Chapter 11

7589 Words
Tubby's P.O.V "Really?" Pavarotti laughed "Yeah," I nodded with my fabulous 1000watt smile playing on my lips as I looked down at him. "Amato? Amato Vagner?" He laughed again "Do you even know what Amato means?" I rolled my eyes at him "Duh, It means Loved One...or something like that" I frowned suddenly unsure. He just snickered at me. I raised my hand and smack the back of his head for making fun of me. "Hey!" He protested smacking my arm but i didn't even flinch "It's a good name!" "Yeah yeah sure.." he chuckled playfully rolling his eyes and rubbing the back of his head. "It's better than Matthew" I muttered glumly. Gosh! Amato is not a bad name for a boy, okay! It's fine, I mean, It has a meaning at least and it's in a native European tongue so he can go stick it somewhere it hurts okay! I mean seriously, is there something wrong with the name. You see Pavarotti and I have been going on 'bonding dates', as Candy calls them, for about 3 months now and we've gotten considerably closer. I mean he is so playful and funny and sweet with a bit of bratty-ness to him which, on the right day and in the right mood, makes me smile and laugh. He's an awesome friend and and he hasn't even asked me to attend a college party which must mean he really wants to just be my friend. Right now we are walking in the park, eating ice cream and pelting ducks with stale bread crumbs - which was totally his idea by the way. Okay, so maybe he said we should feed the ducks and pigeons the bread crumbs but it's so much more entertaining hitting them with the bread! Oh, come on, you know that's funny! Pavarotti stopped walking to glare at me folding his arms over his very toned chest. What? It's true! When we went swimming at the beach once, he took off his shirt and i saw the very toned chest with a very hard and hairless 8 pack forming on his stomach. It's not like I can't compliment the fact that his arms are so ripped but in a very slender way that basketball players own, or the fact that when he genuinely smiles his entire face lights up and his eyes shine like a Christmas tree in the dark or that his voice is so innocent and husky and deep and manly..... I stopped walking to look back at him with an innocent smile that showed my dimples because let's face it; no one can resist them. He rolled his eyes trying to look serious but I could see the smile tugging at the corners of his frown. "Well," he started walking towards me again "Sure, it's better that Matthew. I feel sorry for people with that name...It's dull and so English" he smirked falling into step with me. (no offence to all the Matthew's out there) "Uhhh," I didn't know what else to say. I just gave him a questioning look, I mean his name is Matthew, who insults their own name? That's right! No one! But apparently Pavarotti does. "You do know your name is Matthew, right?" I asked teasingly but seriously questioning his certainty on his own name. "No, no it's not" he said smiled victoriously. Ah, there it is; The proof that jocks are as dumb as they make them out to be in books. Ha! In your faces, cheesy romantic movies! In your faces! "Hmph, so what is you supposed name then" I scoffed rolling my eyes and crossing my arms over my chest "Mateo" he shrugged casually as if he hadn't let people believe his name is Matthew for the past...oh i don't know... 18 years! "Then why does everyone believe your name is Matthew?" I asked disbelievingly "They assumed my name is Matthew and technically they are not wrong...My name is Matthew..Just in Italian." he explained shrugging. I stared at him barely blinking as I let the information sink in. I opened my mouth to speak but my phone interrupted me. I reached into my pocket and retrieved it. "This topic is so not over" I told Pavarotti sternly to which he just smiled. "Hey, Beaulicious, whaazz up baby boy" I said picking up the phone "Tuuuuuuubbbbbbbbyyyyy! I am at your hoooouuusssee!!" Beau whined loudly making me flinch slightly. "uuh, ok, I'm out right now" "Duuuuh! What do you think I am? Stupid! Je ne suis pas bete, i***t! Ou etes vous?! Pour quoi est tu n'est pas ici! Whyyyy aren't you staanding herreee right now getting ready for Ollie's parttty???" He screeched into the phone making me flinch. I knew having a french friend would turn on me one day... I guess that that day has finally come. "Dammit!" I cursed "I- uh, forgot. Sorry..." "What the hell do you mean by that? Sorry! Don't be sorry! Get you sexylicious ass here now!!! Tubby! You better be walking that sexy ass of yours to your car! So help you Dieu!" "Yeah, Yeah... I'm on my way now." I muttered scratching the back of my head while Beau continued his ranting "Uh-huh...Yes, dear" I rolled my eyes "I said i'm on my way, Beau... Yes, I'm walking to my car now. Calm down" Apparently that was wrong to say because Beau just got angrier to the point where he sounded like he was going to pop a vessel. That boy should be careful. He screamed profanities into my ear while I just tried to keep up because God forbid that I lost track of what he was saying. "Sorry, boo boo.....I said sorry! I--... Beau, Beau..." "Don't Beau, Me! Why aren't you on your way?!" he yelled "I am" I lied shifting in the same spot "Then why are you still talking to me! If you were in the car then you would've made me get off the phone! Tubby! I swear if you are not here in the next 15 minutes!" He shouted. s**t! I should've known he'd know! Dammit! "Okay, Okay.. I'm in the car I've got to go!" I said quickly "Tubby! Don't you lie to me mister! Don't you dare!" "Bye Beau!" I said quickly and hung up. I turned to Pavarotti who was smirking at me in amusement. I bit my lip and scratched the back of my head. I had promised him that i would spend the entire weekend with him. Now I'm in for it. "Well, what is Beau saying?" he asked trying to hold in his laughter. I chuckled nervously shifting from foot to foot. "I...uh... I have to go" I answered apologetically. His smiled faded almost instantly after hearing that. His expression grew confused and then angered as he crossed his arms over his chest and scowled. "I should've known something like this would happen! It always does! You always have to go off somewhere when you promise