Chapter 14

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Matt's P.O.V Tubby really has this dating thing down to the tee I tell you. I swear I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend than Tubby. He said that we had to go out for our first date as a couple but didn't want it to be the lifeless dinner and a movie scene, however, he refused to tell me what in the world we are doing for this date! I would be frustrated if it wasn't so exciting! We arrived at 'La Mer', a beautiful casual restaurant that was positioned just of the shore of the beach, hence the name. When the car was parked he leaned over and pecked me on the lips, quickly withdrawing placing a finger on my lips instead. Wow! Real mature Tubby! I rolled my eyes but didn't complain. "Stay here, okay?" he whispered to me. "What? Wh-?" I began to protest but he just pecked me again, rendering me useless against his smexy Tubby charm and I just nodded in consent. If not why not right? Right. He got out of the car and ran over to my side and opened the door for me. He held his hand out for me to take. I giggled - in a manly way of course - and took his hand. He pulled me against him and crashed our lips against each other kissing me deeply before releasing me, closing the door and locking the car. We walked into the restaurant hand in hand, smiling like lunatics. "Table for two please" Tubby told the man standing in the front of the restaurant. He looked down at our clasped hands and quirked a tiny smile before straightening his face again. "This way, sir" he said in a monotone voice that had a hint of happiness in his voice. He led us to a table that was right in front of a large window that overlooked the beach. We could see the waves crashing against the shore in a harsh yet soothing way as the light from the moon danced on the surface of the water as a reflection of the sky. The stars seemed to smile down at the sea as it continued to rock to a non-existent beat. Tubby let go of my hand to pull out my seat for me and pushed it back in when I was seated and sat in his own seat across from me. "A waiter will be with you shortly. I hope you enjoy your evening. Excuse me." The man told us as he laid down the menus in front of us. He bowed his head slightly and gave a small smile before walking back to his post in the front of the restaurant. "Posh" I joked with a smile looking into those amazing blue eyes. "Well, only the best for my boyfriend" he replied with a grin showing off those amazing dimples that make everyone melt and do his bidding and now they are all mine. He picked up his menu and scanned through it. "Why thank you ever so much, boyfriend" I said doing the same and picking a meal that seemed delicious and sophisticated. A teenage waiter came to our table with a bored expression and a tense frame that screamed irritation. He eyed us for a minute before asking in a monotone voice "Are you ready to order?" "Uh, yeah" Tubby began looking at him suspiciously before shaking his head and looking at his menu again "I will have the baby chicken with rice and potatoes and a coke please." he handed the waiter his menu after the waiter had written down his order. "And you, sir?" the waiter asked sneering the 'sir' as he looked at me. I flinched a bit taken aback by the bitterness in his voice. Does he have a problem with gay people? The hell is he talking to me like that for? Why do people seem to have a problem with me the past few months? I just stared at him as the thoughts ran through my head. "Do you have a problem with us?" Tubby snapped at him glaring at him with his eyes turning slightly green in anger, almost daring him to say yes. "No" he waiter said and rolled his eyes at Tubby. "Well then why do you seem to be giving us attitude?" Tubby asked, his voice going dangerously low. The waiter looked shocked at the way Tubby suddenly went all low and scary and for some reason the only thing that I could think was that I really love his voice like that and that that's my man right there! Anyway, getting away from my...thoughts I looked at Tubby with a reassuring smile to calm him down. However, he did not look like he was reassured or ready to back down. "I-I'm sorry, sir. I was just having a bad day. I-It won't happen again. I'm so sorry" the waiter stuttered looking scared. I smiled a bit and grabbed Tubby's fist that was balled up into a fist on the table. "It's okay. No worries, we all have bad days" I told the waiter, smiling in reassurance. "But we don't take it out on random people" Tubby almost growled. I squeezed his fist and kept the smile on my face. "But we understand." I continued and looked at Tubby sternly. He opened his mouth to say something so I continued in an octave voice "Anyway! I'm ready to order" "Thank you, sirs. Uhm, go ahead" the waiter said putting his pen to his notepad and looking at me. "Uh, I will have....A steak with rice and a side of salad and a coke. The steak