Chapter Ten

1128 Words
H A R R Y The next morning I arrived at my office, in a normal black and white suit. I saw Melissa sitting in the waiting area of the building. She's been doing that lately and it worried me. "Melissa?" I asked as I walked in. Her head jerked up from her phone. Slowly I walked over to her and dropped my briefcase down. "What are you doing here this early?" I asked. She yawned slightly and rubbed her tired eyes, "I wanted to come here early." "Melissa," I sat next to her on the couch. "You can tell me." I gently moved a stray piece of hair, that was covering some of her face and tucked it gently behind her ear. She took a deep breath. "I just, lately with my bump now being seen. I didn't want people thinking that I slept with you to get where I am. A lot of people talk gossip and I didn't want to be part of it," Melissa confessed. I know she was still uncomfortable about this pregnancy and was self conscious about it as well. "Melissa, you know you can talk to me. I don't want you being here this early, without anyone. Does Alex know about this?" I asked. Melissa shook her head, "No, I just tell her I'm going to a cafe for breakfast." "No more of this please Melissa, I don't want you to be here this early okay. You don't have to let people see that you are pregnant and you don't need to tell people what happened. I can always pick you up on my way, I don't mind doing a detour," I said chuckling a little at the end. I was here early, I had to be. Melissa sighed and nodded her head before placing her head on my shoulder. "Okay," she whispered. After a few moments, I looked at my watch and noticed the time. I had to go to my office and get ready for the interviews we were having today. I gently stood up, offering my hand to Melissa who took it. Once she was standing up, I grabbed my briefcase and headed to my elevator pressing the button. She was standing beside me, once it opened the two of us stepped in. Pressing the button to the only level it had which was my office. "Have you talked to your parents?" I asked Melissa. "Yeah, we spoke yesterday. I cried hearing there voice," Melissa replied. I couldn't blame her, she hasn't seen her family for 2 months, that's hard on anyone especially if you are close. The elevator stopped, allowing the two of us to walk out. Opening my office door, I allowed Melissa to go in first closing it behind me. She's going to be with me for the next two days for the interviews. So it's only good to have her in here with me. "Thank you yesterday again Harry for the little date we had. It was cute," Melissa spoke as she sat down on one of the chairs. I smiled warmly at her, "I've been wanting to go on a date for you, for a while." I could see Melissa blush once again, I was very fond of her. From the moment I saw her on the plane, it was an instant liking. "Me too Harry, I didn't think it was appropriate to date your boss," she chuckled. I smirked at her comment knowing that not many places condone dating in the work place, but to me I don't care who dates who as long as it doesn't affect how they work. After a few moments of silence, my office door opened, which made me look up to see Sofia. "Sofia, how many times do I tell you. Please knock," I said, which caused Melissa to sit up and cover herself with her jacket. "Sorry sir, I just thought you would like the resumes for today," Sofia apologised. Her eyes glanced over to Melissa, who was sitting in the chair. I could tell in her eyes that she was getting jealous. "Please buzz when the first interviewer gets here," I spoke. Sofia nodded, leaving my office which caused Melissa to sigh in relief. ✖️✖️✖️✖️ The first few interviews were done, Melissa was sitting with the clipboard against her bump. We both listened to the people we were interviewing asking them questions, random ones as well. "So Abby tell me why do you want to work for my company?" I asked the girl sitting opposite me. "Well, I've always been fond of you creators, my little sister loves your toys and when I heard you were actually opening a store here in London, I thought it would be a great chance to work there," Abby replied. "What do you reckon makes a good sales person?" Melissa asked. Abby looked at Melissa, "Well I think it's someone who is compassionate, bubbly and great with children." Melissa nodded while I wrote down her answers. "So Abby, if you were to get this job. What is your availability like?" I asked. "Well I'm available every day actually. I have my own car so I can drive to and from work, I'm available from 7 am and to whenever. I am willing to put in the hours," she replied. After a few more questions, Abby was able to leave. I looked over at Melissa. "So what do you think of Abby?" I asked knowing she needed to also like the candidates. "I think she is great, her experience is good. She seems nice and willing to work. I don't know her with ethic until she does start," Melissa replied. I nodded gently ticking her resume placing it in the yes pile. I had three piles, yes, no and maybe. Sofia buzzed in again, which meant another interviewer. The door opened, a man stepped in and instantly Melissa took a deep breath. I looked at her making sure she was okay. "Are you okay?" I asked Melissa. "That's Noah, he's umm.. James' son," Melissa replied. I stared at her, before back at the man. Noah had a wicked smirk just like James did. Instantly I stood up. "Sir you need to leave," I said. "But my interview," Noah said. "No," I shook my head instantly protecting Melissa's view from him. "Did it feel good Melissa, did it?" Noah taunted. "Sir if you don't leave now, I will have security escort you out," I remained firm as I stared at the man. Noah looked at me and Melissa before leaving, I instantly turned to see Melissa who was on the verge of tears. Slowly I walked over to her and hugged her gently, gently rubbing her back
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