Madison finds love at first sight.

2108 Words
"Joel, what just happened?" Lola puts a hand on my shoulder, joining my LC in escorting me with the lunch-ers outside. "Scott Faire just made Audrey Lager and Kent Jackels fall in love, Lola." Zoi chimes in, she and Lola had fallen into the same step. "Yeah, and then Scott Faire made out with Joel Tully, Zoi!" Lola gasps, spinning around to face me. "That's you, Joel!!" Jolly gasps, grabbing my arm, "No way!!" I lightly punch her shoulder with my free hand. "Don't do Zola, Jolly." I sigh, "Scott and I didn't make out, Lola. We hugged." Zoi and Lola snap up, "False!" They shouted at the same time. "Hugging doesn't happen unless it is with a middle-aged relative, Joel!" Lola hissed, "Scott is not a middle-aged relative, Joel! Welcome to the 21st century, JOEL!" "Well, it just happened, Lola!" I shoved away from the escorts. "I'm sick of being tracked by you hound dogs!" "But we're not hound dogs," Madison crossed her arms, "We're more like cats. Stealthy, tough loving." "Especially Victoria and Kassi, because they are what they eat!" Logan stood next to her sister, proud. "Thanks, Logan." Vic grumbled. Kassi was so red I thought that if someone squeezed her she would turn into salsa. "You're all stupid," Helena sighed. "Do you ever say something else?" Zoi asked her. Helena glared at Zoi through narrowed eyes until Zoi squirmed uncomfortably and had to side-step back to Lola. "Never mind..." Zoi mumbled. The bell struck the outside. "We have to get to class," Jolly sighed. "We will talk about this later, Joel." Lola spat, her and Zoi walking off. I sigh, wanting to float away. I look down at my shoes, touching the tips together. I truly despise high school. "Hey, Victoria." I hear a dull voice. I c****d an eyebrow, looking up to see Quincy rubbing his shoe against the concrete, handing out a limp piece of paper to Victoria. "Here's my number, m'lady." Victoria looked like she wanted to puke. "Thanks, Quincy..." She whispered. "But, I'm kinda in a relationship." Quicy straightened his back, redness flooding his features. "Fear not, lass. I will win you back!" Quincy strides off as a pack of jocks scooped him up, running around so that Quincy's red face faded to green. The jocks were oddly entertaining, but I always felt bad after watching them harrass Quincy. "See ya, Quincy!" Kassi called, snaking an arm around Vic's shoulders. They walked off and I was left alone. Madison, Logan, Jolly, and Helena had all already walked off. I sighed, shifting my bag around. "Hey," Scott walked up to me. I jumped, quickly flipping the hair out of my eyes. "Scott!" "We were kinda rudely interrupted back there." Scott scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah," I giggled. "Who do you have next?" "Gym." "Huh, me too." "Really?" I raised an eyebrow, "I never noticed you." He chuckled, "Story of my life." I deflated, "No, not like tha--." "I'm teasing you, Joel." I thought that I had been made weary of my name, like I usually had when Lola stressed it whenever she spoke. But when Scott said it, he twisted the letters cleverly, letting the name roll off his tounge, always adding a tug of his lips after saying it, as if he was proud that he got to say it. It made me proud that I got to be labelled as it. I wish I could speak his name like that. Shit, if I could talk like him, that charming way he teased his vocal cords, I would never shut up. But no one would silence me, or tell me to stop talking. His voice was flooded with charisma and... just fantastic. I shake my head, clearing the thoughts. I give a weak laugh, "Of course you are." He snaked his hand in mine, "Can I walk you there?" I fight a blush, "Of course." _~_~_ I leaned back, the silver of the bleacher behind me, my lungs restless with constant running, as if they were not finished with the mile I had just sped through. I was the fifth one in my running group to finish. I caboose Madison, Carolyn, and Zola. My LC and Zola's LC ran together, as well as my friend, Alec. Zola's LC was Zoi, Lola, Carolyn, and the red-headed girl whose name is Esme. Esme jogged up to greet us, but flocked away to do something stupid, probably. Madison leaned her head on my shoulder as Alec joined the bleachers. "Why must they torture us?" Madison mused. "Because they're gym coaches." I sighed, before someone sucks away all the air from my head. "Scott!" I called, "Over here!" I waved him over, patting a space next to me for him to lounge on. Victoria, Jolly, Helena, Logan and Kassi had migrated over, all glistening with a layer of sweat. Scott didn't seem as breathless, which meant he had probably finished some time before. "Hey," He sat down. Madison perked up, "Is-- Uh, should I..." "You're fine." I said too quickly, holding back at a wince. But, is she fine? How is Scott going to use those last two tickets? A noise bubble explodes around me, people nervously chattering about their mile times. I sigh, fighting back a head ache. Everyone from my running group's attention drifts to me, each asking a different question to which I give a half hearted answer. Scott's hand finds its way to my leg, my head spins to him. "Hi," He grins. Madison tugs at my arm, "Joel! You didn't answer my question." "Sorry, what did you ask?" "How'd it roll out with Finn?" Everyone was asking me questions that bubbles in the air. Scott seemed flustered, as if his train of thought was continuously crashing; he couldn't formulate his thoughts to words. He was similar to a lost puppy. God bless his soul. Scott made some beginnings of sentences, but they crashed and burned. Madison and everyone else were still stressing on conversation starters. God, I'm so f*****g dizzy. "Do you want to go out with me?" Scott blurted. The conversation diminished. I looked at him, jaw slack. "I mean, see a movie, or be my boyfriend, or, get coffee, but I already have a couple tickets. I--" "Yes," I fought for