Chapter 13

1670 Words
Tubby's POV My parents stared at me like i had grown a second head or something. Like this totally wasn't a normal thing to do. It is! Guys go bi all the time. I really don't know why they are so surprised like they haven't been in this century long enough to know it could happen at any going bi for Matt, that is. I mean it's not like I planned it. Pavarotti kinda just crept up on me stuff that creeps up on people for goodness sake! You know what I death or something...but nooo, my parents had been shocked into silence when I began telling them about me and Matt dating. So here we sit...them staring at me and me staring at them with the most relaxed look on my face and I mean, why not? If they take it well then great, we all move on like nothing happened. If they don't...well then...they don't and I may have to go live with grandma and give up Matt but hey! either way....there is nothing I can do so..whatever. "Alors, tu nous dis....." my father began then hesitated. "Darling...." my mother choked out squeezing her eyes shut tightly as if to block out all other elements and focus on the matter at hand "Wh...but...I don't understand" she sighed. I stared at her incredulously "It's simple really....I just fell for someone...who happeneds to be on the same sex...I guess" "But how?" My father breathed in confusion I shrugged and thought about it...How did I end up falling for Pavarotti in the first place? At what point did I start falling for that egotistical brat that I call my boyfriend? I mean four months ago every time he spoke I felt like punching him in the throat or something and I just want to hug and kiss him...I don't know how the hell it happened that I ended up falling for him deeper than I ever have for anyone else, in fact, it still baffles me. And what's even more surprising and unbelievable is that he fell for me first...that he wants me. It used to be suspicious but now...I trust him...with my life...and my heart. I guess that's what happens when you fall for someone. It's ridiculous really, I don't know how anyone can even stomach admitting such feelings for people of the opposite s*x, never mind people of the same s*x. "Honey....You were straight as a pole just last week and you are telling us that you...have feelings for some boy?" my mother clarified still looking lost. I nodded. "It's the Italian boy isn't it...The one who changed you? It was him wasn't it?" My father demanded with an odd look on his face. "Yes," I nodded "I fell for Pavarotti but he didn't change me...I was like this before him, he just gave me courage to be honest with myself really. It's not his fault" I sighed, running a hand through my thick french curls. "Freaking Italians" my father mumbled under his breath. My mother smacked him on the arm and glared. "Papa, it's not his fault." I hesitated feeling slight despair at his reaction. I know that if he chooses to ignore me for the rest of his life there is nothing I can do but he is my dad and I would be hurt if it turns out like that. I felt a lump grow in my throat at the thought of him hating me. "I beg you mama, papa, please understand. I...really like this boy...a lot. I can't really imagine losing him but losing you would be so much worse. Please don't hate me. If I could tell you all that is my heart, I would but I can't put my heart in my mouth or wear it on my sleeve. But, mama, papa, I love you and..." I paused, tears pricking at my eyes, I sniffed "Please..." My voice crack. I looked down, resting my head in my hands. Tears started rolling down my cheeks as I waited for their response. "Jeremy, calm down" my father ordered "your mother and I don't hate you...." "Yeah, baby, we are just surprised" my mother finished for him "but if you really like this boy and you know that this is who you are..." "Then we accept it and we accept you" my father said "We love you no matter what Jeremy. This is just a big pill to swallow and it's going to take a while for it to sink in. Okay?" "Oui, Papa" I answered, drying my tears "Thank you guys" "Nous t'aimons" they answered. They came over to the couch that I was sitting on and hugged me. Booh-freaking-yeah! I knew that they would be cool about it. I have the best parents I tell you! Goodness, now I'm starting to speak like Pavarotti. * I nervously tugged at my hair as i stood outside Pavarotti's door. Tonight we were having our first date as a couple and I want it to be perfect so we are simply going out to dinner at a restaurant with an amazing view of the sea and then a simple walk along the beach. I wanted to keep it simple because he likes simple over extravagant. So I was dressed casually but still looking 'drop dead sexy' according to Beau. I swear that guy is my personal stylist. I don't go anywhere dressed by myself. I took a deep breath and rang the door bell. I heard footsteps before the door flew open revealing Mrs Pavarotti. She is just a breathtaking as her son with the same dark brown hair that fell to her waist and hazel eyes that are surrounded by thick long eyelashes. Her complexion is darkened by then sun and her lips just as pink and delicate as Matt's. I can see where he gets his looks. "Jeremy!" She exclaimed hugging me before moving aside to let me in "How are you, love?" "I'm great and you Mrs Pavarotti?" I replied politely "I'm great. You look ravishing! No wonder Matt is so in love with you!" she chirped teasingly winking at me. My face reddened at the compliment. "Thank you" I mumbled looking down. "Ah, just telling the truth. No worries, Matt will be down in a minute. You know how he is...gets dressed like a girl! Sometimes I wonder if I really had a boy!" she chuckled "Ma!" A familiar voice scolded. "Why do you have to embarrass me in front of my boyfriend?" He asked rhetorically as he descended the stairs. I loved that word 'boyfriend', especially when it was coming from him with reference to me. He was dressed casually and yet so...extravagantly. One could tell that he really put effort into his appearance. He had on grey skinnies, a white v-neck, a grey button down cardigan with black lining on it and completed the look with grey and black sneakers and a grey beanie. "Is that not a mother's job? My mother did it to me and now it's your turn to suffer" she teased back, breaking me out of my reverie. Matt rolled his eyes but there was a smiling tugging at the corners of his lips indicating that he was not upset at all. "Hey" he breathed taking my appearance in, in appreciation. He grinned at me with his eyes lighting up. "Hey" I grinned back at him. I can't believe he is all mine. So gorgeous, so mine. He walked into my arms and hugged me tightly. I tightened my grip on him savoring the moment. I'm so afraid that if I let him go, he will be gone forever and....I don't think I can handle that. We stood in each other's arms for what seemed like an eternity. "Okay...right. Sorry to break up your love fest or whatever two need to leave" Mrs Pavarotti spoke up suddenly, smiling brightly Matt and I broke apart reluctantly and turned to look at his mother "Wow, mother, kicking your own son out of the house? Really?" Matt said feigning hurt "Well, sonny boy, mama bear has the whole house and papa bear all to herself all night and she doesn't want anyone else in the house so you two gotta go" she explained pushing us out of the door "Stay safe, don't drink and drive, condomize, don't do it to hard and for goodness sake use lube!" "Ma!" Pavarotti yelled in embarrasment. Both of our cheeks lit up at his mother's bluntness "Love you, honey!" she smiled, blowing him a kiss before slamming the door shut. "I like your mother" I decided as we buckled up in my car Matt rolled his eyes "She's so embarrassing! She wants me to blush to death I tell you!" he ranted covering his cheeks. "I think she's cute" I told him leaning over to peck him on the lips. I was about to withdraw from the kiss when his hand flew up to my hair and pulled me closer. He kissed me sensually, gliding his lips over mine teasingly. I groaned and deepened the kiss, slipping my tongue into his mouth successfully dominating him. Our tongues tangoed in his mouth as I explored each nook and cranny. I sucked on his tongue making him gasp and moan. When I ran out of breath I withdrew from the kiss reluctantly. "No, babe, not now. We gotta actually get to the restaurant for this to be considered a date" I whispered huskily He whimpered "But I want you now" he whined I groaned "Don't say that" I choked out in a pained voice. He has no freaking idea what that kind of talk does to me. "Otherwise I will take you...right here...right now....right in front of you parents house" I whispered into his ear biting the lobe teasingly making him moan. I pecked him one more time before settling back in my seat and starting the car.
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