Chapter 15

3269 Words
Tubby’s P.O.V All that was going through my mind was how hot Matt looked as he lay on his bed fondling himself inappropriately. He looked so erotic and sexy as he lay on his back with his head thrown back in a delicious moan. I just couldn’t resist the temptation of going over there, ripping off his skinny jeans – which gave me trouble by the way – and having my way with him; and that’s just what I did. I had my hand pumping his silky hot member and my mouth was attached to his n****e. I bit down on it hard, just like he likes it, and the sucked the bud into my mouth and suckled it harshly whilst flicking the tip with the tip of my tongue. His moans confirmed that I was doing it right and he was enjoying it. He sounded like a sexy rock song as he gripped on to my hair for dear life. He yanked my hair from the roots, earning a groan from me. Suddenly, my phone started vibrating in my back pocket. My first instant was to ignore it but the vibration was distracting me from the task at hand so I pulled away from Matt. He groaned and opened his eyes to stare at me with a confused face. He looks so hot all hot and bothered and confused. I almost threw my phone to the other end of the room and continued doing what I was doing but my phone insisted on the vibrating thing so I looked down to check who it is. Beau’s name flashed on my phone. “It’s Beau” I stated with a groan. What does he want and why does he want it now of all times?! "He groaned, “Don’t answer it” “What if it’s important?” I replied casting him a nervous glance. I didn’t want him to think that Beau was more important than him but at the same time I had this feeling that I should answer it. I didn’t want to but the feeling was nagging me in the back of my mind. “More important this? I highly doubt that, it’s midnight.” He retorted rolling his eyes. I chuckled, “I’ll just tell him that I’m busy then we can get back to…..this. I promise” I coaxed, biting my lip as I looked down at his half naked form. He looked so hot and I swear if this is not important I will kill Beau with a cheap rusted spoon! He groaned, “Fine” “Thank you, babe” I beamed before leaning down and kissing him deeply. I answered the phone “Hey, Beau” “Tubby! Thank God you finally answered! What the hell took you so long?! Never mind, don’t answer that. Where are you?!” He replied hurriedly, making me think that he’s drunk. God, if this is one of those I need new shoes conversations, Lord Help him. “At Matt’s” I told him “Doing what?!” he yelled. I rolled my eyes. “Stuff” I dead panned. Really?! What did he think? We were picking daisies? Painting each other’s toe nails? “You have to get out of there now! Stop whatever you are doing and get the hell out of there!” he bellowed desperately, making me frown in confusion. “Why?” I asked him “Just trust me on this okay. I really need you to come over to my house now. Candy and Evil are here and and---” He rambled on. “…Beau I’m busy, can’t we do that in the morning?” I asked, not at all believing that it important anymore. “It’s half past midnight, honey, it is morning” he retorted. “I meant later in the morning—” “He’s using you dammit!” Candy’s impatient voice came through the phone. “What?” I asked, what the hell is she on about now?! “Matt….He’s using you Tubby. He is just like all the rest of them except worse. He’s been lying all this time. You know I wouldn’t lie to you.” “How do you know?” I asked quietly, feeling my heart plummet into my stomach. Candy wouldn’t lie to me. “Beau found out from one of the douche bag jocks that he hangs with-- who was also in on it..” “But….Are you sure?” “Positive…Just come over so that Beau can explain everything” She demanded “.....Okay, I will be there in 5 minutes.” I told her before hanging up. He’s lying to me? But, how? Why? What could he benefit from manipulating me? I trust him and I want to believe that this is all a bad joke that Candy and Beau are playing. “Is everything okay?” Matt asked, concern lacing his voice. I wonder if that was fake too. “I have to go….There’s an…emergency” my voice cracked as I spoke without looking at him. I have to get out of here and find out what Beau has to say. “Is someone hurt? Tubby?” He tried to look at my face but I turned away. “Tubby talk to me” “I- I can’t” I stuttered honestly, before standing up “I have to go. I’ll call you…if I can” I slid my phone back into my pocket and made my way towards the door. I have to get away from here….from him. “Tubby, wait” Matt called. I stood still but didn’t turn around. “I love you, okay” He said softly. I flinched as the statement made my shivers of dread run through my body. I nodded stiffly, unlocking the door before walking out and closing it behind me. I ran out to my car, got in and drove to Beau’s house quickly, quite possibly breaking a few speed limits but regardless, I had to go there. I have to know what this is all about. I have to know what he was lying about. I have to know why he was using me. I had to know if my relationship