Chapter 20

2361 Words
Tubby’s P.O.V I blinked at them expectantly, waiting for my answer as I rest my back against the soft head board of the bed. I had woken up to very explicit moaning and a naked Matt against the door with his legs clasped tightly around a very clothed Jamie’s waist. I folded my hands over my chest and raised an eyebrow. “Look, I know that last night was great and trust me I remember all of it, drunk or not my memories don’t fade. However….That doesn’t mean that we are friends with Pavarotti now, Jamie, and it sure as hell does not mean that you can kiss him or whatever you two are about to do.” I deadpanned, frowning as Matt seemed to relax in Jamie’s arms and Jamie let out a breath. I know what happened between them. My eyes were the ones that were closed, not my ears. I heard Matt moaning Jamie’s name over and over as Jamie pounded into him like he did yesterday. My heart had initially leapt at the thought of more s*x because let’s face it, a man has needs. But I felt my heart plummet into my stomach and disintegrate in my stomach acid’s as I realized that Jamie and Matt – the boy I love – are having s*x… without me. I had waited until they were done to speak up. That’s how we got to where we are now. I won’t tell them I know. I want to see if any of them will tell me. “Uh, well….I didn’t know we had an expiry time on wild threesomes, Sexylicious, we were going to wait for you to wake up to get to the good part.” Jamie spoke up, shifting Matt who whimpered softly. Jamie placed him on his feet extra slowly and turned around to face me. Matt covered his groin with his hands and stared at the floor like a kicked puppy. Jamie beamed at me and winked. “Is that so? So you two were just kissing?” I inquired challengingly raising an eyebrow, daring them to lie to me. Matt looked up suddenly, his face flushed, lips swollen and breathing ragged. He opened his mouth to speak but Jamie spoke up quickly “Yes. Kissing erotically…against a door.” “Hm, snuggling up to the enemy are we, Delicious?” asked coldly. Jamie brushed me off and Matt looked down again with a shamed look on his face. His lips seemed to quiver a little. He turned his head sharply to the far end wall where a pair of brief’s sat. He went over to his underwear and put them on before pulling on his jeans, socks, t-shirt and accessories silently. “Oh calm down, Sexylicious, don’t be getting your panties in a bunch as the british would say,” “I hate the British” I hissed bitterly narrowing my eyes. I don’t really hate the British, I’m just being bitter. Jamie went on as if I never spoke, “We should be nice to Jockstrap, he did, after-all, lend us his services last night….or this morning….whichever you want to count it as. He was mighty good to us and it’s only courteous to be nice the morning…or afternoon after…” He chided. I blinked at him. “What’s up with you and your regal british English?” He normally speaks like a normal citizen and yet here he is speaking like he belongs to the Royal family. “Ah, great s*x inspires the most unusual reactions in mankind.” He beamed barely able to hide the grin that was breaking out over his face. My eye twitched. Matt chuckled softly from his place on the desk chair where he was tying his shoes. My eyes drifted to him and I glared at him. His chuckling ceased immediately and he checked his pockets before heading towards the door. He was about to walk out when he sharply turned and looked at me. He wanted to say something but his mouth just fell open and shut like a fish out of water. “What is it, Pavarotti? Do you need to hear it again? Alcohol f****d with my head and we f****d…all three of us. It was a mistake and it won’t happen again. Geez, don’t be dense. So, say what you need to say or leave.” I drawled, rolling my eyes. Matt’s face drained of colour a little but he nodded nonetheless. He cleared his throat. “Well, uh, yeah. I’m sorry? I guess…and I… I shouldn’t have done whatever I did to seduce two into doing this because all I know is I woke up with you guys on either side of me. So yeah, I guess, I’m sorry and it won’t happen again if I can help it….. Tubby… I’m really sorry… for everything. I f****d up and I don’t deserve a second chance but I won’t give up until I get it because I’m in love with you and I will fight for you till my last breath. Yeah” He told me, taking a huge ragged breath when he was done. I didn’t reply, I looked away and kept my face blank. I heard him sigh before saying a feint goodbye and leaving. My heart was beating erratically and a smile threatened to break out on my face but I kept it blank. “That’s so not a morning after speech, Sexylicious” Jamie said suddenly looking at me and shaking his head. “What?” “That was harsh… yeah, he f****d up before you met. Yeah he didn’t think when he took the money and I know that you want him to feel the pain you feel but really? The Tubby I know wouldn’t say something like that when he knows he f****d up just as much” Jamie chided disappointed. “I f****d up? How? I gave him a chance! I gave him what he wanted! I gave him my heart and he stepped on it, dammit! He deserves to feel pain” I snapped at him, my temper rising. “Don’t you dare take that tone with me,” Jamie snapped coldly in his no nonsense voice. I reeled back surprised at his change in tone. “Now you listen to me and listen well. You made Jockstrap work hard day and night just to be friends with you and at first I didn’t like him but that was because he’s a jock and I assumed he was and ass when he was just being territorial. You