Three: Lucien = A Monster

1556 Words
Hazel’s POV I was wrong. Prince Lucien hadn't summoned me to make things right with me. He brought me to his chambers to heal someone else; someone who clearly meant so much to him. That person was none other than Edith, an omens who was once best friend. For several years in the Clan, Edith and I were best of friends. Back then, you'd never find me anywhere without her by my side. We ate together, shared stuff, and went everywhere together. There was hardly a thing that we didn't do together, so much that some people in the Clan wondered if we were related. We were inseparable. At least, I thought so, But that was until we discovered that I had healing abilities. Edith deserted me, just like everyone else in the Pack. From being my best friend, she became one of my biggest bullies in the Lycan Clan. She and her friends would stop me on my way home just to poke fun at me. One of those days, she tripped me, causing me to fall head-first onto the muddy floor. When I got back to my feet, I was a mess. She and her new friends put their hands over their mouths and laughed hard. “Such a dirty freak,” she mocked, pointing her index finger at me. All I could do was walk away, or else they'd beat me up for my troubles. That night, I sunk my eyes into my pillows as I sobbed, wishing that I was never born at all. I hated her for causing me so much pain despite all that we had been through. I wanted to make her suffer; to give her a taste of her own medicine. Sadly, I couldn't. “Hazel!” I was jolted out of my reverie by Prince Lucien's voice. Watching him being worked up over the same Edith who gave me nothing but pain hurt me even more. I felt like dying from the pain in my heart. “Please… What is going on?” I stuttered, taking a deep breath to keep my temper in check. “Why are you with her?” My heart was broken. Every hope that I had to be with him was taken away; snatched by the same lady who had vowed to make my life a living hell. “Edith here is going to become the Clan's Luna Queen once I become the Alpha King,” he revealed with no remorse on his face. “She's the woman whom I've always loved.” “So, you never loved me?” I asked, sniffing in my tears and wondering how he ended up with Edith as I'd never seen them together until that moment. “Why then did you raise my hopes if you didn't?” “Because I only wanted to have s*x with you. Are you happy now?” He threw his hands up as I watched on in shock. “But, it was all a waste of time anyway. You claimed to love me but you never let me anywhere near your skirts, always acting like you were worth any damn thing.” “But… But you said that I was worth more than gold to you,” I recalled, drawing closer to him. “You said I meant so much to you. Why are you speaking this way now?” “And you believed me? I thought you had a mirror in your room. How could you have believed that you were anything more than a freak to be toyed with?” He further derided me. “Edith and I have been in a relationship for a while and everyone else in the Clan has always been aware. She told me how much of a horrible person you are.” “You're a monster, Lucien,” I snapped at him. The tears flowed freely now, blurring my vision as I struggled to make sense of his betrayal. “I… I thought you were different but you're just like the others.” Letting out a chuckle, he said, “No one is really different. We just do things differently. You should learn that too, Hazel, but first, I need you to heal her immediately.” “I won't,” I defiantly refused with a shake of the head, leaving him shocked to the bones as he stared blankly with his mouth ajar. “I will never heal someone who has caused me so much pain.” Lucien rose from the bed with his face contorted with rage and made his way to me. “How dare you refuse my command?” He bellowed at me, blowing hot air from his nostrils. But I stood firm, refusing to be intimidated by him. Yet, I was afraid. My heart throbbed faster with each step he took as I wondered what he wanted to do to me. If he had chosen to kill me, no one would have cared. They'd have probably been happy to be rid of the evil freak. To my surprise, he drew his sword and pointed it at me. I let out a gasp and put out my hand toward him. “What…” “You'd heal her or I'll thrust this sword straight into your heart,” he threatened, interrupting me with a glare on his face. “She's on the brink of death and if you make me lose her, then I'll have to take your life too.” I hated that I was alive and wished several times to die but with death staring me in the face, I no longer wanted it. I walked over to Edith, hands trembling in fear and knelt beside her. Twice I opened my mouth to hum, but it was so hard for me to do it. Yet, I pushed myself a little more. I had no other choice. It was either her life or mine. So I forced myself to sing. As I hummed songs of sorrow into her eyes, flooding the sheets with my tears, I felt a surge of power flow out of me onto her as warmth slowly returned to her body. By the time I was done reviving Edith, I had lost all the strength in me, so I collapsed on the bed, barely able to breathe. Lucien screamed with joy as they both shared a hug. He was so happy to see her and it only made me feel worse. He didn't care that I was drained by exhaustion. It didn't bother him that I was gasping for air and felt like I was going to die that minute. Edith was all he could think of. As vision blurred out I saw him hold the back of her head as they shared a passionate kiss. It was the last thing I saw until I fell unconscious. The next time my eyes opened, I found myself all tired against a tree in the forest. My vision was still a bit hazy so I held on a bit for it to clear up just so I'd be sure that I wasn't dreaming. I wasn't. I beheld Prince Lucien from a distance talking to a bunch of men whom I perceived to be warriors from the way they dressed. Their garments were made of animal skin and they had red ropes tied around their hands. As one of them spoke to Lucien, I noticed that his fangs were different, longer and way sharper, and he didn't smell like Lycans. “Vamps!” I muttered beneath my breath when I noticed one of them zapped through the arena, and the hairs on my body immediately stood in fear. The vampires had clearly invaded the Lycan's clan in tropes when the Lycans least expected it and Lucien looked to be negotiating a treaty to avoid an impending war. He stood alone in front of the leader of the vampire tropes whilst the other vampires stood behind, weapons in hand, ready to strike should the need arise. Suddenly, I saw a smile appear on Prince Lucien's face as he stretched forth his right hand for a handshake. The leader of the vampires shook his hand firmly, seemingly pleased with whatever deal Lucien offered him. Then they both turned towards me as the huge vampire leader pointed to his men, motioning for them to get me. I tried to move backwards but I couldn't. I tried to scream but nothing came forth, I must have lost it completely after healing Edith. I could only watch as the men hoisted me up in the air and led me to their leader who leaned in a bit to take a long whiff of me as if he was trying to see if I was good enough. “Bring her along,” the man ordered his men, returning his gaze to Prince Lucien. “I like this one. She's just as good as you said you said she is. I'm sure we'll find good use for her in our kingdom.” It dawned on me that I was the deal. Prince Lucien had without hesitation, offered me up to the vampires in exchange for peace between both parties, subjecting me to an undoubtedly doomed fate. Lucien really was a monster. One without a heart.
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