Chapter 19

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Matt's P.O.V My brain is's very very very evil. It pulled me from my beautiful, erotic dream-filled sleep. It's evil. Cruel. But I won't give in. I won't open my eyes or acknowledge anything around me. I just refuse to do it. I shifted slightly in my bed, trying to move to the other side or the bed. Key word: Trying. I tried and failed to move my body as an imaginary force held me in place. I tried moving my legs but it was the same story down there. You know, if I wasn't such a lazy person this would have pissed me off but I am and so I just see it as more time to just lie around all day. Maybe if I stay like this long enough, Adam won't bother me. Nah That b***h would totally bother me. This position is actually getting really uncomfortable. My legs were falling asleep and I could practically taste the pins and needles settling in my feet. I could feel a headache starting to settle in my temples just behind my eyes and that how I knew...I am hungover... really hung over. Against my better judgement, I decided to open my eyes. Slowly and cautiously, I cracked my eyes open and was relieved when no curtains were open and there was just a dull glow indicating that it was morning. I squeezed my eyes shut again to block the burn of the sunlight but the damage was already done. I could feel the headache now, it was increasing in intensity and making its presence known. The muscles in my lower back were screaming at me in pure agony as I arched my back a little to regain the feeling in it. I could hear them screaming 'you used me! ' in their creepy back muscle ways. I shot up, against the force holding me down, at that thought. I used them? My eyes widened as I took in my surroundings. The room was slightly dark but the glow of red walls and furniture was prominent even in the semi-lit room. There was a shiny black desk sitting in the far end of the room with a red laptop sitting open but unused on the top. A closet that was slightly ajar indicated that someone actually inhabited this amazing room. It was complete with a large mirror, a flat screen television, a black Nintendo, a plush red love seat that sat almost directly opposite a red two-person recliner and a black glass coffee table that sat in between them, a clean plush red carpet sat on the floor – unstained and probably unused from the state it was in. Whoever slept in this room was a neat freak. When they walk into this room today they will freak out. There were clothes strewn all over the place and a shoe sitting on the desk almost as if it was perfectly placed. I took an encouraging breath and looked down to the mystery person. It was now or never. I lifted the duvet cover, slowly drawing it back. I groaned. A head of dirty blond hair graced the body of the mystery stranger. I tried to move backwards but I was met with more resistance. My heart stopped for a second and my eyes widened. Two? Two guys? I really am a w***e. Oh my gosh Tubby was right! I'm disgusting. I swivelled my body around and lifted the cover again to reveal a head of familiar curly black locks. My heart clenched at the sight of Tubby's head. It swelled with pride that I had slept with Tubby, that must mean he still loves me! "Let's face it, you're hot, anyone would want you. No one would deny s*x with you. Honestly, I did like you but I guess that was a phase. It doesn't matter cause I woke up and trust me I'm wide awake. You're just your body and your face. You're pretty on the outside but the inside is dark, dank, and rotten and smells like s**t. It's kind of sad." The memory of his words hit me like a slap in the face and a dagger to the heart. He would have s*x with me but it still meant nothing. He still hates me and he still wants nothing to do with me. My heart fell into my stomach, I stopped a sob that threatened to tear through. Tubby's arm was fastened tightly around my hips as he snored softly, still very deep in sleep. I watched his chest rise and fall, his face serene with a look of content. I smiled softly, tears springing to my eyes. He isn't mine anymore, I just can't grasp the concept. I stroked his face gently, letting my tears fall and hit the duvet covers. I wiped my eyes and turned back to the other guy. I lifted his head as gently as I could. Oh. My. God. "Jamie?!" I yelled in surprise. Jamie stirred a bit and groaned in protest before throwing his leg over mine. I blinked repeatedly, hoping that this is some sick joke that my friends are playing. I rubbed my eyes hoping that when I removed my hands Jamie would be gone and it would just be Tubby and I in the bed. But no such luck, the bastard was still there. I really don't like Jamie. He wants Tubby even more than Beau does and it doesn't help that he is more masculine than Beau and drop dead sexy, even I had to admit. Jamie isn't just good looking; he's great looking...gorgeous even. And I hate it. I tried to get out of bed but between Tubby's arm and Jamie's leg, I could hardly move. I'm not going anywhere until these two wake up. I poked Jamie's head rudely. He shook his head and huddled closer to me. Ew. No.No. No. Using my arms, I roughly shoved Jamie off of me and off the bed for good measure. He landed on the floor with a loud thump that made my head pound vigorously at the sound. I groaned. Jamie sprung into a seated position, looking up at me with wide eyes and a frightened and pained expression. "Dude, what the f**k?" He growled, blinking his shiny green eyes as he took in his surroundings. "I tried to get me off me but you wouldn't budge so I did the next best thing..." I stated dryly, shrugging my shoulders. "You're a f*****g asshole, Jockstrap" he muttered getting up. "f**k you, dickwad" I