Chapter 18

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Matt’s P.O.V “I don’t want to go, Adam” I whined pulling on my shoes and tying them before looking back up at Adam. He was already dressed and ready to go by the time he had arrived at my house. He came in telling me how he’s tired of us being depressed like women and how I need to just get up and get laid to get over Tubby. I adamantly refused until he used the ‘You’ve-been-neglecting-your-best-friend’ line and somehow got me to get showered and dressed. “We’ve been through this. We’re having a boys’ night out and that’s the end of it, Matt!” he snapped. His eyes were still lightly rimmed in red from the crying he has been doing these past few weeks. I will admit that it was a bit unsettling to see Adam cry let alone over a guy. It kinda made my heart ache watching my best friend cry himself into a drunken sleep. I sighed and put on my jacket. “You’re right,” I begrudgingly agreed despite nodding my head and putting on a smile “We haven’t hung out in forever. Let’s go” I engulfed him in a massive man hug and gave him a huge smile. He smiled back. “You’ll get over him eventually, Matt. Tonight’s just going to give you a little push” He gave me a sympathetic look and squeezed my shoulder. “Yeah, I know” I said softly, “Same goes for you, hey. All alcohol and sluts, no thinking of Beau at all” I said giving him a stern look. He smiled mischievously, “I’m just going for two reasons….the bitches and the drinks” he chuckled heartily making me smile and laugh along with him. We walked out of my room and went downstairs. I let my parents know that I’m leaving before walking out and getting into Adam’s car. It didn’t take long to arrive at Jason’s house and thank God for that. I don’t think I could have bared the music filled awkward silence that had fallen upon us like a thick blanket of shame. Even though we both knew each other was hurting, we just couldn’t bring ourselves to say anything. We were lost in the thoughts of what we lost….what we left behind. Jason’s house was a huge two story house with the typical white window panes, solid redwood door and white paint. Everything about screamed obnoxious including the people who lived there excluding Jason but he had his bratty moments I guess. By the time we had arrived there were kids strewn all over the front lawn in drunken stupor clad in close to nothing or even nothing at all. The music was blaring through the speakers and I think I saw a broken window which I will laugh my ass off about when Jason’s parents murder his ass for it. We stopped at the beginning of the driveway and took deep breaths. Adam cast me an encouraging smile which I returned before making my way to the door. We stepped through the door and into my doom – okay, a bit dramatic but seriously, there were kids who were already drunk even though it’s only about ten thirty and on top of that there were couples upon couples making out on the couches, the tables, the stair case, the dance floor, the random corner that no one really notices until there’s a come stain on it…. Sighing I walked in alongside Adam and gave the usual people handshakes and hugs. I just wasn’t feeling this party. I mean come on, how could I? My boyfriend hates me and the dumped me which, by the way, is my entire fault so I feel ten times as bad. I feel guilty for neglecting Adam because I was so busy with Tubby. I just feel so crappy about it which is why I’m going to drink with him and have fun tonight because we need it. I really do think that this is the first step to making him better. We walked straight to the table with the booze and grabbed some jack and coke and downed them quickly. The alcohol went down smoothly and my throat begged for more. With a smile I picked up another one and looked at Adam. He seemed like he had been waiting for this. He had this weird smile on his face and this glint in his eyes. I lifted my drink and smiled brightly at him. “To the bitches and the drinks!” I shouted. He returned the grin and grabbed another drink off the table and tapped my cup with his. “To the bitches and the drinks!” he shouted. With that we downed the drinks quickly and grabbed more off the table before making our way into the crowd and mingling with all the available candidates for tonight’s spot in our respective beds. Best believe that we are cool like that. * Tubby’s P.O.V Against my free will, I found myself standing in Jason’s kitchen scanning the alcohol which stood on top on the island which graced the middle of the kitchen. Frowning at all the different choices, I picked up a bottle of tequila and sniffed it before taking a huge mouthful of the strong drink. My throat burned as the alcohol made its way down my throat. I handed Beau, who was standing right beside me with a pout on his face, the bottle. “I don’t want to drink! I wanna be at home sulking, crying and listening to depressing music.” He whined with pout. I rolled my eyes at him. “You want to try going home with Candy on guard?” I snorted. He crossed his arms and stomped his foot like a bratty child. “Didn’t think so.” I deadpanned. “I don’t like being here…In their territory” Before I could respond Ollie’s voice came through as he appeared in the kitchen clad in jeans, a white top and a leather jacket. “Don’t worry, Beaulicious, I’ll