is a lie. “Tell me everything and don’t leave anything out” I demanded as I walked through Beau’s bedroom door as soon as I arrived at his house. His baby and royal blue room was lit by two reading lamps on either side of his king size bed which sat in between two large windows with closed curtains hanging over them. Candy was sitting at his desk with Eve sitting comfortably on her lap. Beau himself was just pacing the room with a worried expression on his face. They all looked up when I spoke. Beau stopped pacing and stared at me for a minute before he came over and engulfed me in a huge hug. “I’m so sorry, Tubby.” He mumbled against my shirt, tightening his grip around my neck. I hugged him back, burying my head in his shoulder and just nodded. I pulled away from him and pushed him away gently. “Just tell me” I whispered, holding the tears back. I walked over to his bed and sat down on the edge. “I—I need to know everything.” Beau cast Candy a nervous glance to which she just nodded. He sighed and started pacing the room again. “Well…..” I urged him “I’m thinking of a good place to start” he snapped, jutting his bottom lip out. I rolled my eyes, “The beginning is always good” I retorted shrugging. “Okay,” He let out a huge breath then looked at me, “So there I was at this party of some person who doesn’t need to be named for purposes that won’t be specified.” “Ah, so it’s one of you many f**k buddies” Eve commented dryly. Beau sent her and icy glare. “Shut up, Evil” he growled at her. I sighed, “Can we just get on with this?!” I demanded, already feeling tired and annoyed without having to sit through one of their petty fights. Mean thing to say? Hell yes. Do I care? Right now; Not so much. Eve’s mouth snapped shut and Beau turned to look at me again, his expression softening before clearing his throat and continuing. “Anyway, there I was having a good time as always. I had about six drinks so I was really tipsy but not wasted. So I look over to the dance floor and see this really hot guy dancing alone, the guy was drunk – not too drunk but more than just tipsy – and I thought to myself, well hey why not go dance with him? So I went over there and I realized that it was Matt’s best friend – Adam.” ***********Beau’s flashback************* He was so hot standing there tipsy off his ass swaying to the slutty music that made the walls shake with its loudness. His hair was stuck to his forehead, slick with sweat and probably beer from playing that keg stand game that jocks love to play at these types of parties, that’s what he is after all – a jock. He ran with a different crowd than I did. He ran with Matt Pavarotti and Jason Mac-something. They were the key players on the basketball team. I walked over to him, surprising him when I just appeared in front of him, “Hey, Adam” I purred into his ear. He shivered slightly but looked at me defiantly. He crossed his muscular arms over that broad chest which was covered by a tight top which hid the sexy body basketball had earned him. I licked my lips half-wishing I could lick him….from head to toe…and everywhere in between. “What do you want, Beau?” he replied flatly, rolling his eyes. “Aww, don’t be like that, Adam….I just want to dance” I answered, pouting a bit. “Then go and dance with someone else” He deadpanned slurring slightly. “But I want to dance with you. Just one dance…no funny business” I promised clasping my hands in a begging manner. I don’t know why, but I just wanted to dance with him so bad…he just looked so delicious with his blond hair darkened with sweat and those deep brown eyes glinting with drunkenness and the reflection of the lights. He rolled his eyes at me. “No funny business?” “I promise…you don’t even have to move” I told him smiling at him. He glanced away for a bit, almost as if looking for an escape before looking back at me and reluctantly nodding with a heavy sigh. Luckily, ‘Take it off’ by Lloyd featuring J Holiday and Nicki Minaj came on and I immediately turned around and started grinding my hips against him. At first he just stood there like a statue, glancing around the dance floor but when I dipped and slowly rose making sure to tease him in way that no teenage guy can resist, he uncrossed his arms and held firmly onto my hips as his member hardened under my talented ass – if I do say so myself. I smirked to myself and bit my lip at my victory. I knew that he wouldn’t be able to resist that. We swayed and grinded to the beat, letting the alcohol encourage more erotic and seductive moves out of us. All of a sudden, I went from wondering what it would be like to kiss him to actually kissing him. To my surprise, he eagerly kissed me back. Our tongues swirled and explored and our hands wandered around each other’s bodies as we made out in the middle of the dance floor. My mind was exploding with different kinds of emotions, all of which made me want to take this somewhere more private. “Let’s take this upstairs” I whispered in his ear when we broke apart for air. He looked