Scott sees Joel's baby pictures.

1239 Words
The weekend was bland. I spent most of it behind closed eyes, due to the fact that I slept most of the time. And read. And texted Scott. I was honestly hesitant to text Scott at first. The first time you text someone is like a first date, at least when it comes to small talk, and if I run out of small talk starters when texting him, what the hell was I supposed to talk about after/before the movie? This is impossible. But, as it turns out, it was easy! Scott made it easy. When he texted me, there was no need for small fun-size bites of conversation, we naturally greeted each other and interesting topics practically exploded through the keyboard! He was as boring as a roller coaster, at least for people who like roller coasters. I'm not good at analogies. Wait... I just compared Scott to a roller coaster... does that mean I want to ride him? Blech. Logan is rubbing off on me. Speak of the devil, my phone trickled out a chime, significant to the other chimes that label the rest of my contacts. I clicked it open, Scott had replied to my good-mornin' text. From Scott Faire 7:03AM: Good Morning, gorgeous. Heat flooded into my face, he's so damn corny. Sent 7:04AM: Forward. Got the Monday blues? From Scott Faire 7:04AM: Well, let's see here. My weekend was boring, I get to see you, and our date is less than a week away? Soooo depressed. Sent 7:05AM: Forwarder. From Scott Faire 7:06AM: Is it bothering you? Sent 7:06AM: Not at all. But I gotgo, Mr. Darcy, I'm falling behind on time. From Scott Faire 7:07AM: Soooo noble. Also, you never told me you liked Jane Austen? :* Sent 7:07AM: Save it for the first date, Mr. Darcy. :* I clicked my phone off and slid it into my pocket, picking up the cup of coffee, one cream and two sugars. _~_~_ The first half of my day waddled away like the weekend, but then came the dreaded lunch rendezvous. The one where I am bombarded with questions about Scott. I sigh, sliding to a stop to look at my self in a random mirror on the school hallway, typically used by girls on the way to their only class with their hunky crush. I guess it's almost the same. I flatten my hair, pick the breakfast out of my teeth, and chant something to soothe my nerves. It doesn't matter what they think. It's only lunch. They'll understand. But I knew none of that mattered, of course they'd support me 100%; what I'm worried about is if my LC is going to embarrass me in front of Scott. Of course he'd sit with me, and of course I would be ecstatic that he would. But I knew that someone-- most likely either Logan or Victoria-- would make me go as red as a tomato. I sighed, wiping away all other thoughts. I just had to fight through it. There was no prancing around it. On the bright side, if I got through this, I could definitely get through the whole parents meeting deal. "Having fun admiring yourself?" I jumped, not hearing anyone come up behind me. "Very much so." I spun around, meeting Scott's gaze. "Well, I'm proud you've found a new hobby." Scott stuffed his hands in his pockets, "But, unfortunately, it's time for lunch." A grin spread his features, "I, for one, can't wait to meet your friends." "I can wait all eternity for that," I say, under my breath. "What?" "Nothing. Let's go." He slyly slid his hand into mine, which I gave a squeeze. We made our way to the lunch table, greeted by the usual eager crowd. I gave a half-hearted greeting, sitting down, not letting go of Scott's hand. Victoria leaned on her elbows, glaring at us closely. "Joel." "Victoria." "You two made a scene and didn't talk about it." "...Yeah..." Vic leaned back, "Explain, Joel and new kid s***h Joel's boyfriend." "Um... He asked me out... and I said yes?" I wanted to disappear. "And now we're..." Scott trailed off. "Boyfriends?" I wrung my hands like they were a wash cloth. "Boyfriends." Scott shrugged, a blush blotting out his face. "I hate to intervene here," Logan waved her arm in front of our faces, "But you're interrupting my peaceful, single, lard-eating. So, please, no PDA." Victoria carefully took out her phone and laid it out on the table. "Before you two go all lovey dove, there is a certain initiation that all of the LC's boy or girlfriends must go through." Realization settled into my gut, "Vic, don't you dare." Jolly smiled dumbly, "Oh, she totally is!" "What?" Scott asked, "What's going on?" I crossed my arms, burying my face in the hook of them. "Baby pictures." Scott's face lit up. "Oh, my God. I can't wait." "Yes you can." I said, my voice muffled. "Vic, for the love of God, put your phone away." "Nope!" Victoria clicked a button and pulled up the first picture. Laughter erupted around me. "Look at your little butt!" Scott whispered, I could tell he was holding in violent laughter. "No!" I wrestled for the phone. "Put them away! How'd you even get these in the first place?!" "Courtesy of me," Madison giggled, flipping her hair. "You're mom is just the best when it comes to Facebook." "So I've been told." I slumped into Scott's side, burying my face in his shoulder. "Tell me when it's over." _~_~_ I would say lunch went by in a blur, but really, it was a painful mess that made me sure I would never recover from the scarlet of my features. "So, that was an experience," Scott chuckled, walking with me to gym. I shrugged, the warmness in my face still not fading. "I guess that's a word for what just happened. Not sure if it's the most accurate." Scott chuckled again, "It couldn't have been that bad." "You saw my little baby ass!" I said, exasperated. "It was cute!" Scott held up his hands in surrender. I groaned, wanting to melt away. He took a couple steps closer. "If it helps, I survived initiation." I rolled my eyes, "If it helps, I think that was my initiation." He hooked his arm around my waist, stopping us in the middle of our way. He brushed us into the shadows of the cafeteria. "Is it bad that I really want to kiss you right now?" He breathed into my ear. I bit my lip, "Is it bad that I'm 100% willing to?" "Not at all." He began to lean in, interrupted by my sudden hand movement, covering the lower parts of my face. "I'm sorry. I can't." I said, rueful. Scott slumped, blushing. "I'm sorry, I don't want to move things too fast. If I rush into things, it'll only crash and burn." My need to disappear was amplified. Scott scratched the back of his neck. "I get it. You want to see if the movie's good first, right?" I matched his slump. "I'm kidding. It's okay." Beside myself, I leaned over and gave him a quick peck on his cheek. "Preview of coming events." I whisper in his ear. Scott starts walking backwards, smirking. "Come on, you tease. We're going to be late for P.E." I brightened, "You promise?" Scott laughed, "Come on!"
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