ditched him so many times that I bet you can’t name one time besides you first date when you spent the time you said you would with him and not even then because that’s the day you found out.” “He always came last to you because you were always suspicious, with every right to be, and he proved that you should be yes, but don’t you dare sit there and tell me that you gave him you’re heart, when you never really did commit to him. You hurt Jockstrap all through your friendship and he hurt you like twice. I know you deserve to be pissed but telling him he’s worthless? Disgusting? A s*x toy? Yeah, I know. He was having nightmares about it and woke me up when he was clinging to my arm and sobbing. How could you destroy forged self-confidence like that? Last night we used him and this morning you abused him! How can you not see how much that boy loves you? How can you not see that he lives and breathes for you? If I found something so beautiful I would hold on and never ever let go because it’s so rare…” He yelled angrily, softly fading out. His frame was tense and his brows furrowed and his fist clenched. A lump rose in my throat. I wanted to throw in his face that someone who loved me wouldn’t f**k one of my closest friends, but the words died in my throat. I couldn’t respond with anything clever so I settled for the “So what are you saying?” I managed, my lips pursed and anger still on my face as I rolled my eyes. “Maybe you have been spending a little too much time with the jocks. You changed and I’m not sure you will even recognize who you are anymore” he snapped, sizing me up. He picked up his jacket and swiftly turned and marched out of the room. I blinked at the door. This isn’t fair. Why should I be the bad guy when Matt is the one who hurt me? Why should it always be me? Ugh, it’s not fair. Just ‘cause he f****d Matt doesn’t mean he knows anything. In fact it means quite the opposite. I winced at my own thoughts. Maybe I was spending too much time with jocks and I’m becoming one of them. I got up, got dressed and left the house. On the way home I texted Beau and Candy and told them to meet me at my house. I got home with my mild headache turning into a full blown severe thumping in my skull, like my head was playing tennis with my brain. I grabbed some headache pills and took a shower before getting something to eat and heading to the sitting room to watch tv while I waited for Beau and Candy. Suddenly the front door burst open and in came Beau and Candy eating frozen yoghurt with Candy holding and extra one which I assumed was for me. They plopped down on either side of me and Candy handed me the fro-yo. I thanked her. “So what be le big emergency?” Beau asked, back to his normal chirpy self. He always cheers up when he is around Ollie. I laughed slightly. “I got laid last night” I admitted with a tight smile. Silence fell upon us and it was awkward so I went on “It was a threesome” “Hell f*****g Yeah!” Beau exclaimed, clapping me on the back it congratulations. He and Candy hi-fived. “Good for you, hoe!” Candy beamed at me. They looked like I had just told them that I had won the Nobel Peace prize. I shook my head at the pair. “So who did you f**k?” Beau asked bluntly. Candy smacked the back of his head and I smiled. “What?” Beau whined. “That’s none of our business,” Candy chided. “Like hell it isn’t!” Beau protested, looking worried that he might never find out. Candy raised her arm again and Beau recoiled raising his hands in defence. “I-I mean, she’s right” “You don’t have to tell us” Candy assured me. I raised my eyebrow at her challengingly. “Really?” I asked She scoffed “Of course you do! What the hell are you waiting for, Sexylicious” “Well then, I slept with….Matt and Jamie” I said quickly. Silence. “The f**k!” Candy yelled, I winced “We were drunk!” “That’s no excuse for sleeping with the two guys that are in love with you but hate each other!” she bellowed swinging her arms frantically. “They didn’t seem to hate each other when we were f*****g or when they woke up and f****d each other” I muttered bitterly, frustrated at being yelled at. Beau was still sitting there shell shocked. I spared him glance before looking at Candy who had fallen silent. “Start from the beginning” she uttered in a shocked voice, settling into the seat. I relayed the story from the time on the dance floor up to the argument with Jamie. Beau still looked shock like his brain couldn’t process the events that had taken place. Candy’s mouth opened and closed and opened again. She blinked repeatedly then hit me on the arm. Hard. “Ow! Why am I getting hit?!” I pouted “For using Matt then tossing him away like trash. After what you said at the park you aren’t in a position to judge anything he does from now on, when you aren’t together. You broke him in the park and today you finished him off but he’s still putting up a fight which is commendable. Sounds like Jamie got to him.” She explained as if scolding a child who didn’t understand why he was being reprimanded. Then she engulfed me in a huge hug. “And that’s because I know it must have been hard hearing him moan Jamie’s name in utter and complete pleasure.” Beau joined in on the hug. We stayed in that position in silence before Beau spoke up again. “So was it hot hearing them f**k?” he asked innocently. Candy smacked the back of his head again. “Hey….what did I do now?” he whined rubbing his head. “Well, was it?” I smirked, “Better than the hottest porn ever known to man.”
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