Chapter 10

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Jenna’s POV In other not to draw too much attention to ourselves, Adrien led me towards the back entrance where the CEO of Denver's Entertainment used to enter the building when he did not want too much attention on himself. “So this CEO, is he your friend?” I asked as we passed by a group of guards who let us in at the sight of Adrien. “Kind of,” he said as walked faster and I had no choice but to speedwalk to match his pace. “Slow down okay” I whined, and then we entered the elevator leading to the CEO's office. It opened and I stepped out after Adrien and we stood in the office of the Denver Entertainment Agency CEO. And there he sat, looking all mysterious, but his face literally lightened at the sight of Adrien. “Adrien, you are finally here, what took you so long” he said excitedly as he stood up and walked towards us. “Stuff” Adrien replied as he passed the ceo side and took his seat. By “You must be my sister-in-law, I can see why Adrien could not wait to marry you, welcome to the gang,” he said as we shook hands. “Thank you…” I smiled. “Jennifer, he is your new boss, Xander Blaqk, just call him Xander” Adrien said as he took a brief look at me and I nodded while Xander looked dissatisfied. “No sister inlaw don't call me that, brother inlaw is more suitable” he laughed, but his voice got lower when he noticed Adrien's deadly stare on him. “I would just stick with Xander unless I would have unnecessary attention on me,” I said politely. “You are right why did I not think of that, Xander it is,” he said lightly smacking his head in a reproachful manner. “I don't have time to waste Xander, who is her manager?” Adrien said as he looked at his wristwatch for the time. “Oh that's right,” Xander said as he sat back down on his seat and I sat beside Adrien. “I have given sister inlaw one of the best managers in this entertainment firm so don't worry she will become a top actress in no time” he boasted. “What is her name?” I asked. “Her name is Liana James, I have asked my secretary to send your information to her, so she should be aware by now,” he said and I nodded still waiting for him to bring out the contract and luckily he got the memo. “This is a ten-year contract, you can terminate it anytime you want without any fee for breach of contract attached,” he said as he looked at Adrien like a puppy waiting to be praised. “Good Job” Adrien nodded and it took everything in me not to burst out in laughter, I wondered how the stoic Adrien managed to become friends with Xander who gave off a golden retriever energy. After scanning through the contract I signed it and Xander signed after. “I look forward to working with you” I shook his hand before Adrien walked out using the secret elevator while I went out from his main office door and greeted his secretary who sat by the reception. “Harley, take her to Lianah’s office,” he told his secretary looking almost as stoic as Adrien before walking back into his office. And I was in awe of how he was able to change his vibe from a golden retriever to a Cane Corso. No wonder he decided to open an entertainment agency. “Hello, I am Harley” his secretary introduced herself to me as we walked forward. “My name is Jennifer but just call me Jenna” I smiled and she smiled back. “So you are one of our latest signees hmm,” she said and I nodded, I was not really in the mood for small talk, also she had an air of hostility around her, one thing I prided myself on was that I was a very good judge of character and I could sense Harley’s from a mile away. After a few minutes of walking, we arrived in front of Liana’s office, without waiting for Harley to knock I directly opened the door and walked in. “Who are you?” Lianah asked with an annoyed look on her face. “She is our new signee, Mr. Blaqk said that you are her manager,” Harley said with a professional smile to Liana. “Yes, he said he sent my information to you,” I said with crossed arms, while Harley nodded and left. “Wait a minute then let me confirm,” Liana said as she began to type away on her laptop while I sat down. “Did I tell you to sit?” she asked angrily and I just gave her a small smile before answering. “No” I smiled, by her initial demeanor it was obvious that Liana was a bully and if I just stood waiting for her to offer me a seat, she would keep me standing for long just to keep me in my place. “Okay, then stand up,” she said angrily. “I am sorry but I can't do that” I smiled calmly “You are a clearly no-name actress yet you do not have respect for your seniors” she reprimanded as she stood up and banged her hands on her table angrily. “I respect those who respect themselves” I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Just as she was about to respond the door flung open and a lady in a white Chanel gown and sunglasses, she was very pretty I would give her that, with her strawberry blonde hair that complemented her freckles, she was basically a walking