his lips were on mine again. He licked my bottom lip in request for entrance which I eagerly granted. The kiss deepened as he continued to rub his arousal against me. I moaned against his lips and I felt him smirk. I guided his arousal to my entrance and pulled lightly to send him the message that I wanted it, needed it now. He pushed against my entrance but my entrance clenched shut, I looked up at him and relaxed a bit more. He pushed on and a shock of pain went through my body when his head was finally in. I hissed and shut my eyes tightly; he pushed more of his length into me as I tightly gripped the sheets. When he was finally completely in me he broke the silence “Mmm, baby its okay, I won’t move till you say, okay?” he cooed to which I responded with a nod. “Babe, look at me. Look at me, Randy. Just relax, love, it will be alright.” He kissed me again trying to take my mind off the slight pain I was in. After a few minutes I was used to his length so I told him he could move. He pulled out until only his head was left in me, then he slammed back into me hitting my sweet spot. I arched my back and cried out in ecstasy as he ploughed into me, hitting that sweet spot over and over again. “Harder, babe, harder” I moaned “faster, yeah…deeper…Ungh…deeper” I kept moaning and digging my fingers into his back. He complied to my requests going faster, harder and deeper with each thrust. Moans spilled from our mouths as we both approached our peeks, as we became one over and over again. “Randy babe, I’m…Going…To…Come” he moaned as he ploughed harder. “Me too, babe. Come inside me, babe. Come hard and deep just like I like it, baby. Deeper, babe, get deeper inside and come.” I moaned as I writhed in pleasure under him. He grunted in response as his lips captured mine once again. We cried out as we began to come. We kissed again as we rode out our orgasms. After that we lay side by side, still panting from aftershocks that were running through our bodies that were shining with sweat and my come. He turned to me and kissed me lightly on the lips. “That’s what I like so much about you, Randy” he whispered. “What” I questioned panting. “The way you are when we have s*x. You’re an animal in bed and I just can’t get enough. Not to mention your body is amazing” he stated grinning. I frowned at this. “That’s all? That’s all you like about me? My body and the s*x, that’s it?” “Pretty much” he said simply. He stood up and put his on his clothes and said “You are strictly for s*x, Randy. There’s not much to get, come on you’re smarter than to think I actually love you. I’m not interested in being in love. Just sex.” He said “Do you understand?” I nodded my head and he leaned down to kiss my forehead “Good boy”. With that he left. I started screaming at the top of my lungs, as I felt my heart break again and again. I was in so much pain emotionally that it started to hurt physically. I was screaming and crying at the same time. “…olf! Randolf! Wake up sweety” I opened my eyes to see my mother’s confused and concerned face. I looked up at her “Yes, mother” I enquired “You were having a nightmare, I presume. Why are you screaming love? Oh my, you are so hot, do you have a fever? Are you sick?” she fired questions at me. “Oh, umm…Yeah a nightmare, that’s what it, was” a nightmare that reflects my life, I thought bitterly. “No I’m not sick, mother, calm down I’m fine.” “Oh, okay then” she didn’t look convinced that I wasn’t sick “Just take a shower and then back to bed, you look like you need rest, love. Oh and some guy called for you” My heart fluttered at the thought that I could be Angelo “Was it Skyler?” I asked before getting my hopes up for nothing. “No, he had an English accent. I think he said his name was Noah… Yes that’s it, Noah Green” she said with a smile that made me wonder what she was thinking about. “A nice young man…He said to tell you to call him back. I left his number by your phone there, okay?” “Okay, thanks mother” “Welcome” with that she walked out of my room. That was weird, I shook my head. Wow Noah called me. I should call him back. I dialed the number that my mother left by my bedside phone. It rang four times before he picked up the phone. “Hello?” his voice filled my ears with that thick British accent. “Hello, Noah. This is Randy Porter, I heard you rang?” I replied in my best British accent. “Ah, Randy, you make me laugh. How are you?” he laughed “I’m…okay” I answered remembering this morning and my dream. “Are you alright? You sound a bit down” he said worriedly “I had a rough night… and morning” I confided. I don’t know why but I feel like I can trust him. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked carefully “Not really,” I answered truthfully “it’s kind of embarrassing really and sad…and pathetic” my voice faltered slightly. I cleared my throat to cover it up. “Okay, why don’t I be the judge of that? Let’s get together in about an hour at that ice-skating rank and you can tell me all about it.” “I don’t really feel like–” “Ah, I’m not taking no for an answer. So don’t try and get out of it. Besides I’ve wanted to go there for a while now, so indulge this British lad will you, please?” He said firmly but light-heartedly. “Alright then, Noah.” I sighed. “Aww, don’t be so sad about it. It beats sulking in your room, doesn’t it? I mean I would come over and keep you company but I don’t know you like that yet, you have to at least buy me dinner” he joked. I laughed lightly at the lame joke. It wasn’t really funny but it sounded so funny with his accent. “Wait, are you–” I began “Ah-pap-pap, There will be time for questions later. Now go get ready or you will never get anything out of me” he interrupted. I laughed at him again; he is sweet. I could hear his smile through the phone. “Okay then” I agreed, smiling “Great, see you in an hour. Don’t be late, or you're dead” “I won't. Oh and Noah?” “Yeah, Randy” “Thanks” “Anytime” I hung up the phone, got up from my bed and walked to my shower. I took off my now messed up pj’s and boxers. I stepped into the shower when it was perfect. As I stood under the water washing shampoo out of my hair, I reflected on the past 24 hours. I felt myself harden when memories of last night and flashed through my head; The way he touched me, the way he kissed me, the way his skin felt against mine, the way he moaned my name and the lust in his eyes as we took each other over and over; each time better than the last. My hand wandered down my torso, tracing his touch and kisses, I reached my member when my mother’s voice interrupted my train of thought. “Randolf, are you okay in there?” she yelled through the door “Yes mother!” I yelled back. I heard her leave and I was suddenly so grateful that she interrupted me before I did something I hadn’t done since I was twelve; no he was not worth it…But I can still feel his touch on my skin. I shook my head at myself and redirected my thoughts before I broke down again. I got out of the shower. I went to my iPod dock and put on Dangerous by the Ying yang twins. I swayed my hips in time to the music and walked into my closet wondering what to wear. I decided on a pair of dark jeans that hung low on my hips, a tight white t-shirt, a black zip-up jumper and my black sneakers. I put on a silver chain, a diamond stud, my favorite watch and put on some cologne. I styled my hair so that it looked perfect without looking like I put to much effort. I grabbed my phone, keys and wallet and headed out. I walked down the stairs and saw my mother in the kitchen. “I’m going out!” I yelled out to her. Why did I just do that? I’ve never told her I’m going out. “Okay, honey, but don’t stay out too late; I don’t want you getting worse!” she yelled smiling at me. This just keeps getting weirder and weirder by the second. She just called me honey not Randolf or son. “Yes, mother” I shut the door behind me and left for the ice skating rink.
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