protect you from the big bad jocks” he teased with a smile. Beau managed a small smile before rushing over to Ollie and hugging the life out of him. “I know you will.” Beau chirped smacking Ollie’s abs with an appreciative grin. I shook my head at the pair. He cuddled into Ollie’s side and sighed happily. The boy is bipolar I swear. How does someone go from depressed to happy in a few short seconds? I swear I will never get him. “So I don’t get a greeting now?” I asked feigning hurt and c*****g my head to the side with a pout. “Hey, Sexylicious” Jamie said with a teasing smile as he walked through the door with rest of the crew. Eve and Candy trailed in last from God knows where. They disappeared as soon we were through the door. Everyone waved and said ‘hi’ before forming a circle around the island with sympathetic smiles on their faces. I glared at them. I hate pity. It’s disgusting. I’m not pathetic, I don’t need pity. Jamie stood right beside me and gave me hug. “I’m pretty sure that I was talking to Ollie, Jamie.” I pointed out with a raised eyebrow. He stuck his tongue out and rolled his eyes. “Hey, Tubby” Ollie said “Heeeeey, Ollie” I bat my lashes at him. “And me?” Jamie asked with a pout. “Aww, Jamie I’m sorry. Hello, Delicious, my smexy beast with skin like ice cream that anyone would want to lick like a lollipop” I took a deep breath at the end of the sentence. “You make me feel so special” he drawled sarcastically. He leaned over the island, making sure to bend over so much that his shirt rode up at the back, and grabbed a random drink off of it. He pushed the drink towards me with a seductive smile. I glanced at the bottle and then at him to again. He looked tipsy. I frowned. “You guys already had something, didn’t you? Bitches” I whined sulkily crossing my arms over my chest. “Yeah” he admitted with a smile, “but this will get you drunk so fast you won’t even realise it” he promised shoving the drink towards me and a lifting his eyebrows. I took the drink into my hands and analysed it. Hmm, it doesn’t seem that strong. I unscrewed the lid and took huge gulp. It burned at my throat and I let out a raspy breath. “What the freak!!” I yelled “ That s**t be strong” “Just drink it and hand some to Beau while you’re at it” Ollie said monotonously. I rolled my eyes and took a huge sip before handing some to Beau who eyed it suspiciously before downing half of it. I blinked in amazement. He let out a burb and then smiled, handed me the bottle and grabbed Ollie and walked off. I took two more huge gulps. “Shhhiiiizzz!” I breathed and shook my head. My vision started swinging and swirling. I eyed the bottle again “You doped this one” I stated. They had. This alcohol is only 45%. “Well do you feel tipsy?” Jamie asked “Yup” I admitted cheerily “Then mission accomplished. Let’s go dance” He decided, grabbing my hand and leading me to the dance floor. I still had the alcohol in my hand and I wasn’t prepared to let it go. I am here to have fun and goddammit I will, if it’s the last thing I do! ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************** A few hours into the party and I’m totally wasted. I know…I know….I know something, ok?! You’ve got to understand that feeling when your head feels like its floating and your vision is slightly shaky but you can see straight…or at least you think that you can see straight… I don’t know. But that’s how I feel. I feel so…drunk. I chuckled against Jamie’s skin as we danced to the random grind song that was blasting through the speakers. We had taken a break but as soon as Jamie heard Push by Enrique featuring Lil Wayne, he went crazy and insisted we dance. Jamie was in front of me with his head titled back to rest on my chest and c****d slightly to the side with his eyes closed and his hips swaying in time to the music. He had a bottle of tequila in his hand, that he had been downing straight for a while now, that he was sharing with me – if you consider letting me take small sips sharing. My hands were resting on his waist as I swayed along with him. Korn’s Coming Undone started playing and Beau’s eyes suddenly shot open and he spun around so fast my head started spinning. I stared down at him questioningly with a quirked brow. “This is my song!” He exclaimed with a drunken slur that had me chuckling. I nodded at him with a beaming smile. “Then we shall dance!” I chirped happily. He placed a hand on my chest and shook his head. He looked at me with lustful eyes and a seductive smirk. Slowly grinding his hips, he held my gaze and wet his bottom lip seductively. He came up to me facing me and grinded his hips into mine slowly. He changed the flow of his grinding, sinking to the floor before rising up like an experienced exotic dancer. Leaning into me again he licked the side of my neck earning a pleasured sigh. He bit down hard making me arch my back and moan. Bringing up my hand to his hair, I tangled my fingers in his silky locks as he continued his ministrations. My other hand travelled down the length of his back, digging my fingers into his skin, and came to a stop at his ass. I gave it a rough squeeze. He growled against my neck before jerking his head back and biting his lip whilst staring at my lips. Eh, what the hell? Might as well enjoy this right? The saying is go big or go home, right? I leaned in and placed my lips against his for a moment, giving him a chance to back out, when he didn’t pull away I started moving my lips against his slowly and sensually. I let my eyes fall shut as soon as his did. I bit his bottom lip and dragged my teeth along it lightly as I pulled away before going in for more. