Chapter Twelve

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M E L I S S A Over the next few weeks, the shop was finally opened and we were able to have a grand opening. I was super excited to start working here, Harry decided to call it, Harry’s Toy Co. Each floor was a different age and range just like I wanted along with the cafe with the baby section because all mothers need a coffee hit, it also had an actual play area for children to try out toys before buying. Harry and I wanted to make it enjoyable for everyone, not just the children. We also didn’t have to wear any type of uniform expect an apron with the name of the company on it. “You excited?” Alex asked me as we walked towards it. I looked over at her with a huge smile on my face, “Yes, thank you. Without you I would never be here to help out.” I noticed Harry was waiting outside, he turned hearing footsteps and smiled brightly once seeing me. Our new employees were standing outside as well waiting to go in. “You ready for this?” Harry asked. I smiled and nodded, “One hundred percent.” Harry chuckled before handing me the key to the shop, it wasn’t long until customers began walking up as well and started to stand around waiting for the store to open, there was even news producers announcing the new toy store. “Whenever you are ready,” Harry whispered in my ear. It didn’t take long after that for me to open the door with the key he had just given me, opening it up. Everyone gasped as they saw it, it was honestly beautiful, everything is being made by his company, apart from the coffee and cafe food of course. That is actually from Gemma’s business, which we were happy to put some of her business in this as well. Harry turned around to face everyone. “Welcome everyone, to Harry’s toy Co. This idea was made by two very important employees of mine and I am so happy that we can finally make a store, where you all can come and explore the great toys and items we’ve created at our company. So please be kind to everyone and have a great time,” Harry spoke to the crowd. All the employees followed me as I quickly showed them around, where things were. Which level was which and also the cafe as some would be working in there as well. “We’ve actually brought in the lady who kindly allowed us to use her products. She will be teaching some of you, how to make coffees, it may sound easy but there is a lot of technique that goes into making the perfect cup,” I spoke. Once the tour was done, everyone was assigned to a shift. They already knew how to use the pos machine, as we had them come into his building where we had one set up. “Thank you so much Melissa, for allowing me to be your TIC,” Millie spoke. I turned to her and smiled gently, “Of course, it is a little easier having you, as you’ve been in retail for 5 years.” The store was filled up in moments with parents, all with different age groups, a few employees showed them around, giving them a chance to take everything in. “Melissa,” I frowned turning around as the voice sounded like my parents. Once I was fully around, I saw them my mum and my dad standing there with smiles. I gasped and ran to them, giving them a massive hug before crying happily in them. “Oh sweetheart we’ve missed you so much,” my dad said as he sniffled. “How?” I asked once we pulled away. “Well your boss gave us a call, he knew you were missing us. He even told us about how well you were doing and how you were going to run this toy shop,” My Mum replied. Harry did this, he’s such a sweetheart. “Yes, he booked us flights here and paid for our stay at Hyde Park Hotel, he even picked us up this morning. He’s such a nice young man, we are so proud of you honey, you’ve done amazing,” my dad spoke. I turned to see Harry walking up with Alex following behind them. My parents brought Alex into a hug which she returned. “I can’t believe you did this for me, Harry,” I spoke. “Well I knew you would want them here,” Harry replied with a smile. I gently hugged him, I didn’t care if people saw because right now I was over the moon which happiness and joy. “Mr Styles,” my dads voice broke us apart. Harry stared at my father with a small smile on his face. “Thank you so much, for everything you’ve done for our daughter. It’s nice to know she is being looked over, I know my daughter and I know when she likes someone. Please be careful with her,” my dad replied in a small and quiet tone. “Don’t worry sir, she is in good hands. Thank you for raising such a brave daughter, she’s so understanding and helpful. She gets it from you both,” Harry shook my dads hand. Later on that evening, the shop was still busy. I had to help out a few times at the register, as many customers were checking out at the same time, though some were still around which didn’t bother me at all. I made sure to check everything over, even found myself in the baby section more. “You need some help?” I heard my mum ask. I turned to see her standing behind me and small smile on her face, “Yes, please.” My mum smiled before stepping forward, the both of us looked at the cots and toys in the baby section. “I still can’t believe you are here mum,” I replied. “I know, when Harry reached out to us, I was so happy. I felt bad though when he paid for our airfares and our hotel room,” she replied. My mum wasn’t into the fancy stuff either, while by dad loved to spoil her rotten. Take her to expensive places and give her everything. “How long have the both of you been dating?” Mum asked. “Not long maybe about a month, he’s been so amazing, even before that. I told him what happened in Minnesota, he was so kind and genuine. He took care of me, his older sister was in the same situation as me. So I get on nicely with her and his family. It’s still early days but I do really like him and he takes it easy with me. He knows what my triggers are and he knows when I’m uncomfortable in a room or scenario so he takes me out,” I replied. “I’m glad honey, I’m glad your making yourself better. We knew that staying in Minnesota would also do more harm than good, especially at our home. Which is why we thought it would be good for you to come here,” my mum tucked a stray hair behind my ear. “I appreciate everything you and dad have done for me, honestly. You are right, I would have been constantly reminded about what happened, it was the right thing to send me here. I’m getting better day by day and I know it’ll take time,” I replied.
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