should be medium-rare and hold the olives in the salad. Don't put lemon or ice in my coke but please can it be cold." I said handing the menu to him with the same smile on my face. He smiled back at me and hurried away. "Stupid i***t", Tubby sneered staring after him. He shook his head and then turned to look at me. "I'm sorry but it irritates me when people decide to be all homophobic and s**t" he muttered looking away. "It's okay, love. I love it when you stand up for me." I assured him honestly. I smiled at him. "Besides... I love it when your voice goes all low and dangerous. It makes me all tingly inside." He cracked a seductive smirk "Really? Well then I guess I know how i'm going to talk when I finally take you....and make you mine" he said, his voice going low at the end as he kissed my hand that was still on his. My cheeks blushed as the images of all he could or would do to me… Dinner went by with light conversation and debates over little things that made me smile because we weren't trying to pretend that we were into the same things like some people do on dates. The food was delicious, the view to-die-for and the company....well, simply amazing. We walked down the beach hand in hand, talking about what we wanted to do after school. We came to a stop somewhere secluded when all that could be seen for at least a mile around was the beautiful sea as it continued to dance to the beat of the waves crashing against the shore. The moon was at it's peek, full and beautiful as it stood proudly in the middle of the sky surrounded by the tiny dots that the stars were. Tubby laid down a blanket a safe distance away from the sea so that we wouldn't get wet or sprayed by sea water. "I'm going to H.U. to study medicine. They already accepted me and offered me a scholarship." he told me as we sat facing the sea. I was seated between his legs with my back to him. I felt my heart clench a little. He going to H.U was going to be a huge change to us. "That's great," I said. "I...I applied to H.U and Y.U and a few others. Y.U accepted me but H.U hasn't replied to me yet. I don't know if I'm smart enough to get in there. I'm going to study law." I revealed staring out at the vast sea as it seemed to become rougher as I finished my sentence. "I didn't know you wanted to study law" he replied taking my face in his hands and turning my face to his gently. I gave him a small smile and nodded. "I do. It's been my dream since the first time I watched law and order." I told him laughing at the memory of a seven year old boy in front of the television with eyes widened in intriguing at the lawyer's fancy way of speaking and how I looked at that actress in admiration when she won the case and put the bad guy away. Back when life was simple. Tubby chuckled and pecked my lips before hugging me to him again. "Well in that case I guess I don't need to look around to find a lawyer. Don't worry, babe, you will get in. And even if you don't Y.U is a great university as well." he whispered into my ear making me shiver. "Yeah...I guess. I just want to be near you." I admitted sighing. "Well if God permits it then it will happen. And if we are still together then we will make a will just be an obstacle in our relationship and we will bulldoze it with all we've got." "You are right" I smiled at him. I turned my head and placed a lingering peck on his lips. I moved my lips against his as I turned my body to straddle his hips and kiss him properly. Our lips moved in sync in a passionate kiss as his hand slid up my body and down again with one staying in my hair. I felt my beanie fall off but didn't protest. He bit my lip and tugged my hair roughly making me gasp. He slid his tongue into my mouth and feverishly explored my mouth with his tongue making sure he left no nook untouched by his talented tongue. Our tongues danced and swirled to the rhythm of the ocean. I felt myself harden as he squeezed my butt. I pressed my body against his and ground my lower half into his, feeling his excitement I tugged on his hair. He moaned into my mouth as we continued to make out in the darkness. Only the sounds of our pleasure could be heard as we fell back onto the blanket. We reluctantly broke apart for air. I stared down into his eyes. They were dark with lust and arousal as they stared into mine. "God you get me so hot. That mouth of yours is talented" I told him pecking him "I'm so glad it all mine" I growled against his lips going in for another kiss. * We burst through the door of my room, making it bang against the wall as we spun around. Connected at the lips, Tubby held me with my legs clasped tightly around his waist. He let go of my ass to close the door a lock it before slamming me up against it still kissing me feverishly. He grinded his lower half into forcing me to acknowledge his heated arousal as it pushed against mine. The friction made me moan and tug harder at his hair which in turn made him groan. His lips