retorted, rolling my eyes and huffing crossing my arms over my bare chest. "From the looks of it, I already did, Jockstrap" He snapped. His eyes landed on Tubby's sleeping form. "Oh s**t! And Tubby...Oh gods in heaven, why have you not blessed me with high alcohol tolerance" "He has, you probably just drank like alcohol was water and you had been stuck in the desert for years, slowly dying of dehydration before by some freakish miracle you were transported to the party. Bam, Bing Boom, you're drunk as f**k" I offered, rubbing my temples with my pointer fingers in circular motions, to ease the headache. Jamie chuckled softly then winced. "You're funny, jockstrap. But this hangover is not and my back hurts like a b***h" "What's with all the swearing? And why do you keep calling me Jockstrap, dammit!" I snapped at him, narrowing my eyes. He has been calling me that since the day he met me and Tubby had never wanted to share why the hell his friend called me jock-freaking-strap! "Well, firstly I'm hungover, still a bit drunk, in pain, tired and pissy. I'm coming down from a high, it happens all the time. And secondly, 'cause that's what I nicknamed you, cause you're a jock. You're surname is way too long for my liking and I don't like you enough to call you jockstrap was born" He explained chuckling. My eye twitched slightly in confusion and slightly in frustration. "Well, I guess I can't judge you for not liking me...I don't even like me right now" I admitted, hanging my head in shame. "Ah, Jockstrap, get over it. Sexylicious is my friend and God knows I love him, more than I should but even I know you love him. I know how your heart skips a beat when he smirks, smiles or even laughs at you. I know that your thoughts are consumed with his very essence almost every second of every day. I know that if you had to choose between him and your friends it would be him every single time and I know your heart breaks that he won't do the same for you. I know you love him more than you love yourself and that you regret everything you did." He comforted. Well, he kind of stated it like it was the most common thing in the world. "And how would you know?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "It's in the way you look at him. The way you talk to him...about him. The way you let every bad thing he has said go, the way his word is gospel to you. Don't be too sad, Jockstrap, if you hadn't done it, you wouldn't have ever even taken a second look at sexylicious." I replied, shrugging on his clothes, half-heartedly. "Yeah, but I also wouldn't have hurt him and I wouldn't be so hurt, practically dying on the inside because I love him so much" I managed through the lump that had risen in my throat. I reached down and stroked Tubby's locks, running my fingers through and tugging lightly out of habit. He moaned in his sleep, tightening his grip on my waist. I smiled. "It doesn't matter because he will never forgive me and I don't have the right to ask it of him" I concluded. "You're right" he agreed, nodding his head and pursing his lips. "You don't deserve to be forgiven" "Hey!" I whined, crossing my arms over my chest again. I pouted at him. Jamie chuckled heartily, "Tubby was right, your brattyness is adorable...and kind of a turn on." I frowned, deepening my pout. "Aw, stop or I might just have to pin you to that bed and re-enact last night...without Tubby. You are quite tempting, Jockstrap" He flirted huskily, smirking and winking at me as he bent over on the loveseat to tie his shoe. "Whatever" I retorted lamely, replacing the pout with a scowl. "Anyway, you jocks are just so stupid. You want the world but you want it to be handed to you on a silver platter, it's not going to happen – not with Tubby anyway. You have to learn to fight for what's important. Prioritize the things in your life the fight accordingly, but remember some things – or some people – won't wait for you forever, Jockstrap. If you want Tubby back, give him time then go in for the kill" He chided irritated. I was shocked. "Why are you giving me advice? You want Tubby just as much as I do" I mumbled suspiciously. "True," he admitted, nodding and chuckling softly. "Well, I've wanted Tubby for so long that last night made me realize, I love him....a lot... but more as a brother. I love his personality more than his s*x appeal. I love him alright, but he was never meant to be mine." He reasoned shrugging and giving me a sad smile. He ran a hand through his wild 'I-just-had-s*x' hair, and tamed it as much as he could. "Anyway, Jockstrap, as much as I'd love to stay and chat or wait for Tubby to wake up, It's not possible. I must bid thee a farewell. Good luck, Jockstrap. Fight or flee. You can't do one and claim to be doing the other." He stood up. He walked to the door. "Wait, Jamie...." I called out suddenly. I managed to untangle Tubby's arm from around my waist and got up. I hurried up to Jamie, pushing him up against the door roughly. I pushed my lips up against his. I think we were both surprised at my actions, but I wanted to feel better. I was surprised when he kissed me back after a moment of shock. I ran my hands up his back and dragged my nails down his back. His hands found my hair and he tugged it roughly, earning a moan from me. