Chapter 12

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Matt's P.O.V You're so bad to di bone, can't leave you alone, it's like you're inside my dream, a perfect fantasy. You're so bad to di bone, can't leave you alone, it's like you're inside my dream, a perfect fantasy. Tubby and I sway to the sound of brick and lace. He had me blushing at my very provocative moves when he winked at me smiling that hot dimpled smile. I dipped and came up again grinding and rubbing against him in a way I knew drives guys crazy. Honestly we are such simpled minded creatures. The beat slowed and a slow come came on. We froze in time, simply staring at each other, both of us confused about what to do. "Thought I was standing tall, I thought I'd seen it all, but baby I was wrong, cause you're the greatest. I walked a thousand miles but nothings what I found until you came around cause youre the greatest. Searched high and low, just to find out that it was here all along and I know what I wanted, I should've been chasing you." Michelle's voice came through the speakers smoothly and Tubby held out his hands to me. I stepped into his grasp, never braking eye contact. Slowly and sentually we swayed to the rhythm flowing through the room. All alone in the dimly lit room we silently danced. Tubby leaned down and closed the distance between us by capturing my lips in a tender kiss. His lips moved expertly over mine, making my head spin and my heart race. We kissed until we ran out of breath and reluctantly withdrew. I looked him in the eye and saw everything I have ever wanted. I saw the stars in his eyes. In the short space of two months, everything has changed. He taught me how to smile, laugh, myself, without worring about being judged...well, sort of because most of his friends hated me when they met me. The point is, I really, honestly, him. "Jeremy Raimundo Tubby Sexylicious Vagner," we chuckled at the inclusion of his nick names, I smiled softly but continued "I love you. I truly love you..with all my heart and soul" He smiled down at me "Mateo Antonio Pavarotti," he purred in his american-french accent that made shivers run up and down my spine. "I-" he stopped short and "Pavarotti!" "Yes?" I asked confused at his change of tone. His lips moved but nothing came out "Pavarotti!" "Tubby?" I felt my body start to shake. "Tubby? What's going on" he just kept smiling talking but I couldn't hear anything he said. I felt someone bite my ear lobe hard making me moan out loud and pulling me out of my dream. I begrudgingly opened my eyes. I glanced at my surroundings, not regocnizing anything but felt someone under me. I lift my head to stare at the blue eyed boy lying half under me. "I'm glad you decided to wake up, Pavarotti" Tubby spoke, rolling his eyes. His voice was husky and thick with sleep. "It's time to get up, my mother made breakfast" I looked at the room again. Yup, it's definitly his room...but maybe this is a dream. We are lying in his bed with me half on top of him. My leg is draped over his lower half, we are covered by his comforter and.....ah, I'm not wearing clothes. I'M NOT WEARING CLOTHES! SH*T! What the hell happened last night. I don't remember taking my clothes off...ugh. I looked down then back at him worriedly. "Why are we not wearing clothes?" I asked him "Why do people generally take off their clothes before sleeping in the same bed, Pavarotti?" he asked rolling his eyes with a small smile. I pouted "Oh god, what did we do!" I groaned "Nothing...We almost did but you passed out as soon as you're head him my pillow. Can't say it was the easiest thing to fall asleep after that" he answered thoughtfully. "You let me stay over?" I asked rehotorically, grinning widely at the fact he let me stay over "I had....motivation" he smirked. My face lit up like a christmas tree and he laughed at me. The d**k. "You really like my taste" he winked "S-shut up" I smacked his bear chest and he chuckled "You're words not mine. You said you want to - and I quote - srew my brains out, hard, fast and deep. You want me to throw you up against the wall and shag you senseless, you want me to bend you over the desk and go at it from-" "Shut up!" I a manly way of course but he went on "- behind. You want me to chain you up and whip you...You want me to show you the way...and that's just the beginning" he laughed and I slapped his chest again "You're mean!" I pouted "But you love it.." he laughed again. I love his carefree. It's cute. I smiled at him just taking time to