left mine and trailed my jawline before coming to my ear lobe and harshly sucking on in. I moaned loudly at the volts of pleasure that shot down my spine. He bit down harshly making me cry out at the pain mixed with pleasure. I pulled at his hair groaning before smashing his lips into mine again. He pulled me to him and then banged me up against the door again. His curious grabbed my ass as he pushed himself against me groaning as our arousal brushed against each other. Again he picked me up and walked over to my bed. He threw me on the bed. I bounced as I landed. He looked down at me with fiery lust and passion clouding his eyes as he took me in from head to toe, licking his lips. I bit down on my bottom lip trailing my hand down to my crotch and massaging it, my eyes ever leaving his. He let out a groan and bit his lip. I pulled my shirt off and ran my other hand up my torso and rubbed circles around my six-pack and then back up to my erect n****e. I twisted it roughly and moaned erotically. I continued to massage my c**k through my jeans and twist my n****e. I let my head fall back as I let myself moan as the self-inflicted pain and pleasure. I felt Tubby cover the hand on my crotch and push my hand harder into my crotch as he squeezed it painfully. I whimpered and panted as he knocked my hand away and continued squeezing roughly the massaging. He undid my jeans before pulling them off and throwing them across the room. He licked my abs, circling each of my pecs with his tongue before coming up to my n*****s and biting down harshly. I cried out and shoved a hand into his hair and holding his to my n****e. Electric volts of euphoric pleasure coursed through my body making me tremble and writhe under Tubby. My c**k throbbed painfully in his hand. My breathing became ragged and shallow I neared the end. Suddenly Tubby pulled away. I whimpered in protest and open my eyes to see him fishing his phone out of his back pocket. “It’s Beau” he stated and half groaned. I groaned, “Don’t answer it” “What if it’s important?” he replied casting me a nervous glance “More important this? I highly doubt that, it’s midnight.” I retorted rolling my eyes Tubby chuckled, “I’ll just tell him that I’m busy then we can get back to…..this. I promise” he coaxed, biting his lip as he looked down at my half naked form. I groaned, “fine” “Thank you, babe” he beamed before leaning down and kissing me deeply. “Hey, Beau…..At Matt’s…stuff……Why?” his face twisted into one of confusion “…Beau I’m busy, can’t we do that in the morning?.... I meant later in the morning--- what? How do you know……” He went silent, his face falling into one of pain. I sat up straight and tried to strain my ears to hear what Beau was saying. “But….Are you sure?.....Okay, I will be there in 5 minutes.” He disconnected his call and stared at his phone in silence for a minute. “Is everything okay?” I asked concerned “I have to go….There’s an…emergency” his voice cracked as he spoke to me without looking at me. “Is someone hurt? Tubby?” I tried to look at his face but he turned away. “Tubby talk to me” “I- I can’t” He stuttered before standing up “I have to go. I’ll call you…if I can” He slid his phone back into his pocket and made his way to the door. “Tubby, wait” I called after him. He stood still but didn’t turn around. “I love you, okay” I said softly. He flinched and nodded before unlocking the door and walking out. I heard the front door open and close followed by those of his car before it started and he drove off. I sighed to myself and lay down again. I wonder what happened to make him leave so suddenly. I have a bad feeling in my chest that tells me that whatever it is, it’s huge. Why the hell do things always seem to happen when everything is going great?! Why now when I was about to get laid?!! Really! I was pulled away from my thoughts when my phone started ringing. Sighing, I stood up and located my jeans before pulling out my phone from the back pocket. Adam’s name flashed on my screen. “Yes, Adam?” I answered “Dude, I’m so sorry. I swear I didn’t mean to! I swear! It was a mistake!” He rambled hurriedly. “What did you do?” I asked suspiciously. My pulse picked up and that bad feeling started growing and twirling in my stomach making me feel nauseous. “Dude, I’m so sorry. Please don’t hate me! I’m sorry” he continued. A lump rose in my throat and my hands started shaking with worry. “What did you do, dammit!” I snapped “You’re freaking me out!!” “I was drunk…and dancing…and he came from nowhere….and danced with me and…. He was so good at it and he-he was rubbing and grinding and- and—and kissing—and” “Adam” I warned “I told Beau about the bet” he blurted. My heart stopped and I forgot to breathe. My phone fell to the floor as I stood there paralyzed. I could hear Adam shouting my name over the phone but I couldn’t respond. Beau knows….Beau called Tubby…Tubby left… Oh My God
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