4: Vampires

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Hazel's POV I could hear the sounds of angry voices screaming without care. It pulled me out of my slumber and I opened my eyes slowly. Glancing around, I noticed I was in a small cage along with some other people; both men and women alike. Where was I? What was going on? While trying to understand my situation, the past events from last night evaded my senses and I remember exactly what happened. I let out a small gasp. It wasn't a dream after all. I had indeed been sold to the Vampires. Grabbing the rods of the cage, I peered outside. We were still in the woods. That was good, I consoled myself. Maybe I would be able to make a run for it. The vampires were busy speaking and laughing loudly with some humans bleeding besides them. I didn't have to guess to know who those were; bloodbanks. They were food for vampires. The thought of being seen as food alone made me shiver in disgust. As I watched around, my eyes fell on an old man. He stared back at me and a smile stretched on his lips. Oh no, I moved back a little, bumping into a young lady. She pushed me away. “Sorry,” I quickly apologized before moving away. What was that? I glanced at the spot where the man was seated but couldn't see him. A sigh of relief escaped my parched lips. He was gone. For a moment there, I thought he was going to come for me. My eyes closed as I took ik a deep breath to calmy emotions. When I opened them, I saw the man standing in front of the cage and almost screamed. “I'll take her,” he said with a glint of joy in his eyes. No, no, this cannot be happening. I pulled my legs together and held them tightly with my hands as the cage was opened. “Come out,” an handsome looking vampire ordered. I shook my head. I couldn't leave. I didn't want to be seen as food. My body was still weak. I was pretty sure there was no blood left to be taken. The vampire sneered aty little act of defiance and hia fangs protruded out of his mouth. He slowly licked them. “I don't have all day. You better get out or else you'll regret it,” he warned. My hands were already soaked with sweat. I felt helpless. “You should leave now if you don't want to get killed,” someone murmured from within the cage. “Yea, you should listen to your fellow humana,” the man said before he grabbed my legs suddenly and pulled me out of the cage. I tried to pull away but he was too strong. He smiled like a maniac as he pulled me out, his beautiful face filled with evil. The old man that had just bought me licked his lips as he watched me struggle. My hands and legs were chained and I was given to the old man. “This one is feisty. I believe her blood would taste better,” the old man happily told the young boy. “Enjoy your meal, Sir Ox,” the boy murmured. Sir Ox pulled me to his seat. I was unable to struggle orovey body at will. For a moment, I had forgotten that I had almost died while healing Edith. My body refused to act like I wanted. I was pathetic. Tears priclwd my eyes but I held them. Sir Ox pushed me to the dirty ground and sat on a branch. He placed my neck on his legs and it was unable to move. His grip was as strong as steel. My little attempts were nothing compared to his strength. His fangs grew and he dived straight into my neck. I cried out, with hot tears flowing from my eyes as the pain hit me. I was unable to move. As Sir Ox drank my blood, I felt my energy draining with speed. If I had thought healing the sick drained me, then this feeling almost knocked me out. I laid there with my strength gonea s he kept drinking. At some point he hummed in satisfaction but didn't stop. I could feel my life seeping out of me slowly. Was this the way I was going to die? I wasn't ready yet. Closing my eyes and waiting for death, I didn't know when Sir Ox pulled away from me. After a moment, I opened my eyes. He was looking at me strangely, with my blood dripping from his mouth. When I tried to lift my head, the pain on my neck intensified, making me lose my breath and vision for a moment. Sir Ox immediately placed his tongue on my neck, licking it slowly and savouring the taste. When heoved away I no longer felt any pain, just a little bit of numbness. “Just like I thought, you taste delicious,” he muttered. I stayed still, not knowing what to do or say. Should I be glad? He stood up and pulled me with him. “It seems your taste has changed, Sir Ox. This one is a little bit ugly, don't you think?” I heard some men ask Sir Ox as he took me back to the cage. He ignored them and kept tugging at my chains whenever my pace reduced. When we reached, he handed me back to the young man from earlier. “Like I said, her blood is exquisite,” Sir Ox praised me. The young man raise an eyebrow at my direction. He looked intrigued. “I see,” was his reply. Sir Ox left and I was pushed into yw cage once again. As I made myself comfortable inside, the man brought a stale bread for me. “Eat, you are going to need all the energy,” he grumbled before walking away. I couldn't understand what he meant by that. We stayed there for about an hour, before everyone stood up and started packing. Our cage was opened and everyone came down, one after the other. I didn't know what they were doing. All the slaves, along with me were chained together so we won't be able to leave. “March!” Someone yelled and everyone started walking. My heart raced when we started moving. I want a bit closer to the girl in front of me. “Please where are we going?” I asked her. Since I was sold to the leader, I expected to be in the palace serving him, not here. “To the Vampire's lair,” she answered weakly. I was so shocked, I almost stumbled on my feet. Suddenly a whip landed on my back. “No speaking!” A gruff voice yelled behind me. Hazel's POV I was physically and mentally exhausted. Maybe it was due to the blood that was taken out of me or the lack of rest all through the journey but my body was complaining. There was no way I could speak. The vampires