5: Enticing Meal

1204 Words
CHAPTER 6 Hazel's POV Wasn't it too soon? I mean, I know we would meet them eventually but immediately? It was too fast. I recalled the face of the man I saw when I was being sold out, was he the King? I washed my body and hair thoroughly, trying to get every dirt on it away. After that, I came out and was given a worn out gown to wear. It was pretty long and had a faint smell. No one could grumble as it was better than my clothes earlier. When we finished, Caden led us to the main hallway, leading to the palace. As we entered the hall, the beauty of the palace made me breathless. It was beautiful and carefully decorated. I could see myself staying here and looking at the gems and artistic paintings all day. Indeed the vampires were richer. They might have gotten their riches by preying on smaller packs but it didn’t matter now. We went close to the part of the palace where the music was coming out. There were sounds playing loudly with the voices of men laughing. The sounds echoed and I was a bit panicking. I wanted to run away before I am seen as food alone. “No one should leavey sight unless you’re taken by one of the men inside,” Caden warned us. I wasn't even planning on leaving his side, I wanted to stay down and have a good life once this balm was over. When we arrived, they kept quiet for a while before they turned back and went on with their partying. There were foods on the table with drinks. Drunks that were so red, I was very sure it was blood. We stood by the sides and watched as the maids hurried to serve them without delay. Was this going to be my life from now? As we stood, there were few hlanceds from the men but for some reasons, they didn't approach us. Also, the last seat at the end of the table was empty. Were they expecting someone else? Caden had walked away after asking us to stay still. After some time, he came back with a smile on his face. “You will join the maids and serve these men. They are very close to the Prince soake sure to do your best. Any mistakes and your blood will be sucked dry,” he said cheerfully like he didn't just threaten to kill us if we acted out of line. “Yes, Master Caden,” we answered. He nodded before assigning us to various posts. I was sent to serve drink alone so I stood just a few meters away from the men. Whenever they raised their cups, I had to run to fill it up immediately which meant I had to be smart. I cous not be distracted. While pouring the drink into a man's cup, the drink was blood, I later found out, my hands slipped a little and a drop fell on his hands. He lifted his eyes to look at me. My eye widened and I dropped the jug of blood and cleaned the blood from his arm. I took my leave after coreectong my mistakes yet he didn't stop staring at me. Was there something on my face? I started getting conscious. I knew Caden was watching us from the sides. I though we were going to serve only the King but the Prince was the one hosting the celebration but he wasn't here yet. What a host! Everyone acted like it was normal for the host to not be in his own celebration. They were celebrating their successful attack and as the captives of their war, we had to serve them while they partied. It was distasteful yet no one has the guts to say anything. Infact it seemed all the girls were hostile. They didn't speak to each other and were rude, which was why I focused only on my job while trying to ignore the intense gaze of the man from earlier. He raised his cup again and when I went to serve him his wine, he quickly grabbed my wrist. “Always drinking from a cup doesn't make the party fun, don't you think?” He said with a sly smile on his face. “Well we still have to wait for the Prince,” another one answered. “But he hasn't arrived and it's getting late. I'm hungry for some fresh blood,” he countered the man before pulling me into his legs. I gasped as my ass was planted in his legs without warning. “Let me go,” I tried to fight and push myself up but I couldn't. This man was strong. He placed his nose in my hair and sniffed it. “Your blood smells really interesting. I want a taste,” he licked his fangs slowly. I shook my head. I didn't want him to. Hw was a handsome man but I could feel this unexplainable fear within me. This man might be the strongest. “I still think we should wait for the Prince,” another man said. The rest looked at me with anticipation. They wanted this man to dig his fangs into my neck. That would be impossible, or so I thought. “Too bad I can't control myself. She smells delicious,” he told them, just before he pulled my hand and bit into it. My lips parted in shock as I watched him take my blood. His eyes turned pitch black and he stared at me while drinking from me. I couldn't move. It felt like I had been paralyzed. Suddenly he lets go off me and pushed me to the floor when the door opened. It happened to fast, I fell and hit my ass on the floor. I tried to get up and fell again. It was painful. My ass hurts. Without checking, I knew it would be bright red by the end of the night. Closing my eyes for a moment to catch my breath, I felt eyes on me. When I finally stood up to move away from the table, I almost bumped into someone. “Careful,” a deep and alluring voice cautioned, making me to lift my eyes to him. His eyes hypotonized me. I stared at him with wide eyes while he had a small frown on his face. This man was handsome. His brows looked like they were drawn to be perfect on his face. His lips seemed to be carved to fit his perfect face and chiseled chin. Who was he? He raised an eyebrow when I didn't stop looking at him and that was when I remembered where I was. Oh no. I glanced at the spot Caden was and he stood there, shaking his head in disapproval. Swallowing the bile that arose in my throat, I moved away from this strange man. He walked to the man that had taken my blood just few minutes ago, placed his hands on his shoulders and asked. “What do we do to people that disobey my orders?” The whole hall went silent.
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