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and played with his, teasing, massaging, twirling and exploring. We kissed heatedly and passionately for a few minutes. I pulled back from him. "Thank you." I breathed huskily, biting my lip. "For everything...including last night. If my back is any witness, you were amazing." He stared at me stunned for a moment. He swallowed loudly, his lust-filled eyes were widened and his puffy bruised lips were slightly parted. His adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. My eyes followed it before returning to his face. I bit my lip again. I stepped back. What the hell am I doing?! This is Tubby's friend here! Ugh, now he's definitely never going to forgive me. "Sorry." I murmured looking away from him, blushing seven shades of red. I was about to walk away when he grabbed me suddenly, shoving me up against the door roughly, I gasped in surprise. He parted and lifted my legs to wrap them around his waist. I looked at him in shock. He claimed my lips roughly, bringing me back into the cloud of lust that surrounded us like a thick cloud of smoke. His kisses were bruising my lips yet with such passion it made my head spin. He went from rough to soft back to rough. It made my thoughts and inhibitions disappear. His hands went to my ass and he started massaging the mounds softly before firmly slapping eyes cheek. I gasped at the sensation then moaned as the pleasure hit. He ground his jean clad hips into my naked pelvis making me moan out as he moved his mouth to my ear lobe. I grabbed onto his hair and tugged and pulled in pleasure. His fingers felt around my ass before his index finger found the puckered hole. He gently stoked the hole with his finger, rubbing it in circles and applying pressure but never inserting it in. My hips desperately pushed down on his finger and I whimpered as he teased the hole. I panted and writhed against the door bucking my hips back and forth, up and down trying to stimulate both parts. At this point all rational thoughts had flown out of my head as my c**k was experiencing the sensation of Jamie's jeans rubbing it. I moved my mouth to Jamie's neck, licking it before biting down, earning a moan and a rough buck of his hips. I sucked and licked his most sensitive spot had him bucking his hips into me so hard that his finger slipped into my warm crevice, I moaned as I felt it go deeper with every buck. I continued sucking so that he would keep bucking. "God, Jamie!" I mewled, arching my back. My pleasure escalated as he added another finger, scissoring them and twirling them around in my ass brushing the bundle of nerves that would make me see stars. I couldn't concentrate on anything as I whimpered. "Please" I whispered into his ear huskily. "Please, I need this. Please. I need you." I moaned "You're wish, my command" he groaned into my neck. He took his fingers out of me, and I whined at the loss of contact and the empty feeling that accompanied it.I undid his belt and shoved his pants down as much as I could. He pulled out a condom but I stopped him before he could put it on his leaking c**k. "No, I need to feel all of it...I need to." I told him firmly. He his eyes darkened further with lust. He kissed me deeply as he lined his c**k up with my quivering hole. In one rough shove he filled me to the halt. His long thick throbbing in me as he held still for a second before pumping in and out of me, roughly spreading my cheek and slapping them. I moaned as he rammed my hole, hitting my prostate with each stroke, going longer, deeper, harder, faster with every heavy groan he made. Every time I bit down on lip or his neck he would pound me into the door. My hands grabbed at every piece of him that I could reach. "Jamie!" I cried out in ecstasy. He hummed into my neck, smirking for extra measure. "Grr, Matt, you are so f*****g tight...I like it" he groaned, pushing against my prostate, forcing his c**k to the halt and just holding it there for a moment making me cry out again. He began to move again in more precise slow strokes, taking me to my peak but never quite letting me reach it. My head was twirling and spinning, my vision tilting as my world came together with every deep thrust that banged the nerves that made me stars and coming undone with every jolt of pleasure that spread throughout my body as he fed my ass his c**k, hard then soft. Banging then just wriggling inside my ass. I thought I would die as my pleasure hit an all-time high. My head throbbed from the force of the pleasure making me see stars. He groaned out my name and I purred his as we got lost in the euphoric lust and after 20 minutes of being banged into euphoric oblivion, I couldn't hold together anymore. I couldn't. "I—I can't go on.. I'm almost there" I whimpered into his ear. "Me too. Come with me, Matt. Come for me as I explode in you. Can you feel me?" His speech was strained but husky. "Yes" I managed, squeezing my eyes shut. I could feel all of him and the moment he is all I needed to feel. "Then let go" he bit down on my earlobe roughly, sending me over the edge. The force of my orgasm came so blindingly hard that I swear all I saw was darkness for a second. My walls tightened as I came undone, it sent Jamie over the edge and he exploded into my ass, holding me tightly, whispering dirty filthy things into my ears as he teased the lobe, making me come again and again. As our orgasms subsided I slumped in Jamie's arms. He kissed my neck before capturing my lips in a slow kiss again. I kissed him back tired and spent and still tingling form the force of my orgasm. I sighed into the kiss and he smiled. My skin felt super sensitive from head to toe. "You're amazing" we said simultaneously and chuckled. He pecked my lips letting his lips linger. "Now, I'm not one to complain about something as hot as you two holding each other but am I missing something?" Tubby's voice came groggy, tired and confused. I tensed in Jamie's arms and we snapped our gazes to him. My heart started thudding in my chest and I could feel Jamie's racing as we looked at Tubby who was now sitting up. Oh Shit... Oh Fuck.... Lucifer dammit!
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