beauty standard, she walked in with a young lady carrying her belongings trying her best to catch up with her. “Oh my gosh Linda, why did you not tell me that you were stopping by” Liana said, his angry lips suddenly morphing into a fawning smile. “Do I need to inform you of my whereabouts now” the lady scoffed while Liana looked embarrassed. “Of course not, you are welcome anytime” she smiled. Everywhere suddenly became quiet and I looked up to see the lady standing in front of me, giving me a condescending look, I looked at her back with a smile and not breaking eye contact, two of us could play the no blink game if she wanted. “Hhmm” she cleared her throat while turning to look at Liana” “Don't you know that this is Linda’s spot, stand up for her!” Liana shouted at me and I just scoffed in return. “Know I did not know that Miss Linda, bought this seat that I am sitting on with her hard-earned money” I retorted sarcastically. “You!” Linda stomped her foot angrily. “What did I say anything offensive?” I asked with an innocent look. “Oh, you did not buy this seat, then why should I stand up, there are other chairs here, suit yourself and sit in one that suits your standard,” I said nonchalantly choosing to not pay any attention to her again. “Can you confirm my status and your plans for me so that I can take my leave?” I said crossing my legs and arms, I began to get bored of their annoying attitudes. “Lianaaaa!” Linda wined and Lianah nodded. “Dont worry, she is under me, from now on she will not have any good TV roles” she assured Linda and I looked up at her, at least if she had planned that for me she should not have said that in front of me, she was giving herself away. “And what makes you think you can hold me down?” I asked her as I angrily stood up while Linda looked satisfied. “I know I can and I will, I am your boss and I can do whatever I want,” she said and the whole room was filled with her pride. “Really, you, my boss?” I laughed mockingly and she nodded with her shoulders high. “Well you are not anymore, you are fired,” I said and she looked surprised. “What! You cannot fire me, you were assigned to me by the CEO” she objected. “So you are saying that I cannot change managers?” I asked and she nodded pridefully. “Of course not, you are stuck with me until your ten-year contract ends,” she said. “We will see about that” I laughed and walked up, let me see if Xander would force me to be under that old-looking witch. I took the elevator and went to Xander's office. Just as I was about to enter, I was stopped by Hareley. “Jenna, the CEO is busy right now,” she said trying to block my path but with little to no energy I pushed her aside and entered Xander's office. “Who is that?” he asked with annoyance in his voice while looking down. “It is me, Jenna,” I said as I walked towards his table and took my seat while he looked up in surprise. “Oh sister-in-law, it is you” he laughed and I smiled back. “What brings you back so soon?” he asked. “I want to change my manager,” I said and he looked shocked as a result. “Really, why? Liana is one of the best managers in this company” he said. “Maybe she is good, but she is a rude snake, and she made claims to her favorite artist that she is going to give me bad acting jobs just because I did not respectfully stand up for my senior when they were other chairs around,” I said with dissatisfaction and Xander looked equally as mad. “She did that?” he asked angrily and I nodded. “She has gone out of line, is it because I keep giving her grace, she is done for,” he said as he made an attempt to call someone, and if my guess was correct he was calling to fire Liana. “I don't want you to fire her” I quickly interrupted his calling process. “You don't?” he asked with a confused look and I nodded. “Since she is one of the best managers in your company why would you fire her for a barely established actress? Of course, I want her to be fired more than anything, but wait until I bring in a better manager who will beat her record, then you can fire her” I told him my plan. “That sounds like a good plan” he smiled and I nodded. “So you don't plan on going with any of my company's managers?” he asked. “Well, when I debuted into the industry I had this manager, Ramona, she has a very strong determination and good abilities but it seems like she offended someone at the time entertainment agency,” I said and he nodded. “Okay sister-in-law I understand what you are saying, if you are able to convince Ramona to jump ships to our agency, I have no problem signing a contract with her,” he said and I smiled happily. “Thank you so much, Xander, you don't need to worry about the breach of contract fees, Adrien would handle that,” I said as I walked out while hearing Xander's laughter behind me. I just had a feeling that it was Ramona who would help me reach my goal and my judgment has never been wrong, well only once and that was with Rio.
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