Chapter 11

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After getting Xander's permission I went outside on my way to times entertainment. I had to book an Uber because it was Adrien who dropped me off in the morning hence no car. “To Times Entertainment Agency please,” I said to the Uber driver as I got in the car. Times Entertainment was not far away from Denver’s Entertainment because they were both located in the business district. Remembering that the annoying receptionist at times would ask if I had an appointment, I began to type in some codes on my phone, and boom I was able to hack my way into their system and secure myself a reservation. “We are here,” the Uber driver said when we arrived and I paid him. “Jennifer?” she called out looking visibly annoyed by my presence. “Hmm” I gave her a sarcastic smile “What are you doing here, I thought you got rejected?” she asked. “Oh I am sorry, I did not realize that the job of the receptionist is to ask about other people's business” I retorted. “I want to see Ramona, you can check in your system, I have an appointment with her,” I told her with a straight face as I walked away. “Hmph” she humphed angrily. Using the elevator I went upstairs and went to her office. Since I was going to ask her for a favor I had to be on my best behavior. So for the first time, I knocked on her door. “Who is it?” she asked. “It is me Jennifer” I replied. “Come in,” she said so I opened the door and walked in. “What do you want again Jennifer, I told you before, the company would not renew their contract with you, Don't come disturbing me for something I have no power over,” she said looking so tired. “I am not here for that,” I said with a little bit of pride as I sat down. “What do you want then?” she asked. “I want you to be my manager, leave times entertainment, I will take care of the rest,” I said. “You have asked me before and I told you no Jennifer. My contract with Times has not expired, and I am definitely not risking my job for a canceled actress, I would just go broke” “you don't want to lose this Job?, Ramona you have been working here for over ten years yet they treat you like one of their low-ranking employees” I argued. “I am lucky enough to even be treated as such after what happened that year” she replied angrily. “What happened?” I asked. “Oh you dont know?” she laughed. “I guess you have so caught up in your own life you did not realize after you terminated your contract with us, another actress brought up the allegations that I used to treat the actresses under me unfairly and that I abused my position to bully small-time actress, the fact that you also quit from the industry also made people believe her the more, they thought you were bullied by me and that is why you left” she sighed. “But that is not why I left, I left because I got married” I quickly clarified. “I know, look I don't blame you or anybody for what happened that year, but can you please leave me alone, I am okay,” she said. “Well, Ramona I might have gotten canceled by times and smaller entertainment agencies, but guess what, Denvers did not cancel me, because the CEO has more power than the Stirling family,” I said. “What!” Ramona shouted almost jumping out of her seat. “You got a contract with Denver's Entertainment?” she asked excitedly. “Of course, and it is a ten-year contract” I smiled. “That's great to hear” she smiled. “And I mean what I said Ramona, you can jump ships to Denvers and become my manager, we can make a comeback together, let's make the actress who accused you eat her words okay?” I tried to convince her. “That sounds great Jennifer, but I do not think Denver would like to hire me” she sighed. “Of course they will, I have already asked Xander and he said if I can convince you to join Denver, he would not mind signing a contract with you, and also do not worry about the breach of contract fees for Times Entertainment, I would cover that for you” I claimed. “You know the CEO of Denvers?” she asked and I nodded. “Of course, he is a friend of a friend” I lied. “Can I really join Denvers?” she asked excitedly and I nodded. “Okay, I am in,” she said with a look of determination on her face and I smiled in return. “Now pack your stuff, let's go tell your stupid CEO you quit” I smirked. Ramona was so excited to pack her stuff, from my memory I knew that Ramona was very hardworking when she was the original Jennifer’s manager and she genuinely cared for the original Jennifer, her job was her whole life, that is why she was almost forty years old, yet she did not have kids of her own or even a partner. It was kind of upsetting to see that the profession which she sacrificed her whole private life for failed her. After walking for a while we arrived at the CEO's office. Ignoring his secretary who tried to stop us from entering, we walked into his office confidently. And there he sat on his seat and in front of him was Alder, that stupid man. “What are you doing here?” Adler asked with a look of shock. “It is none of your business” I rolled my eyes and scoffed. “I quit,” Ramona said to the bald CEO confidently and I smiled. “What?” the man asked with shock on his face. “I said, I quit!” Ramona shouted and I clapped happily. “Ramona let me remind you that your contract states that you would be an employee for this company for a period of twenty years and if you breach this you would have to pay us twenty million dollars,” he said angrily while Adler also looked surprised. “Don't worry about the compensation fees I would have to pay, I just want to let you know that I quit” she said with confidence. “What? Is it this b***h that convinced you to leave us? Let me tell you cannot make it if you stick with her, she has been canceled by the Stirling family” Adler informed her and I laughed out loud. “So what Adler, I have been canceled by your lame-ass family, so what?” I mocked. “Do you think you are the most powerful family in the world? For your information, I have signed a contract with Denver's Entertainment, and in a few hours, they will upload it on their public website that I am their new signee, so drop your prideful attitude. Your Stirling family is nothing compared to Denver’s entertainment owners, the Blaqk family. I want to see if you can force them to cancel me too” I laughed and it felt so good, to give my haters a good face-smacking. “What, Jennifer that is a lie, why would Denver’s entertainment sign you in, you are a no-name actress with no backing,” he said in disbelief. “And who told you I have no backing, just because I have been acting humble to boost your family’s stupid ego does not mean I have no backing, okay?” I laughed. “ Ramona let's go,” I said before turning around and walking away, the sight of Adler disgusted me. We went outside and I was about to call for an Uber when I saw a familiar-looking car packed at the corner, I approached it with Ramona walking behind me. I knocked on the window two times before the person inside opened the door and alighted from the car. Sure enough, it was Adrien. “I did not call for you, how did you know I was here?” I asked as I opened the door and got into his car. I looked back to see Ramona who had a shocked look on her face. Oh yes, I should have given her a warning. “Is that Adrien Lockwood?” she asked nervously and I nodded like it was nothing. “Of course” I smiled. “Good evening Mr Lockwood” she greeted nervously while he just nodded back with a stoic look and went back into the car. “Do you want a ride?” I asked her and she quickly shook her head no. “There is no need for that, I brought my car” she declined before speed walking away. “Look you scared her away” I whined to Adrien as he began to drive away.
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