savor the moment. He stopped laughing and looked at me. We stared at each other intensly for a minute "I wanna see if something is still the same, okay?" he said suddenly "Uh...okay" Way to kill the moment. He pushed me to the side roughly which not only surprised me but offended me. He could've asked me to move buuut nooooooooo, he has to do it the mean way. I frowned "Geez, you could've asked me to move" "Shut up Pavarotti" He chided. Gods, where did this boy not learn manners? I opened my mouth to argue but he moved to hover over me and crashed his mouth into mine in an rough and urgent kiss. I kissed back whole heartedly milking it for all it's worth. Yeah, we lay there kissing roughly but it made me want him right then and there. I'm not a bottom for anyone but I would bottom for him any day. He shoved his tongue in my mouth, dominating it immediatly, making me moan into his mouth. He moved his mouth from mine to trail kisses along my jaw. He licked up and down my jaw. I shivered under his tongue and whimpered when he blew on it. He moved his mouth to my ear and licked it making my c**k throb. It's good to know I'm still wearing briefs by the way. He bit down roughly and I screamed out at the pleasurable pain. His hand flew to my mouth. "Sshhh, be quiet... you're body speaks loud enough. Besides, my parents are here" he whispered. "If you were in my position I don't think you would be able to keep quiet" I sneered pouting. "I would" "Okay, let's see" I smirked and flipped us over and staddled. I pushed down on his groin and swirled my hips in a circle. He squeezed his eyes and bit his lip. I smirked at him and leaned down. Now, if I remember correctly...I licked his shoulder where I saw a pink discolouring. He shivered but stayed silent. I sucked and he stayed silent...yeah, think you have won. I kept sucking but he just gasped, bucked and hissed. I bit down harshly but put my hand over his mouth. He cried out, arching his back and moaning loudly into my hand causing vibrations that made my c**k jump again. I bit my lip then smirked him. "Sshhh, be're body speaks loud enough. Besides, you parents are here" I mimcked seductivly before climbing off of him. I located my clothes in various areas of the room. I picked them up and dumped them on his bed before pulling them on carefully. What? I have to look good, hungover or not. "What are you doing?" Tubby asked "Getting dressed duh" "Why?" I stared at him incredulously."Uh, because thats what people do before they go out into public" "Where are you going?" he asked raising an eyebrow I was slighty surprised at the question. What the hell does he mean 'where am I going'? "uhm....home?" "Why?" "Okay, what gives?" I snapped at him frowning "What do you mean?" he blinked in fake innocence. I scowled at him and narrowed my eyes. "Why are you asking dumb questions?" "Am I?" "Yes" "Hm" "What the hell do you mean 'hm'?!" "What does, hm, generally mean?" he deadpanned rolling his eyes I glared at him "Tubby, be serious" "I'm dead serious. What does it mean?" I rolled my eyes and continued dressing up. I decided ignoring him would be the best thing to do, so when he called out for me I just continued dressing up and attempting to fix my hair. Key word: attempting. Stupid Tubby kept ruffling it in an attempt to make me speak to him but I will not give in, I tell you! I will not succumb to his stupidity! "Mateo..." he whispered in my ear. I could feel his hot breath tickling my neck making my hairs stand on attention. He licked my ear and I shiver at the feeling "Mateo, answer me" he whispered huskily pulling my hair roughly, biting my ear and moving his hands to squeeze on my overly sensitive n*****s. He twisted and twirled the little nubs roughly between his fingers eliciting whorish moans from me. "Mateo," he called sofly. I bit down on my lip to keep the moans from escaping. He bit down on my earlobe again. Electric shocks erupted through my body as I felt my body ready itself for release. He just had to use the full first name...that cheater. If I wasn't a Christian... "Uh, yeah" I moaned grabbing onto his hair. Then...then...He stopped. That bastard stopped touching me. He just removed my hand from his hair and moved back. "What the f**k, Tubby??" I yelled "Oh, I thought you weren't talking to me" He chuckled evily. I growled. As in actually growled. The sound surprised even me but hey, you can't leave someone blue balled!!! "Matt, come sit here" he cooed patting the spot next to him on the bed. "No" I snapped