6: Prince Damien

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CHAPTER 7 Hazel's POV He was the Prince, the crown prince of the Vampire's lair. Everyone was clearly scared of him. No one was allowed to speak in his presence without his permission and I had just stared at him like the naive girl that I am. His name is Prince Damien, I later found out. After sending the man that had drank my blood away for disobeying him, the celebration went on like nothing happened. I was asked to stay behind and invisible if possible. Caden ignored me and so did everyone. I started feeling like an outcast just like I had always felt. It wasn't my fault the vampire drank my blood yet it seemed I was being punished for it. At least we had been promised a meal after the celebration so I was looking forward to it. As the celebration went on, it gave me an opportunity to stare at prince Damein. I had not seen someone so perfectly created in my entire life. His beauty could not be competed with. I thought Lucian was handsome but in contrast to the prince, he would look ordinary. Well there was a saying that once you get to behold the vampire prince, you will fall in love with him. It might be far fetched but as I stood here staring at him, I couldn't help but believe it to be true. “You,” I heard Caden's voice behind me and turned. “Come with me,” he murmured before walking away. Taking one last look at the prince, I followed Caden out of the hall. As soon as we went outside, his hands landed on my face. I cried out, definitely not expecting it. “What is your name?* He asked. “Hazel,” I whispered, with tears pricking my eyes. He glared at me. “I gave simple instructions earlier and yet you couldn't abide by them. From today, you will be sent to work with the maids in the laundry,” he ordered. I paused, that didn't sound so bad. At least I would not be seen as food. Caden paced in front of me for a moment. “The King won't like that. Your blood seems to be very appealing. You might die there in no time,” he murmured to himself. What? What did that mean? “Master Caden, when you mean the laundry, what exactly are you talking about?” I had to ask. He smiled like he knew something I didn't. “They are the whores of the palace. Meant to be used by everyone including the guards,” he replied. My lips parted in shock. I couldn't do that. That would mean… no, it wasn't possible. I quickly grabbed his clothes and knelt down. “Please, Master Caden help me. I was given to the King by my pack, I don't think the King would want that,” I tried to beg for my life. I didn't want to be used for my blood. I had been used for my voice, now my blood. Tears filled my eyes as I looked up to him. I knew men like him loved feeling important so pleading with him was the only way to save my life. “You think you're that special?” He hollered. “No one will notice your absence, trust me,” he said and grabbed my arm pulling me up. I allowed the tears to fall freely from my eyes in an effort to soften his heart. I could work anywhere, I didn't mind serving the royals anymore. “Will you do everything that I ask you to?” He asked after a while I vehemently nodded in response. “Hazel, after the little stunt you pulled earlier, you will be serving the prince directly. I want to see how you will be able to cope with serving the prince,” he grunted. I stiffened. Wasn't serving the prince worse than working in the laundry? I could get killed for breathing! I started shaking my head but Caden pushed me away. “You don't get to choose where you will be, unfortunately. Now go back and get ready to be taken to the Prince's quarters. I must warn you, every little mistake could lead to your death especially if you try to fight him when he needs blood,” Caden warned, looking happy with what he had just said. I was doomed. I didn't want to serve the prince. He was too handsome and dangerous at the same time but I couldn't protest anymore. I guess this will be my life from now on. Caden took one look at me before walking away. ********************** I was tired. My body was weak from working and giving out my blood everyday. It seemed like the only reason we were given good food in the prince's chambers was because the prince needed blood almost every hour. How was he able to digest so much blood? I always wondered but since I had no one to ask, I kept every question to myself. After that night in the hall, news went around about how I was the cause of the downfall of one of the generals. I wasn't allowed to explain myself before everyone started hating me. It started as little mistakes but now I could confidently say the other maids hate me. I was given the hardest work and given the smallest portion of food and I couldn't complain. Caden would come once in a while to check up on me but it wasn't because he cared, he was just doing his job. A lot of maids were brought by him. My arms had gotten weak from scrubbing all day. Why was blood so hard to clean? I was assigned to clean the guest room, next to the prince's room since they were expecting a guest later in the day. I have been cleaning, dusting and scrubbing everywhere to make sure the room is spotless. Just when I finished and stood up, the door opened and two girls came inside. Rosaline and Cara. They were in charge of assigning work to the other maids in the prince's quarters. “Are you done?” She asked, looking around. “Yes,” I responded and stood up from the floor. Cara slowly walks towards me with a glint of mischief in her eyes. “You lousy maid! Can't you see the stains on the floor and the sheets!” She yelled. I glanced at the spot I had just finished cleaning and couldn't see anything. “But there is no…” my voice trailed off when Rosaline started pouring blood on the floor. I was speechless. She looked at me as she sprayed some more on the bed sheets. “Why did you do that?” I screamed and immediately a hand landed on my face. “How dare you talk back at us, you stupid slave? Do you think anyone would save you?” Cara hissed, pointing her hands at me after hitting me. They crowded me. I could already tell what was about to happen before it did. Rosaline hit my face and I cried out when suddenly the door opened. “What the hell is going on here?” A familiar deep voice echoed in the room and they stilled. Prince Damien.
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