were extremely strict. Unlike in my Clan, I mean my former Clan where they were mean, the vampires didn't care about anyone except themselves. After observing them for a while, I came to that conclusion. “We're here,” someone yelled and immediately everyone stopped. My mind had been elsewhere so I was not conscious of my surroundings and almost hit the girl in front of me. As we stopped, the vampires started murmuring. Their voices were so low, I was unable to figure out what they were saying. Then the huge gates opened widely and everyone entered. My jaw dropped as my eyes beheld the beauty of the city. I tried to take in everything but the guards were in a haste. I had heard it was because of the Crown Prince. We passed by the market, with vampires everywhere. I couldn't believe it. It was definitely not what I had expected to be the Vampire's lair. It was massive. Seeing the size of the lair, I could tell why they were able to defeat my Clan and why Lucian was worried about them. As the thought of my mate came to my mind, hurt and betrayal filled my heart. I tried not to think about it. We were pulled to the side and entered the palace through a small door, like the captives that we are. Captives were not allowed to enter anywhere through the front door, at least I knew that much. We passed through a chamber where fire was being heated and followed the guards into another chamber, where he stopped walking. He turned to us. “For those who don't know me, My name is Caleb but Master Caleb to you since I am your master from henceforth. This will be your residence until all of you are given a part in the palace,” he explained. I looked around and noticed the little sheets placed on the floor. I guess we will be treated like animals until we get a new home. I didn't know what to think or say. Caden kept speaking and explained some things but I was too tired and uninterested to listen. As much as the beds given to us don't look very nice, I was ready to lay my head down and sleep. “Am I clear?” He yelled, pulling me out of my reverie. “Yes, Master Caden,” we yelled in chorus. Caden smiled proudly. He glanced at each of us, when his eyes fell on me, they lingered for a bit before he looked away. “This is the palace so I expect everyone to be on their best behavior,” he warned before waving his hands and our chains were unlocked. Caden left, leaving us in the room. I glanced around, searching for the right spot to take and when I saw an empty space by the side of the room, I quickly went there. Just as I arrived, another girl also arrived. She looked at me with a vicious expression. “This spot is mine,” she said, exposing her fangs. She was a werewolf. I didn't want to argue with her so I took a step back and turned to walk away when I heard someone yell. Turning around, I saw a boy on the floor. He had fainted. Everyone gathered around him so I went there. As soon as I saw him, I knew what was going on with him. He was sick, just like Emily and the others. Looking at his pale skin, I could tell the sickness has taken over his body. He must be going through a lot of pain right now and if nothing is done, he could die. “What do we do?” Someone asked. “Nothing, he is none of our business so let's leave him,” another person commented. I was shocked to hear someone say such words and lifted my eyes to know who the person was. It was the same girl that had taken my spot. She was also looking at me. “He is dying,” someone else whispered. The young boy started sweating and his body began trembling. I shouldn't do this. I tried to ignore him and turned to walk away. Revealing my powers would only reduce me to being a puppet and I didn't want that. Yet seeing the boy in pain when I had the power to help him, didn't seem right either. The crowd started dispersing. No one wanted to be close to him any longer. I looked around and saw that most of the spots were already taken. I had no choice again. I went back to the boy and went down on my knees, placing my lips into his ears while grabbing his arm. I started humming a song slowly and felt my energy draining. His pain flowed into me, biting my insides like poison yet I didn't let go. Gritting my teeths, I kept humming the song till he woke up and was completely healed. He pulled his hands away from me as soon as he woke up while I gasped for breath. It hurts. My head felt like it was being hit by a rod while my skin felt like I was being poked with numerous needles. It was too much to bear. I groaned and tried to stand up because I knew no one would come to my aid. No one ever did. Pulling myself, I went to the only available space and laid down on the sheets to rest for a bit. I was too distracted to see the faces of everyone after what I had done. I already knew what they must think. A freak or a witch or a demon. I have been called numerous names. I closed my eyes so I didn't have to see their faces. Someone was touching me. My sleep was so peaceful that I didn't want to wake up but the hits kept getting stronger. I woke up to see the young boy I had saved earlier. “Master Caden is on his way and has instructed everyone to clean themselves up,” he told me with urgency in his voice. “What…” I trailed off when the door opens and Caden walked in. He looked around like he was searching for someone. When his eyes landed on me, he pointed at me. “You, stand up and follow me,” he ordered. My body immediately did as instructed and I stood up. He glanced at my clothes and sneered in distaste. “Such appearance is unacceptable,” he grumbled. He pointed at a few others and asked us to follow him. We rushed out of the room and walked behind him, with guards holding whips behind us. No one wanted to have a taste of the whip. We got to a different room and we're pushed inside. “Bath and dress up, the royals would not want to feast with filth all over your bodies,” he said, making my eyes widen. We were going to meet the royals?
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