at him "I'll make you feel good...." he winked biting his lower lip. I rolled my eyes then looked at him. He's serious. Now don't think any less of me because I walked over and sat right next to him. I have been celibate for one year, one month, two weeks and four days. I don't know how I know that.... He chuckled when I sat next to him. "Now let's talk..." I groaned and he laughed shaking his head. "About yesterday and the....development in our....relationship" he struggled for the right words. "Okay." I said slowly drawing out the word. We sat in silence for a while. I didn't know what to say and he seemed to have the same problem. "Do you honestly like me, Matt?" he said suddenly "Yes" I answered honestly. "Why?" he asked immediatly. I groaned. Not this question again. I rolled my eyes and looked at him. He looked so vulnerable and a lost puppy. I sighed. "I don't know...I honestly don't. You're not my type" I said shrugging "You're rude, gruff, blunt, at times mean, hate jocks, are really judgemental at the best of times and you're really a nerd in a way" He looked at me like I had gone mad. He looked offended but shrugged nonetheless. "But," I continued "You're sweet, kind, you've always got you're friends' backs, you are unknowingly romantic in a rude way which makes it all the more special, you have aspirations but you love to have fun, you're comfortable with who you are and you're accepting, you seem like you have it all figured out but still allow room for correction, you're a perfectionist but you're not pushy...and you gave me a chance." He smiled "You forgot awesome" I narrowed my eyes at him and he held his hand up in defence. "Kidding..I like you too" he said softly...looking down I smiled grabbing his chin to force him to look at me because I'm prettier that his lap...well, actually, I'm not sure about that...hmmm. I mentally shook my head. "Jeremy Raimundo Tubby Sexylicious Vagner," geez now I'm just stealing dream-Matt's game, oh well, he is me and I am him. "I don't like you" I said seriously. He looked confused and hurt. "I love you" I continued "I love you with my heart, soul and entire being" uhhhh, now this is just sappy. Curse you romance books!! He broke out with that sexy 1000watt dimpled grin. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what made me fall in love with Tubby. Curses. But suddenly it faded as he realized something. My eyes widened. I don't want him to think that he has to say it back. I'm quite used to this one-sided love thing by now...But knowing that he likes me is enough for me. "You don't have to say it back or anything... It's all good. I'm not going to get upset. You are going to grow to love me" If you don't grow to hate me instead, I added in my head. "Thanks" He said with a shy grin "But...I do want to try and see what into. I wanna be with you and want you to be with me...and only with me because I. Don't. Share." He growled the last part. I chuckled at his possesiveness. Wait, does he mean...."Does this mean..." I trailed off He smiled and rolled his eyes "Jocks really are slow...Yes, Matt I'm asking you to be boyfriend" I blinked...Four times. Mission Complete. I'm done. I made Tubby Vagner fall for me. Evidence: He just asked me to be his boyfriend. I can walk away now. I can leave this all behind. I won the bet. I won. I grinned and kissed him full on the lips. I pulled back and threw my arms around him in an amourous hug. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I shouted. I jumped around the room in excitment. Tubby looked slightly worried as watched me go mad in his room. I don't care. I f*****g happy. Tubby is mine and I won the bet. I just won 700....yeah, I'm awesome. I am the bomb. He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me to him. He crashed his lips into mine and kissed me passionately and sensually. God, this boy knows how to kiss. I tilted my head to allow him better access. His hands moved down to my butt and squeezed on it making me moan into his mouth and buck my hips which in turn made him moan. Pulling back, I pecked his lips again savoring his taste "I love you, Jeremy" He smiled at me and pulled me back into the kiss. "I know" he said cockily. I rolled my eyes but smiled into the kiss. My life is officially perfect. The End. heheeeh. good bye. *TEAM BARBIE BIATCH* Hehe, just kidding....maybe.. It's a good ending huh? lol...No no no no....Matt's not getting off that easy.... comment and vote
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