Chapter 5

1386 Words
I arrived at Livvy’s Cafe. It was a warm, softly lit cafe filled with the aroma of freshly baked pastries and coffee. I closed my eyes and sighed in relief. This was the first time I was able to come to such an environment comfortably. My rebirth is certainly a blessing. I looked up when I heard a bubbly voice shouting my name. “Jenna, Jenna,” the voice called, and I looked up to see her dazzling red-headed lady; she was like a physical ray of joy. I waved back at her awkwardly before walking towards her, because in a way, I was meeting her for the first time, and at the same time I knew her. “Oh my gosh, Jenna, divorce looks so good on you” Amelia squealed, and I smirked. “Like I am so happy for you Jenna, you finally realized how right I was about Adler,” she sighed, toning down the excitement. “Waiter, you can bring the coffee now!” She shouted happily towards the waiter, who was attending to another table, and the waiter nodded with a smile. The coffee arrived in five minutes. “You were right after all, I guess,” I said, putting my inborn acting skills to work. Since I was now in Jennifer's body, of course, her friend was now mine, and I was very excited by that fact, especially when I remembered how friendless I was in Hidden Valley. Rio paid people to be friends with me, and it was not the same as how it was with Amelia; it seemed more genuine, of course, because she was not paid to have a meal with me. “Oh Jenna, boo, please don't be sad, Adler was bad to you, and I have been trying to tell you this for the longest time now,” she sighed, thinking I was sad about the divorce. “What the hell?” I burst out laughing, wiping away the one tear that escaped from my eyes as a result, I did not even know Adler that well, why would I be sad because of him? But I guess the original Jennifer would probably ball her eyes out. “Why would I be sad over that scum?” I laughed even harder. "Wait, you are not sad?” Amelia asked with a confused look on her face. “Hell no, ever since I married him, that i***t treated me like s**t and I took it, his mother is an annoying piece of work who hated my guts, I decided to divorce him even before I caught him cheating on me,” I clarified just as I contained my laughter. “Really, what made you realise you need to leave that piece of s**t because I know I have been telling you for months?” She asked with a smile, and as usual, I just made something up. "Well, I tried to off myself,” I said in a sneaky way. “You what !” she shouted, drawing the attention of everyone in the cafe towards us. “Mind your business people,” I told them calmly, and they all got back to whatever they were doing before. “You tried to kill yourself, Jennifer, why don't I know this? That is messed up, why would you ever think of that?” She asked angrily with tears coming down her eyes, and I immediately became flustered, What do I do? I knew I should have gone with another lie. I had never really dealt with such an emotional person before. “That is not the point, Amelia, I did not die, I survived, so I took it as the universe giving me a message, why die for a scum, you know?” I said, and Amelia reluctantly nodded. “So now I am with the mindset that I have died before, and I am now reborn, I am a new person, who does not take nonsense from anybody,” I declared. “Thats the spirit,” Amelia clapped, and I smiled a little. “You are indeed different, Jenna, I don't know; you just give me a different feeling, “ Amelia said. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I asked with a raised brow. “That's great of course!” She shouted once again, causing me to glare at her. "Sorry,” she whispered, and I just nodded in response. “So what did your parents say?” she asked. “What else could those parasites say? They asked me to get back together with that i***t,” I said while taking a sip of my coffee. “Are you serious, are they crazy?” “They honestly are, but don't worry about it, I disowned them, I am pretty sure my dad is drafting my disinheritance papers as we speak like there is anything to inherit,” I said nonchalantly while Amelia’s mouth was wide open due to shock. “So what are you going to do now?” she asked. “I don't know, maybe get a hacking gig, or get a job at a hospital,” I shrugged. “What, Jenna, you don't know medicine or computer science,” Amelia said, looking at me like I was an ignorant child. “I don't?” I asked. “You don't,” she confirmed with a concerned look on her face. “I am pretty sure I do,” I chuckled. "Jenna, now is not the time for games,” she whined. “But I am serious, Amy, I had a long dream about me being the best doctor in the world,” I laughed. “You know the miracle doctor is dead.” “Is she?” I teased. "Okay, stop Jenna, how about you go back into acting?” “Acting?” “Yeah, you know, what you used to do before you got married to Adler,” she said in a ‘you should know this tone’ and it clicked. In the past, Jennifer was indeed an actress when she was in college, but when she graduated, she stopped acting and married Adler while Alex continued acting. “I don't think I can do that” I shook my head in defiance. “I know what you are thinking, Jenna,” Amelia said. “What am I thinking?” “You are thinking about your age right, Jenna. You are just twenty-five girl, there is still plenty of time for you to make a comeback,” she said and I gave it a thought. Acting would be nice and fun and I could even make money from it and also smack Alex in the face, that would be a win-win for me. So if I combined my hacking skills, with my medical skills and acting, I would become a billionaire in no time again and have nothing to worry about just like when I was in the hidden valley and Rio had not gone mad. “Sure, I will do as you said, tomorrow I will go to my old acting agency and renew my contract and I will be back in the business,” I said with excitement. “That's the spirit” Amelia squealed. “Okay I will come to your house by 8 am tomorrow so that we can go together okay?” she said and I nodded. The next morning I wore simple low-rise jeans with a white crop top and I did not forget to bring my sunglasses too. After a while Amelia arrived, literally vlogging her day. I guess that is how Jennifer and Amelia became best friends, Jennifer an actress, and Amelia a very popular influencer. “So guys this is Jenna,” she said to her camera while I awkwardly waved at it. In no time we we already on our way to Times Entertainment, the previous Jennifer’s acting agency. We arrived and entered the building and I saw different celebrities, musicians, and influencers, walking along. We were stopped by the receptionist who seemed to know me. “Oh my gosh Jennifer is that you?” she asked excitedly while I nodded nonchalantly, I was not stupid of course I could sense the hidden animosity in her voice.
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