Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 In thirty minutes, I arrived at a bar, wearing a gown that accentuated my features. The bar was attached to a five-star hotel, and the customers of this bar were mainly people from the upper class. I got in easily with my charm and ordered the most drinks I could. And in no time, I gubbled them down. In my previous life, I could drink as much alcohol as I wanted without getting drunk, but this body. I did not even drink up to my usual amount, and I was already flat out drunk. I stood up from my chair in a bid to go home, but I was approached by one of the staff for payment. I brought out my card and swiped it. And the worst thing happened. The card was declined. That i***t should have sent my hundred million by now. “Swipe it again,” I drunkenly said, but it still brought out the same result. “That bastard,” I slurred. “I will pay for her.” A nice-looking gentleman said as he made a move to pay, and I just let him. Although he was handsome, I had no interest in him, Rio and Adler had succeeded in making me see men in a negative light, especially Rio. After he paid, he gave me a small smile and then ran away like he was being pursued. I was finally free to leave, but my drunken self decided that it was a good idea to tour the hotel right next to the bar. Trying my best to look as sober as possible, I made my way in and entered the elevator, pressing multiple keys in my drunken stupor. The elevator took me to different floors before it finally stopped at the topmost floor, and I staggered out. I tried entering every room, but the doors were locked; surprisingly, one door was open by a margin; it looks like the owner forgot to close it. With a sneaky look on my face, I tiptoed in, removed my shoes, and lay on the bed. I stretched my hands, and I felt something—no, it was someone whose body seemed to be steaming hot. “Help me.” I heard the voice of a man, and all the alarm bells inside my head began to ring. I was in the same room with a man, in the same bed. After spending five years with Rio, I was disgusted with me. I groggily stood up, but I was pulled back down, and before I knew it, this person's warm lips landed on mine. Why was I not repulsed? Why did I freakin enjoy it? I woke up and rubbed the tiredness away from my eyes, trying to recall the events that took place the previous night. Noticing the sensation between my legs, I came to a realization: I slept with somebody. “Aaaaargh!” I screamed into a pillow. I looked beside me, and that bastard was freakin gone. After taking advantage of me, oh, he is in for a treat. I grabbed my phone, which I threw on the ground, and began to type streams of code in it, and in no time I gained access to the CCTV footage of the hotel. I wanted to see who dared to take advantage of me. The footage was gone, that bastard had the nerve to delete it. Well joke on him, I was the best hacker in the world, it would be a piece of cake to retrieve the footage. After putting it in another code, I thought the footage would come back, but instead, an image appeared on my phone. “Venom” was the word in the image. I could recognize it with my eyes closed. Venom was the bane of my existence. I have always been the best in everything I did, but hacking because Venom took my number one spot in hacking, and ever since then it has been impossible for me to knock him off his throne. So Venom was the one who deleted the CCTV footage? Was he also the one who slept with me? I tried my best to put myself together before leaving the hotel and going back to my house. Just as I got home, I received a call from my’ father.’ “You bastard, Alex told me everything—how dare you divorce Adler? Do you know what consequences our family would have to face?” He said angrily, and I laughed out loud. The previous Jennifer would care about the consequences, but I, on the other hand, could not wait to see it unfold. “I don't care, you can ask your beloved Alex to marry him to salvage the consequences, right?” I said with fake concern in my voice, but I was just amused. “You bastard, do you think we have not thought of that? Adler's grandfather would only accept you as his granddaughter-in-law, he does not like Alex. Jennifer, all you have to do is beg Adler for forgiveness, and he would surely forgive you." "Remember you are doing this for the family” he said, did he honestly think I was a fool, well the previous Jennifer was so I guess. “I am sorry, but I will not get back with Adler, and there is nothing you can say to make me remarry that scum,” I said. “You bastard, have I raised you all these years for nothing, you can't even do a simple favor for your family?” He said angrily, and I just chuckled. “Come back home this instant!” the man shouted, and I immediately hung up on him. I got ready to go back home just like he said, not because I was obedient, I just wanted to see the kind of family I had. I guess having a decent family was the curse I had in both lives. In my previous life, I had a crazy and obsessive brother, and in this, I have insufferable parents and a green tea b***h as a sister, that was quite fun.
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