Chapter 4

1589 Words
In no time I took my bath and dressed up, I needed to change my wardrobe. The original owner of my body had been deceived by Alex, her sister to be putting on shabby outfits, from my memory, she indeed did not look like the mrs of a rich family, luckily I was in control now, nobody could deceive me. I put on the best outfit I could find and decided to go shopping for some more later. I got into my car and zoomed off, in thirty minutes I arrived at my ‘father’ house. It was a villa in which they took pride in. My new family were never rich people, they had always been middle class until Adler’s grandfather took a liking to the original Jennifer and forced Adler to marry her, while stupid Jennifer married him for love. Ever since their marriage the Stirling family had always been helping Jennifers, they got them a new house, and a new business and as a result of this, Jennifers family’s ego went skyrocketed through the roof. For some reason they never liked Jennifer and always preferred her sister over her, always giving Jennifer's stuff to Alex, I guess that is why Alex felt so entitled to sleep with Jennifer's husband. I guess I should address them as my family now, hm well not for long. Although the house was a villa, it was nothing to write home about, as I came down from my car, the servants around acted like they were blind and could not see me, but I did not mind anyway. I opened the door by myself and walked into the villa and I was almost blinded the the amount of gold accessories they used to decorate the house. The chandeliers, the tiles, the walls, the lights, the chairs, almost everything was gold, giving the house a tacky feeling, I guess they were afraid of not being seen as rich, that is why they felt the need to cover their house with gold. Without directions I headed to the living room where they all sat, well except for my grandmother, she must be upstairs. My fat bald father sat comfortably on the golden couch, but he had a worried look on his face while my mother sat by his side, trying to comfort him. Alex sat at the edge looking disgruntled. “I have arrived” I declared as I walked in. “You treacherous daughter..” my father started but he was immediately cut off by my mum. “Oh darling you back,” she said with a fawning smile as she walked towards me. I shivered, I hated that term, it just reminded me of Rio. “Don't call me that” I told her with an irritated look and tone. Since when did she even start addressing Jennifer as darling? “Oh,” she said awkwardly while still trying to maintain her smile as she dragged me towards an empty couch to sit while she sat beside me. “Feel free to say what is in your mind,” I told them carelessly. “Honey I know you are angry and disappointed even, but you cannot just leave your marriage like this, do you know how much this family has been affected, the Stirlings want to cut ties with us,” Mum said. “And how is that my business” I replied with a yawn. “You stinky child can you stop your nonsense now, your mother has been nothing but nice to you and you treat her like this? Jennifer I am not asking but telling you to beg Adler now, if you are not married to Adler before the end of this week you will not like what I will do to you” he threatened and Mum also changed her whole demeanor. I stood up and walked towards him, ignoring Alex who sat at the side, tears streaming from her eyes little by little. “What will you do to me? Tell me” I asked as I stood at his front looking into his eyes directly, of course he could not hold eye contact, that stinky old man looked away. “Jennifer can you stop this, dad is doing this for everyone's good, stop being so selfish” Alex who had been silent since finally spoke causing a pregnant pause, which I broke of course with my laughter. Did she actually say that to me? With such self-righteousness, acting like Adler did not sleep with her. “Please tell me how this is for my good Alex, how will going back to a man who cheated on me with my sister be good for me?” I asked her. “Well at least he has money and you have nothing going on for yourself self” she mocked. “Oh is see that is why you decided to be his w***e” I chuckled. “Jennifer don't go too far!” she shouted angrily while puffing her cheeks. “I have a question, since Alex and Adler are so in love that they decided to still see each other despite what society would say about them, why can't they get married? I thought you guys always preferred Alex, why are you not following her wishes this time?” I asked even though I had asked Dad before, I just wanted to rub it on Alex’s face, that even after I divorced Adler, she could not have him, so pathetic. “You know damn well Jennifer, Adler's grandfather only likes you, he does not like Alex, if we could have our way, Alex would have been married to Adler long ago okay?”Mum said and I smiled with satisfaction, now she is showing he true colors. “Well I am sorry but I have no interest in helping your family out,” I said to them. “You bastard child, would you just sit and watch as this family plummets into ruins” Dad questioned angrily and I happily nodded. I turned around when I heard someone walking down the stairs, it was grandma. Alex immediately ran to her and helped her to walk and in no time, they both stood in front, I just looked at the old woman, I did not know what to say to her. I have to say it was quite unexpected when she raised her walking stick and tried to hit me with it, did she think I would stand there and take her beatings, maybe the old Jennifer would but me? Without thinking I flung her stick away, causing her to fall on the ground. “Oh my gosh, what wrong have I done in this life to deserve such a wicked granddaughter, you hit, you hit me, Jennifer, oooh I wanted to die, just kill me now” The old lady rolled around on the ground, and wined while Alex tried to help her up but she ignored. “Oh drop the act,” I said to her, hearing me, she immediately stood up as if nothing happened, she just had pure anger on her face. “Jennifer you have only two options today, either you beg Adler and his family to take you back, or this family will disown you,” Grandma said with a smug expression causing a pin-drop silence around the living room. After a while I could not hold in my laughter anymore, I immediately burst out laughing at the same time trying to wipe the tears from the side of my eyes due to my laughing. “Oh my gosh, I did not think leaving this family would be that easy, let's do that, you don't know how much I have been praying for this moment,” I told them happily. I immediately brought out a sheet of paper from my bag and wrote down the fact that I was not part of the Lyon family anymore, I signed immediately and gave it to my grandma to sign which she did reluctantly, and so did my mum and dad. “Jennifer don't regret this!” Dad shouted angrily. “Why would I reject leaving a parasite family, from the beginning of my existence all you have ever cared about is how you would suck me dry of all my usefulness and riches, I am tired of you guys okay, manage Alex, although she is useless, she is still a famous actress, not for long” I smirked before I began walking out. “You stinky child, do not regret your decision, this family will become so successful and you will regret your decision today” Grandma shouted angrily and I just laughed happily as I exited the house. Although I felt a sense of loss, who will be feeding me my daily dose of drama from now on? My phone began to ring just as I got into my car and drove off, it was Amelia, she has always been Jennifer's best friend, I guess she is my best friend now. “Hello,” I answered as I drove home. “Girl why did you not tell me you divorced your scum husband!” she shouted. “Well…” “I don't want to hear anything let's meet” she suddenly declared. “Like right now?” I asked. “Of course, meet me at ‘Livvys Cafe’” she said and I agreed before she hung up, I turned the car around.
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