Two: Heart Breaking into OneThousand Pieces

1966 Words
Hazel’s POV In the deep of the night, the sound of crickets was all that could be heard as I sat up on my little bed and hummed a song, awaiting the arrival of the love of my life. A knock sounded on my door and quickly, I rose from my bed and ran to the door, knowing it was Prince Lucien behind it. He spread his arms wide as I opened the door, a huge smile on his face and I jumped into him, wrapping my arms around him in a warm hug. “I'm so happy to see you, my love,” I gushed, leading him into my room as we sat on the bed. Prince Lucien was the best thing that happened to me in the Pack. He was the only one who always came to spend time with me in my little hut. Although he always did that at night, away from the eyes of the rest of the Pack, it still meant so much to me. “How are you doing, my Princess?” He asked, gently caressing my cheek as he gazed into my eyes with those piercing green eyes of his. “I feel much better now,” I answered, blushing with each stroke of his finger as a surge of warmth surged through me. “But I'm no Princess,” I sulked with my head bowed. “I'm merely a misfit of very little worth.” “No. Don't say that. You, Hazel, are my Princess,” he assured me, lifting my head by my jaw so that our gazes locked. “I love you, Hazel, with all of my heart and once I become the Alpha King of this Pack, I'll make you my Luna.” “You will?” I asked, full of excitement. It wasn't the first time he'd say those words but they felt so good each time, offering me hope that I never thought was possible. They gave me a reason to live on, knowing that soon, all my problems would be taken away by this man. He took my hand into his and nodded reassuringly. “I promise you, Hazel. I will make you my Luna Queen and you'll no longer have to suffer,” he affirmed, planting a kiss on my hand. “I cannot wait for that day to come, Hazel. It'll be my happiest and I'll spend the rest of my life with you by my side, just like I've always dreamed.” “I love you, Lucien,” I quietly said, and he smiled at me with eyes that spoke a thousand words. Letting go of my hands, he reached for the back of my head and pulled me in for a kiss. As he drove his tongue deep into my mouth, I felt like the world was paused. I shut my eyes as our tongues swirled around, moaning softly into his mouth. “I want you so much now,” he said in a whisper, hands inching underneath my skirt and I reached down and gripped his wrist like I always does. He only chuckled as he retrieved his hand and kissed me even deeper. ************* Slipping in a casual yellow gown which I loved so much, I stood in front of my small mirror which hung on the wall above my table, looking to see if I looked good enough for the occasion at hand. The festival of the full moon was fast approaching and it was time for the male lycans who had come of age to be handed their fated mates by the Moon Goddess. Prince Lucien was of age. He was finally going to find his fated mate and I kept praying in my heart to the goddess to match me with him. Prince Lucien owned my heart and everything else in me. I couldn't imagine him being mated to anyone else in the Pack. It'll shatter my heart into pieces but more than that, it only meant that my life in the Pack would get even worse. Gazing into the mirror, I wasn't surprised by what I beheld. I wasn't particularly what a lot would call beautiful. I was a blondie with a small nose and slightly pouty lips and unlike the other girls who mostly had green or blue eyes, mine were hazel-coloured. But all those didn't move me at all. Prince Lucien always told me that I was beautiful in my own way. Twice, he called me the most beautiful girl he had ever set his eyes on. That was more than enough for me. My face beamed with smiles as I picked up the mop stick and bucket which lay by the corner of the room and headed straight for the Pack Square where the ceremony was to be held. Ordinarily, I had no business being there as my presence was always going to irritate the Pack members. Besides, no one expected the Prince to pick a freak like me but the Pack Nurse, Mrs Rosa had asked me to come just in case they needed me. “Be there as early as possible,” she had ordered in her usual stern voice the previous day. “We need you to be on standby, just in case anyone needs urgent healing. But I wouldn't want you standing around. Take a mop with you instead and clean the podium until the full moon is set. Is that clear?” On getting there, the Pack Square was full of several lycans bubbling with excitement given what was to come. The full moon was already out and all the females stood in a straight line before the podium, elegantly dressed, each hoping they'd be picked by the Alpha. As soon as they spotted me, they all threw dirty looks, jesting and pointing fingers at me as I walked past them to mop the podium as instructed. “What