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and started massaging mine with it. I could taste the vodka, tequila and chocolate that he was having all night as his tongue explored my mouth. He sucked on my tongue, nibbling and flicking it occasionally. We kissed all through the next 3 songs before I grabbed his ass with both hands and was about to lift him up let him straddle me so we could finish this in my favourite place; up against a wall. But, like all things in my life, it didn’t happen like that. Jamie jerked away from me. I groaned in frustration. I opened my eyes to and was about to question Jamie when I saw Matt glaring at Jamie. “No! No! No! I don’t want! No! He’s mine! Mine, Jamie! Tubby is Mine!” he yelled. I looked at him surprised. I was about to tell him to shove off but he grabbed my face in his hands firmly and kissed me. I blinked, not responding to the kiss. He kept kissing and kissing even though I wouldn’t respond. He began sucking on my lower lip roughly making my defences crumble. I’ll just kiss him for a while, I told myself. Not long just a little. Then he did that thing he does with his tongue…you know the thing people do with their tongue that makes you detach from reality as they kiss you into orgasmic oblivion? No? Just me? Just me? Okay… Matt was jerked away from me by Jamie who was smiling seductively with a creepy glint in his eyes. “Well, we can always share, Jock-strap” He cooed seductively eyeing Matt then looked to me. Oh no. “What did you just call me?” Matt asked looking dazed and confused and quite frankly drunk. “No matter…You want Tubby, right?” Jamie asked with a smirk. Matt nodded looking suspicious and untrusting. “And I sure as hell want a piece of that. So we can share” Jamie reasoned biting his lip. “How?” Matt asked “Like this” Jamie came up to me and grabbed my hair pulling me close and planted one right on me. The kiss was rough, desperate and lustful; my favourite type. He pulled away and kissed Matt. Matt was stunned for a second but kissed back hesitantly, his eyes sliding shut as Jamie’s hands snuck up his shirt and teased his n*****s. He had Matt moaning and grabbing onto his hair for dear life. One word: Hot… I licked my lips and separated them. I grabbed Matt and kissed him before switching to Jamie and then back to Matt. “Let’s take this upstairs.” Jamie suggested. He grabbed one of each of our hands and led us up the stairs into a random room. He pushed us in and walked in, locking the door behind him. Flicking on the lights, he turned to us and smiled. “So, Who’s ready to party?” He asked taking off his shirt. His abs were sheen with a thin layer of sweat dripping down from his pecs. A single drop slid down the length of his chest, almost coaxing us to look. My mouth went dry and I had to lick my lips. I whimpered in satisfaction. He dragged a hand along his chest with a smirk. Matt walked over to Jamie. He kissed him roughly, grabbing his hair and biting on his lower lip as the kiss grew desperate. Matt moved his mouth from Jamie’s lips to neck and sucked on it roughly tugging at the skin where his pulse sat. Jamie was panting and grabbing on to Matt’s biceps with his eyes tightly shut. I sat down on the bed, watching them like the secret perv I am. Jamie pulled Matt’s shirt over his head and groaned in appreciation. I smiled nodding my head. I know that feeling when Matt takes off his shirt and everything rational flies out of your head and all you want to do is lick him inappropriately for the rest of your life…Just me? Really? Okay. Matt sunk down to his knees, dragging his tongue down Jamie’s torso. When he got to the top of Jamie’s jeans he glanced up at Jamie and then at me and smiled. He undid Jamie’s belt and pulled down his jeans. My eyes widened at the Bad Boy briefs he was wearing. I bit my lip and moaned. Matt licked along the top of it then dragged his tongue over Jamie’s crotch. Jamie whimpered as Matt bit and licked his c**k through the tight black briefs. I shifted on the bed as my pants grew tighter and the temperature in the room rose about a thousand degrees. I could practically feel my c**k weeping. Matt rose to his feet and looked at me. He looked at Jamie and smiled. They seemed to be sharing some sort of telepathic message before walking over to me and slowly pulling my shirt off. “I hope you’re ready to play, Sexylicious” Jamie moaned, licking the right side of my neck. “Because this game is about to get really hot…” Matt finished for him, biting into the spot on my shoulder that drives me crazy. I moaned out, arching my back. Well if this is a game…… then I love it. I love it a lot. . I grabbed Matt and slammed my lips into his while grabbing onto Jamie’s crotch and squeezing hard, earning a moan. Pulling away, I smirked up at them. “So let’s play” I agreed huskily A/N: So i know that it's been so long and it's so short but i did promise i'd give you something this week and here it is so... Comment Vote Mwah mwah mwah
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