Chapter Four

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H A R R Y I couldn't help but worry about Melissa, it was weird that I was worrying about someone I didn't know. Whatever happened to her, must have been pretty bad considering she couldn't enter an elevator with men around her. I could tell she was uncomfortable around some type of people as well, I gave her one last smile before I headed into the business meeting, my team were seated around the table with Alex setting everything up. "Alex, where did you find that girl outside?" Bradley asked, I could see Alex tense up. "She's my niece, why is that any of your concern?" Alex asked with a frown. "Ooh your niece, I'm concerned because she's sexy. I wonder what she'll be like in bed," Bradley said. That sent Alex off, just before she could jump him, I instantly got out of my seat and grabbed Alex. She was fighting against me, then it clicked. Was Melissa r***d? It would explain a lot of details, and why Alex is so protective over her. "Bradley, you are out. Pack your things and leave," I spoke. Bradley's eyes widened, "But boss, I was just joking." "No, we don't joke about that stuff. Not in my business. This is a business of toys for children, I do not tolerate this language," I snapped loosing my grip on Alex who calmed down. Bradley grumbled as he punched the desk, he stood up and left the business room. "Anyone else?" I asked. They all shook their heads, I took my seat back allowing Alex to go through her ideas. I watched in interest as she held up, some new ideas. "I was also thinking of branching out, into baby toys, educational toys and maybe even a crate. I think it'll be amazing to have different crates for different ages, where they get a sample of toys each month going from 0-16 in ages," Alex spoke. "What age groups? What will be in the crates?" Danielle asked. "Well i was thinking we call it different names so one could be called cutie pie and be from 0-12, then we could have munchkins which ranges from 1-3, we continue it on until we get to fourteen and it can be a monthly subscription that way each month they get sent out something knew," Alex said. "So we have to make a new toy each month, do you know how hard that is?" Peter asked. "Of course I do, but it can be done. Look we need to branch out and start looking at other age groups. We can always do a trial bases of the crates. I can use my own money to create the boxes and toys. We can trail it and see how it goes," Alex said. I looked at my team, Alex did have a really good point. We did need to branch out to different age groups we only really do toys for kids aged from 5-16 and it'll be great to create more toys especially for little bubbas. "I think it's a great idea, we can all have an idea of what can be made, we can discuss again and see what we can do. Alex is right we need to branch out," I spoke up looking at the plans she had. They were actually really good, I knew they would help branch out the company. "I was also thinking maybe open up some stores around the United Kingdom first, Melissa is really good at drawing up buildings, I'm sure she would love to help," Alex spoke once again as she opened up another envelope which had a list of toy shops around, to be honest there weren't many. "I didn't realise there was little shops here toy wise, how will we go about opening up our own store?" I asked, I needed my team to work together and the only person who seemed interesting in helping me branch out was Alex. The others sat in silence while Alex spoke up again, "I did some research over the weekends and found some stores that could be the right size for what we need. I was thinking of maybe a two story building to start with here in London, where children can come and play, we could even add in a little cafe for the parents. Make it sort of a wonderland for children." I looked at the buildings that she handed out, as well as a floor plan idea for the toy place itself, the bottom floor itself was for babies, toddlers and little ones as well as the cafe while upstairs was for the bigger children. It was a really well thought out plan, I remember going into Toys R Us when it was open and all the baby stuff was upstairs making it hard for parents. "This is a really good plan, I say I am all in. I will give you 6 months from when it opens to see how it goes. Also what would be a great idea is to have the crates on sale at the toy shop as well. How will Melissa go, being a worker their?" I asked Alex. Alex looked at me, "I'm not too sure, you'd have to ask her." M E L I S S A Later in the afternoon Harry called me to his office, I was actually pretty nervous to be honest but I couldn't blame him from my episode this morning. I stepped off the elevator once it go to the level where his office was, to see a women at the desk, I made my way towards it. The girl looked up and smiled, "Hello, I am Sofia. Do you have an appointment to see Mr Styles?" Sofia asked. "Hi Sofia, it's nice to meet you. I am Melissa, I don't but he asked me to meet him in his office," I replied. Sofia nodded before picking up the phone, "Mr Styles, I have Melissa outside.... alright sir I'll let her know." I waited for Sofia to finish before she looked at me again, "You may go in." I smiled warmly, "Thanks Sofia." I knocked a few times on his door before opening it up and closed it behind me, "You wanted to see me." Harry nodded pointing me to the chair that was facing him, I walked over to it and sat down. "You aren't in trouble if that is what you are thinking, I just wanted to speak with you. About working here and stuff," Harry said. I took a deep breath, relaxing a little. I allowed Harry to continue. "As you know this company creates one of the largest ranges of toys each year, your Aunty. Has given us some great ideas for the future, like branching out to other ages, also opening our own store right here in London. I don't know what happened back home, and if this isn't a great idea I truly do get it. I thought of maybe you could run the London store once it opens, your Aunty said you were very good a design and I think if we let you create the store in your image," He finished. I sat back in the chair with my mouth open, me running a store. He barley knows me and is offering me to run the store as if it's nothing. "Sure," I said before looking at him. I know the doctors back home told me, that it was my choice wether or not to tell someone what happened to me, "Mr Styles, will it be okay if I tell you what happened to me back home and my situation?" Harry looked at me and relaxed his posture a little, "If you want to tell me, you are welcome, it's up to you. I am not going to push you." "No, no I have too," I replied before taking another deep breath, "Back home in Minnesota I was..." why was this harder than I thought, "I was r***d by my fathers friend, he was like family and we trusted him. We lost the court case against him and my parents were worried for my safety so they sent me here." I watched as Harry's mouth dropped and his eyes softened at my words. "But that isn't all," I said making him nod to continue, "You see, he um... he also got me pregnant." I put my head down knowing that he would blow up, I just started working here and already have ruined my chance. I heard Harry's chair move before his feet shuffled onto the ground, Harry kneeled beside me and gently stroked my arm. "Oh my word, I am so sorry Melissa. That must be horrible, I can't believe the courts didn't see your story, that is really disappointing and upsetting because no one asks for it to happen and I am truly sorry, you had to deal with the fact you didn't feel safe anymore in your home town. But I just wanted to let you know that you are strong, and a powerful women. Going through what you did and still having you head held high is a massive achievement. You probably thought I was going to yell at you, which is normal," Harry spoke, I looked at him as if he was crazy. I went to speak only for Harry to smile softly and continue, "You may be wondering how I know this, my older sister Gemma she was r***d when she was 18 by her college boyfriend. It took her a few months to let anyone near her, we understood and allowed her to have her space. Just know that I am here for you Melissa okay, as your boss and as a friend, just know I won't judge you. Once this baby comes, take as much time as you need. Even now if you need some days off you are more than welcome too, if you can't be in your area because you feel threatened or need to get out of their. I am more than happy to take a walk with you, even if you want to keep using my private elevator. You are more than welcome too." I smiled warmly, "Thank you Harry, I was generally scared that you would think I am disgusting or something like that." Harry shook his head, "No, I want all my workers to feel safe and secure which is why I also fired Daniel as well, he made a comment in the business meeting that I didn't like and your Aunty almost jumped him for. But if anyone makes any s****l remarks towards you, tell me even if you use a code word I will know."
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