Chapter Five

1049 Words
I had my first doctors appointment, here in London to be exact, Alex helped me organise one, apparently the doctor I am getting, was one, everyone liked. She was apparently nice and never judged anyone other their circumstances for being pregnant. I was a little nervous, as I had no idea what to expect, what questions to answer, I bit my lip as I sat anxiously in the waiting room at the hospital. I watched a lot of pregnant women, walk in with their partners and there was me, by myself as Alex had to work. Plus I was heading there after, so there was no point in her coming to this, "Miss Melissa Summers," I heard the doctor call out my name. I stood up, smiling warmly at the doctor before following her to her room. "Welcome, my name is Dr Zoe Bricks, I will be your GP, midwife and obgyn, if their is anything you need. Please don't hesitate to call me," Dr Zoe pulled out a card which I took. She looked over my file for a few more moments, "So you are three months pregnant?" She asked. I gave her a nod, allowing her to know she was right. Zoe smiled warmly before gently closing my file. "Now please don't ask if you don't feel comfortable with answering okay?" She waited for me to reply before continuing. "Do you live in a stable home?" I looked at Dr Zoe, that wasn't the first question I expected, "Yes, I live with my Aunty in an apartment complex with an elevator." "Do you have a stable job?" She asked. I again answered with a yes, watching her write down the answers. I took a deep breath, as I was a little worried but didn't show it towards her. I know she was just doing her job. "Is the baby daddy in your life?" She asked gently looking up towards me. Shouldn't my file say what happened, I looked a Dr Zoe and gently shook my head, "No and I don't want him in the child's life." Zoe gently placed her arm on my shoulder, "I am so sorry for asking, we just need to know, again so we can help you. I know what happened it's fine the file but I still need to ask if you are in contact with him. Because it'll be unsafe for you and the baby." I relaxed at her confession, "I haven't spoken or seen him since he sexually assaulted me, my parents haven't either. Considering he was my dads friend, it hurt him more knowing he couldn't protect me like he wanted. My Aunty has been my rock along with my parents, without them I don't think I'll be here or have kept the baby. I know it isn't the baby's fault he was brought into this world and I couldn't live with the fact that knowing I took away a child's life," I replied. Dr Zoe smiled softly before nodding, "Alright, let's get you on the table and we will check the babies heartbeat and ultrasound." I nodded, standing up from the chair, I headed to the bed only a few meters from where I was sitting. Gently laying on it raising my top up, Dr Zoe got everything she needed closer towards me. "The gel will be a little cold," Dr Zoe said as she placed the ultrasound camera on some gel before placing it on my stomach. I flinched at the coldness, before looking up at the screen. My heart filled with warmth as we both looked up to see the baby there, I couldn't believe it. "What a beautiful size, doing very well in growing size. It may seem you might have your little one early. Did you want to know the gender?" Dr Zoe asked. (You can know a babies gender between 15-20 weeks. They say 20 weeks is best because it's more likely to not be wrong) I thought about it but shook my head, "actually I don't want to know but I know my parents would love to know, are you able to tell them what the gender is? They live in America, can I give you anything so you can let them know." Dr Zoe smiled once again at my gesture, "Anything, they work at a hospital too right?" She asked. "Yes they do, why?" I asked. "Don worry I have an idea, if that's okay with you?" Dr Zoe asked. "Of course whatever you want to do, is fine," I really didn't mind what she had planned but I knew it had to be something special. After a few moments of talking, we got to hear the heartbeat which I recorded myself just as a little memory for when I want to look back. **** I was sitting at my desk at Co Happy, I was looking at the ultrasound secretly as I know some employees won't like that I'm expecting. I heard the elevator ding, making me look to see Harry walking in, after the doors opened. "Melissa, how did it go?" He asked placing his hands on the desk so he could lean down. "It was good, baby is healthy and doing well. I've asked the doctor to give my parents the gender since they can't be here throughout the entire pregnancy, I thought it would be nice," I replied quietly. "That's a wonderful idea, have you got any plans yet for the toy place?" He asked. I smiled and rummaged through my draws, "Yes, actually I managed to draw up some plans and find some materiel that would be great for the store, I've even gotten samples," I replied showing Harry everything I had. He looked at the pieces in amazement before chuckling, "You are definitely like your Aunty aren't you, especially with this type of ideas." "That I am, it's easy since I don't really do much after work. Plus I really want to impress you on what I can do," I replied. Harry smirked a little, "Don't worry you've already impressed me." I blushed deeply at his words as i looked down at my desk, he was a sweet boss and I couldn't believe that he was, since I heard a lot of bad CEO stories.
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