the hell is this freak doing here? Shouldn't she be in her wretched hut?” “The nerves on her to even show up. Does she think she could ever be picked by our handsome Alpha? What an idiot.” They jeered at me, spitting on the ground as I walked past them but I didn't mind. I just continued mopping the ground, awaiting the entrance of my love whom I hoped would pick me regardless. He loved me that much. Suddenly, the whole place erupted in cheers and all the maidens clapped their hands. But amidst the noise, I felt a strange tingly feeling inside me which entrapped my mind and urged me to turn around. That was when I saw him; Alpha Lucien, walking toward me with a smile on his face. I felt goosebumps all over my body, my nostrils filled with the smell of lotus and cinnamon. His nostrils flared as he stood before me, gazing into my eyes. “Mate,” he voiced, to the surprise of many as gasps filled the entire Square. I grinned broadly. My Joy knew no bounds. The Moon Goddess did hear my cry and I thanked her in my heart for answering my prayers. Rushing over to Prince Lucien, I threw myself into his arms but to my shock, he moved to his right and I came crashing onto the floor. “What are you doing?” He asked, staring disdainfully at me as I looked up at him. I couldn't understand what he meant by that. “We… We've just become mates,” I reminded him, just in case he needed that. “The Moon Goddess has joined us together. Isn't that what we've always craved?” He laughed hysterically and the other ladies joined in, pointing fingers at me and shaking their heads. “So you thought in your little mind that I could ever take a freak like you for a mate?” He mocked and spat on the ground in disgust. “You think I'll ever take you as my mate just because the Moon Goddess decided to pair us?” I blinked twice, just to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. The cruel man in front of me could never have been my Lucien. My Lucien would never speak that way. He loved me so much. He'd do anything just to make me happy. He'd come to see me when no one would and would bring me the best gifts. “What is going on, my love?” I asked, holding onto his right leg as tears stung my eyes. “You told me that I belong to you. You said you'd make me your wife and Luna. Why are you doing this to me?” Kicking my hand away from him, he glared at me with contracted brows. “I have never loved you, Hazel and I never will. I mean, look at you. How can I love someone like you?” He spread his arms in exasperation. “I, Alpha Lucien, reject you, Hazel, as my fated mate.” I clutched my chest and curled up in pain, gritting my teeth together as I fought hard to withhold the urge to scream. “N– No…” I muttered, almost breathlessly, unable to believe that it was real. As soon as he turned and walked away, I was laughed to scorn by the other ladies. “Look at her. That thing thought they'd actually choose her!” they laughed hysterically. I got up and hastily made my way out of the Square. The physical pain was gone but the pain within remained and multiplied. Getting into my room, I sat on my bed and leaned on the wall, wondering what I did to deserve that. Then I cried. With all my strength, I wailed and cursed the day that I was born. My heart burned with resentment for my parents whom I didn't even know. Why did they have to birth me? When I woke up the next morning, after crying myself to sleep, I picked up my little knife which I always kept beneath my pillow and thought… What is the point of living anyway? Why not take my life and end all of my sufferings? Suddenly, two guards barged into my room, snapping me out of my thoughts. “You're needed at the Palace,” one of them who had a scar on his left cheek informed me. “Prince Lucien has requested to see you immediately. We must leave now.” Full of excitement, I let the knife fall out of my hand, rising quickly from the bed. “Perhaps,” I thought. “He has realised his mistake and wants to make things right with me and accept me as his mate.” I felt so ecstatic. As we headed to the Packhouse, my heart pounded so fast but it wasn't anxiety. It was excitement. I couldn't wait to hear him tell me how much he loved me and couldn't bear living without me. I couldn't wait to finally have his mark on me. “Go in,” a guard ordered me, pointing to the door and when I walked inside, I was met with a sight that left me rooted to the spot. My Lucien sat topless on the bed, cradling a weakened woman and whispering into her ears so softly with so much love in his eyes. I'd never seen him that way, not even in all the times we spent together. This woman gripped all his attention so much that he didn't even hear me walk in. Without him having to speak, why he summoned for me was starkly clear, and my heart burned with hurt once again, causing me to bow my head in shame, hurt and disbelief.
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