Chapter Six

1070 Words
H A R R Y It's been a few days since Melissa's ultrasound appointment and I have to admit, she was a very strong women and someone that women should appear too. She didn't let what happened to her drag her down, of course she was scared. Who wouldn't be after something like that? I experienced my sisters down spiral after her r**e but I don't want to compare anyone's circumstances to another, I was reading through my emails checking to see if their was anything knew. I clicked on a new email from some people from Australia, they took over my building over their, where they are reaching out to their workers about our new plans. To Mr Styles CEO of Co. Happy, We are delighted to hear that you are expanding your business to actual stores and other countries. We’ve been thinking to send of our local stores in New Zealand. Please let us know if you decide to do it or not, it will be really good for our eco system and to all the families here in Australia and New Zealand. From, Wilson and Co. I clicked the reply button on the email and began typing a reply back to Wilson and my Australian company. To Wilson and Co, Thank you so much for contacting me, yes we are thinking of expanding our business to other stores and countries. We are also looking at a store in London, to actually create a store with our toys and those who want to expand to us. We have also decided to create and monthly shipping box, families will soon be able to order for their children a box containing different toys and creations each month. Starting from age 0-16. If you are willing to join us, please create one warehouse into a factory where people can order from you, get it quicker Here are the details: Please see attachment view details. I would love to head to Australia and New Zealand once everything goes smoothly, to help set up the factory and business for sale. Thank you, Harry Styles, CEO of Co. Happy I clicked out of the emails once it was sent before hearing my phone ring, I picked it up and spoke into it. "Hello?" I asked. "Hi sir, it's Sofia. Your mum is on the phone, shall I put her through?" She asked. "Yes thanks Sofia," I replied taking a sip of my coffee. The phone buzzed for a few seconds, before I heard my mum's voice. "Harry my darling how are you going?" My mum asked. I instantly smiled hearing her voice, "I'm doing well, how are you mum?" I asked. "Oh you know, same old same old. I only called because I wanted to remind you that we have that charity benefit on Saturday night, have you got someone to bring?" My mum asked. I bit my lip, I completely forget about the benefit, the benefit was for abused women, men and children to find a safe and secure home, while their abusers are sent away to court. "Thank you for reminding me, I've had a lot on my mind these past couple of months. I haven't got a date yet, but I might ask someone if that's alright?" I asked. "Of course darling, you are always so busy. You need to take a day off one day," my mum said, in a sort of scolding matter. I sighed and gently rubbed my forehead, "You know I will mum, i have to go but I'll see you Saturday night at the benefit." We said our goodbyes before we hung up, I was thinking of asking Melissa. But I don't know how she will go in a setting like that, so I called Alex's office to see if she could let Melissa know I needed to see her. I also let Sofia know that Melissa was coming up. Silence filled the room as I waited for Melissa, I heard Sofia's voice speaking up outside, "You can't bring food into his office," I frowned at her words, when have I ever said that, I didn't hear Melissa reply before she opened the door. To reveal that her hands were empty, she must have chucked whatever she was eating away. I gently stood up and walked over to the door, "Sofia, can you please head down to the cafe across the street and get us two grilled chicken salads, two bottles of water and one americano with 1 sugar and no milk?" I asked giving Sofia some money. She nodded and quickly grabbed her things, I escorted Melissa into my office. Allowing her to sit down before I sat across from her. "You asked to see me Mr Styles, if it's about me eating on the job I'm so sorry," she panicked. I shook my head and gently chuckled, "No, no, you aren't in trouble at all. I actually wanted to ask you something. My mum holds a charity benefit every year, I was wondering if you wanted to come. I mean if you want?" I asked. Melissa sat their in silence as she thought about it, "What type of charity benefit is it?" "After my sister Gemma was r***d, my mum wanted women, children and men to feel safe. She started up a charity called You Are Strong, giving abused people a chance to live again. Here is a pamphlet," I handed Melissa once which she grabbed and read through it. "You aren't asking because of what I went through are you?" Melissa asked. "Yes and no, yes because I want to show you how strong you truly are. Because I know that you believe you aren't and no because I just want you there, as a friend," I replied. "It's a little out of my comfort zone but I'll give it a go, please don't get angry if I want to leave or anything like that. Big crowds tend to scare me a little," Melissa replied. "Don't worry, I will be by your side at all times," I replied. A whole piece of weight had lifted off my shoulders, I wrote everything down what will be at the benefit and wrote how it was a sort of banquette style dinner and to wear a semi formal outfit. It was held in a hall just near my house, which made it easier to get too.
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