words, "That would be wonderful." Scott's lips opened and closed a couple times. "I, uh... which one?" "Um... I..." "What my dear, Joel, is meaning to say," Victoria jumped onto the bleacher behind us. "Is that he would love to see a movie with you. And he would love to get coffee with you next week." She crossed her arms, c*****g an eyebrow. "And I'm sure he would love to be your boyfriend." My face is on fire. Scott grinned, "Awesome. I mean, as long as she's not putting words in your mouth?" I shook my head silently, "She's not." Scott scooted closer, "Well, the movie is next week. Friday." I smiled too wide, I was being too awkward. "I can't wait." He put his hand back on mine, "Same." _~_~_ "Shit." Madison bristled, we were standing outside, waiting for our cars to pick us up. Scott had ridden the bus, so, sadly, I couldn't talk to him. "What?" "My parents' car broke down. And Finn is grounded, so he can't leave the house. Basically, I have to stay her over the weekend." Madison giggled, "I could drive you!" "You have a car?" "Yeah!" "A license?" "Nope!" I deflated, "What?" Madison grinned, "Learner's permit, b***h!" My eyes widened, "You get to school illegally?" Madison slumped, "Well, technically, yeah." "And you want to drive me home... illegally?" Madison rolled her eyes, "Joel, it was just an offer." "I'm in." _~_~_ "Thanks for driving me home," I said, trying to make my voice as apologetic as I could, even though it was waterlogged with the tiredness that was like a gargoyle on my chest. "No problema, por favor." Madison recites, peeling off her sunglasses. "I'll walk you up." I hesitate, not knowing what's going to happen. But I shrugged, realizing she could save any family drama that could be hurled from me. I nodded enthusiastically, crooking our arms Wizard of Oz style. "Great." We trudged up the steps; when we reached the top I slid the keys into the slot and wrestled the stubborn door open. I swung it open and set my messenger bag down, running my hand through my hair. "Do you want some coffee?" Madison knitted her eyebrows, "It's 4:00PM." "And?" "Isn't it late for coffee?" I glared at her, c*****g my head. "It's never too late for coffee." Madison returned my glare. "Uh... no, thanks." She straightened her posture, "Wait, is Adonis here?" I sighed, pouring some coffee beans into a grinder. "No, Finn's grounded." "Why?" "Showing Lydia porn." "Wha--" She's cut off by the grinder wailing, creating a coffee aroma that makes me melt. The grinder stops wailing, signifying that the beans have been made to grounds. "Sorry, what was that?" "Uh... the culprit's in the room." Madison falters. I c**k my head again, noticing a pinch of soreness in the crook of it. I seriously c**k my head way too often. "What do you me--," I turn around meeting Finn's groggy features. His ashy blonde hair is tangles and covering his hazel eyes. "What the hell?" Finn curses, rubbing his forehead. "Why are you making coffee at 4:00PM?" I roll my eyes, "Because I want some damn coffee. Why is that so weird?" Madison bolts up, scurrying over to us. "Uh... is this Finn?" I dump the grounds into the filter in the coffee machine. "Yeah. Madison, Finn. Finn, Madison. Finn, go away." Finn crosses his arms defiantly. "Don't tell me what to do, Joel." "Wait, wait." Madison fans at the air, as if getting rid of mist. "This is Finn? Finn Tully? Finn Tully brother of Joel? Joel Tully?" Our attention spins to her, "Uh, yeah." Finn scratches the back of his neck, "Nice to meet you, I guess." Madison massages her temple, "This is confusing." "How?" "You," Madison smacks Finn's chest, "Are gorgeous." Redness blooms on Finn's face. "But you," She smacks my chest, "Are his brother? How come there isn't a family resemblance?" I slump, "Thanks, Madison." Madison's eyes widen, "No! I didn't mean it like that... Ugh!! Just follow me." She grabs my wrist and leads me to my bedroom. "But-- But my coffee!!" I cast out a desperate hand in its direction. "Screw your 4:00PM coffee!" Madison hissed, "That s**t is so not healthy." I bite back a whine and let her guide me to my room. She shuts my door and sits on my bed, patting the space in front of her. "That's your broth--" "Yes, Maddy!" I snap, astonished. "For the billionth time, that is Finn Tully, my brother." Madison lays back on my bed, her hands shoving strands of sandy blonde hair away from her chocolate eyes. "Any more questions?" I groan. Madison rolls to her side. "Yeah, just one. What does love feel like?" My jaw drops. "You can't be serious." Madison pulses, "Sorry, Joel!! I have this burning in my heart and it tickles. I've had crushes and I've seen hot guys, but this is like when a fortune teller traces that line in your hand! It's like I can tell where his eyes will touch next, I can tell how our words will bounce off each other, each being chronicled into a textbook of romance." She slumps back onto the mattress. "It's starting, I can feel every look just throbbing with importance. I glare, "You're insane." Madison stuffs a pillow over her head, "What is happening to me." A buzzing from my phone shoves away the thoughts. I fish for it from my pocket and bring it up. ADONIS JOHNSON 1 (737) 332-8466 IS CALLING YOU. ANSWER DECLINE I sigh, briefly debating about which button to hit. Biting my lip, I decide to go the easy way. I click decline. I know it's filled with cowardice, as I would have to explain about Scott to Adonis, but I just can't right now. I have only just discovered that my best friend is in love with my brother, who hates me. I drop the phone back into my pocket. "Who was that?" Madison grunts, under many layers of blankets and pillows. I chuckle, "Nobody." I sigh, "You should probably go, things get really uncomfortable when my mom or dad meets one of my friends." Madison giggles, "Okay. See you." I nod, walking her to her car. "Yeah, see you tomorrow."
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