dazed but nodded and grabbed my hand. We walked upstairs hand in hand until we reached an empty room. I went in first with Matt right behind me. I heard the door click shut and lock. I turned around just in time for him to smash his lips into mine. Rawr, someone is eager, hey. I chuckled into the kiss but kissed him back whole heartedly. I groaned at his skilful tongue probing my mouth. “You’re really good at this” he complimented between kisses. I smiled and pecked him. “You’re not so bad yourself” I answered truthfully “I’m happy that out of all of this I got to meet you. I really like you…and your mouth” he said looking me in the eye. His eyes gleamed with heart-warming sincerity. I smirked at him. “Is that so?” “Yup” he smiled confidently at me. I loved that smile. “At first I thought it was just going to be like with all the others, you know, purely entertaining. But, I know I chose the right one when I chose Tubby as the new target for the bet.” What the hell…bet…I don’t know about any bet! Why am I always the last one to know about these things?! Well, actually that’s not true…I’m normally the first one to know about these things. “What bet?” I asked, curious. “Oh it’s a game that Matt and I and a few of the others play. Matt has to make a random target fall for him and if he wins he gets money, if he doesn’t well…that’s never happened” he frowned slightly then shrugged carelessly. Tubby? Part of the bet…Does he know? What the hell? I felt my anger rise as I detached myself from Adam. “What the hell?! This is what this is all about?! This was all a game to you guys” He winced as if I had just slapped him which I proceeded to do. The stupid fucker. “Babe, only between them, everything between us was real….is real” he rambled trying to reach for me but I stepped back from his low class, stupid, jock-ass hands. Damn him. “You expect me to believe that, asshole?” I sneered, narrowing my eyes and wishing looks could seriously inflict damage. “Beau, please...” he started but then stopped abruptly. His eyes widening as he seemed to realize something. “Beau…” “What? Please what, Adam?” I hissed. “It’s all real now—” “Oh save it!” I snapped at him. “You and Matt and…and the rest of your posse of air-head, stupid, manipulative bastards of jocks can go to hell!” I yelled. I moved around him and unlocked the door. I yanked it open and was about to walk out when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. “Beau, please don’t” he begged. I didn’t give him a chance to finish his sentence. I punched him. Hard. *****************End of Flashback************* “….then I left with Candy and Evil over there” he said using his thumb to indicate them “and came back here and called you” I sat on the bed silently. “A bet?” I muttered to myself, my mind still trying to wrap my head around the rest of the story. “A freaking bet?!” I yelled, feeling my anger rise, “What do these people think I am?! A guinea pig! A lab rat! A science experiment! A sports game!” I yelled pacing the floor now. “And you!” I said stepping right in front of Beau “How long has this relationship been going on?” I asked narrowing my eyes at him. He shrank back a bit as if I was going to him. He looked away and bit his lip. “How long, Beau?” “Three months…” he admitted. My eyes bulged out of their sockets. “Trois mois?!,” I asked switching to French out of habit. “trois mois? Mais tu n’as jamais nous disons?! Pour quoi?!” “Parce-que! You know our group doesn’t accept jocks....” he shouted. I glared at him, knowing that wasn’t the real reason. Beau wasn’t the type to care who social standing his conquests had, he just dated whoever he wanted. “Okay, okay…. He didn’t want to tell anyone…I don’t know why but I was fine with it because well…I really like him!” he yelled defensively. I stared at him for what seemed like hours, blinking rapidly. How do things always get screwed up just when life is going great? How the hell do people just play with other people’s feelings just like that? Build them up just to break them down? How…Why? … I mentally sighed. This isn’t Beau’s fault. He shouldn’t feel bad for liking that friend of a fucker, Adam. “Well…. Congratulations then” I said after a while. “Are you being sarcastic?” He asked narrowing his eyes. “No, I mean it” I answered honestly “You deserve to be happy even if it is with that…ugh…Adam” I shuddered in disgust. I don’t like him at all but if Beau does then…whatever. Beau chuckled humourlessly, “Right, well it’s over so whatever.” I sighed and engulfed him in another hug. “You will be fine” I comforted “Of course I will…I’m worried about you” “I’m….well…I’ll be fine…eventually.” I sighed. “We’re here for you” he said looking at me. “I know” I nodded then looked over at Candy and Eve. “You have been awfully quiet through this. You okay, Candy?” I asked “I’m going to kill him.” She said, her voice going low and dangerous but still deadly calm. “And I’m going to enjoy it.” She shrugged casually.
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