Chapter Eleven

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M E L I S S A Throughout the rest of the day, Harry kept an eye on me as we interviewed more candidates to work in the toy shop, we were creating. I couldn't believe Noah, of all people came here thinking he could get a job. "You sure you're alright?" Harry asked me again, my hands were still a little shaken. "Yes, I'm fine," I smiled, although I didn't feel fine. I didn't want to stress him out more than I already have. Harry stared at me for a few more seconds before the last person we were interviewing walked in. I looked at the name on the resume. She came over to us and gave our hands a shake, very professional. She took a seat opposite us and gently crossed her legs. "Welcome, I am Harry Styles and this is Melissa, she will be your manager at the toy shop if get the job," Harry spoke as he fixed his suit as he sat back down. He was seated for a while, Millie looked around the office. "So Millie, what is your experience?" Harry asked. "Well I've been working as a retail assistant at Tesco for about 5 years, my customers always tell me, that they like seeing me as I make them happy," Millie replied. "Why are you wanting to switch from Tesco to this company?" I asked, I knew I asked a good question because Harry smiled a little. He always keeps a straight face in interviews. "Well I am hoping working here will get me closer to become a manager one day, Tesco is a great store with lovely customers but I want to push myself further," Millie replied. I could tell she was nervous, I know how daunting this office is and how interviews are. "What makes you unique to the rest?" Harry asked as he played with his pen. Millie thought about it for a few seconds, "What makes me unique is that I have five years of experience in the retail industry. Because I've had first-hand experience fielding shoppers' questions, feedback and complaints, I know what customers want. I know what it takes to create a positive consumer experience through marketing." "What are your goals for the future?" I asked. "I would like to continue developing my service expertise as well as my leadership skills over the next several years. One of the reasons I'm interested in working for a fast-growing startup company is that I'll have the ability to wear many hats and collaborate with many different departments. I believe this experience will serve me well in achieving my ultimate goal of someday leading a service department," Millie replied. I couldn't believe it, she truly was answering every question without a flaw, it was honestly amazing. She's the only strong candidate we have at the moment. "Do you have any questions?" I asked her. She looked at me and smiled before replying, "What do you love about working for this company?" I smiled warmly at her, "I love working for this company because of its great values and how much our boss cares for his staff, not only that but there are so many opportunities to move towards." Millie smiled at my answer, Harry looked at his watch. "Well I think your interview is over, I will have my assistant email you in the next few days to tell you if you have the job or not. When you do, you will also receive a call from Melissa explaining your role," Harry spoke. "Thank you both so much," Millie spoke as she stood up. I following shaking her hand once again, hiding my bump. Once she left, I turned to Harry who instantly put her resume in the yes pile. "I think she will be a good second in charge," I replied. "Yeah, I think so too. Ready to head home?" Harry asked. "Yeah but actually did you want to come over for dinner. Alex is making her famous tacos?" I asked. "Famous tacos?" Harry asked with a crocked eyebrow. "Yeah, they are really good," I grabbed my jacket from the chair and placed it on. "Well I might have to try these famous tacos, so yes I'll love to come," Harry smiled as he closed the gap between us. I stared at him before feeling his lips touch my forehead making me sigh. He grabbed his briefcase and jacket, walking out of his office with me following behind. "Alright Sofia, we are heading off. More people are coming tomorrow, if you want to head home early you are welcome to do so," Harry spoke. Sofia nodded but went back to typing, Harry and I headed towards the elevator. Once it opened the two of us stepped inside, pressing the floor 1 button. Once it closed, Harry wrapped his arm around my waist. "Is this okay?" He asked. "Yeah it's fine," I replied knowing I would have flinched if I didn't. J A M E S I watched as Melissa left with Harry, so she was pregnant with my child. This should be interesting. I really hope Noah didn't blow his chance with getting the job. My phone buzzed as I looked at it to see a message from Sofia, I managed her to get her to follow with my plan. With a huge sum of money of course. Sofia: I was able to put Noah's name in the yes list, I have also booked him in for a hair appointment, ordered contacts as well. So he can slightly change how he looks I smirked knowing I was much more closer than she thought I would be, and when I am. I am going to finish what I started once she has the baby of course. My son will follow my plan and do what needs to be done. I watched as Harry helped Melissa into his car, what a gentlemen.
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