to hang out with me. Ugh, Tubby, what is it now?" "I'm sorry" I said looking down. Geez, I swear it's Tubby has to apologize day today. I always ditch Pavarotti when i have forgotten to do something or if Beau suddenly needs me or we have to drive to a party earlier than planned. "It's just that it's Ollie's party" I explained He scoffed and glared at me "Ollie has a party every three weeks and it would be so bad to miss just one? Really!" He growled. "It's his birthday party!" I exclaimed. It's true he does have parties often but still, his birthday is important and I love Ollie, a lot! Pavarotti scoffed and looked away. "Fine" he sighed "Go ahead to Ollie's party. I'm going home" uttered sadly before turning on his heel and stalking towards the car park. "Pavarotti!" I yelled to get his attention but he just kept walking as though he didn't hear me. "Pavarotti" he kept ignoring me. UUUggggh, now i feel bad and really i shouldn't because Ollie has been a friend longer than Pavarotti but here I am standing here feeling bad. "Mateo" I tried, uhp, it worked because he froze in his spot. He turned to face me with an odd expression on his face. I opened my mouth to speak but my brain couldn't find the words. "I'm sorry..." i said finally. He sighed and nodded before turning and walking away. I sighed and jogged to my car. I waited until I saw him pulling away in his car before starting my own and heading home to meet a very pissed off Beau and probably Candylicious. As soon as I arrived home, Beau came running through the door. He had his no nonsense face on as he grabbed my hand and dragged me inside roughly. As soon as we got up to my room he slammed the door shut and turned to me with a glare set on his face, a pout on his lips, his arms folded over his chest and a tense frame. I bit my lip and looked down. "So are you going to just stand there or are you going to explain yourself, Tubby?" he growled I sighed and looked at my shoes which all of a sudden became so very interesting because my eyes were glued to them. "I...I was with Pavarotti," I confessed, I chanced a glance at him but his face had changed so I went on. "But, it's only because I promised him that I would spend the weekend with him only since I always blow him off for you and Candy or parties and stuff and he was really feeling bad about it and I thought i would make it up to him by spending the weekend with him. I just didn't know what to do cause I thought we would be done by the time i needed to start getting ready for Ollie's party but we lost track of time and then you called and he got mad and I didn't know what to do because I couldn't exactly invite him, i mean with him-" I rambled speaking really fast so I didn't leave anything out. "Tubby!" Beau interrupted "Shut up" My jaw slammed shut and I glanced at him before looking down at my very pretty shoes again. I sighed and dragged my hand down my face and ruffled my hair. "Sorry" "It's fine, Sexylicious" Beau cooed. I looked up at him hopeful that he wasn't mad and he was standing there smiling wide like the gay best friend he is. "Well go ahead and shower, I, as your GBF (gay best friend) and all, have already taken the liberty of picking out your clothes so we can still make it in time for Candylisious and Evil to get here" he continued smiling before spitting out Eve's -Candy's girlfriend- name like it was poison. He and Eve didn't get along for some odd reason but he says that she is just evil and is -and I quote- a meanie bobinie who makes Candylicious cry cause she's an anorexic orange cow. Yeah, I know, it's a wonder that he's 18, isn't it. I nodded and hugged him before running off to take a quick 15 minute shower because that's quick to me. I straightened my hair in the bathroom and applied lotion before heading back to my room to find Candy sitting on my bed smiling at Eve and Beau insulting each other. Believe it or not, she never gets involved in their fights; not even to defend Eve, she says that she loves a good cat fight. Hmph, leave it to Candy to be odd like that. I cleared my throat loudly to get their attention. Beau and Eve shut up and looked at me. "So...I guess you two are fighting buuuut, I really have to get ready and all so, Eve, as much as I love you, you will have to go and wait downstairs. You can take Candy with you if it makes you feel better." Eve pouted and Beau smiled. "But how come I always have to go downstairs, Tubby?" She asked seeming so sad...awww shame. "Because Beau is my GBF which means he is also my Personal Stylist so he had to do finishing touches. Sowi" I apologized. "Ha! In your face, Evil!" Beau taunted and I groaned "Whatever, Butt-Sucker!" she retaliated "Cow" "Chimp" "Orange" "Grape!" "Pea!" "Spinach" "Cu-" "Whoa!! Whoa, Enough!" I yelled at them before Beau had the chance to finish that word. Eve huffed and walked out of the room before coming back and looking at Candy expectantly. "Go ahead, babe, I'll be there just now. I gotta talk to Tubby about something" Candy told her nodding. Eve huffed again and rolled here eyes before stalking off with a pout set on her face. "Now I have to deal with that all night! Thanks a lot, Beau!" Candy complained "Sorry" Beau mumbled and sat down at the desk. I walked over to the bed where my clothes were lying then looked at Beau questioningly. "Uh, Beau, is this a party or a funeral...What's with all the black?" I asked. I'm not really in a black mood today. "Just get dressed, Sexylicious, you know you look sexy in black and I love it when you look dark and mysterious cause then you're like Tall, Dark and Handsome! Yay!" he cheered happily. I sighed and pulled on the black briefs he had laid out then the black skinnies with a black rime stone studded belt, the black v-neck top, the black jumper, black air-force and even black socks. Man, this outfit looks so goth, it's like what the hell. I put on a silver chain, silver watch and a diamond stud in one ear before letting Beau mess with my hair a bit. To finish off I put on my best cologne and stood in the mirror admiring myself and my sexiness. They don't call me Sexylicous for nothing, ya know. "So, Candy, What do you want to talk to me about?" I asked putting on some lip balm and tying my shoes. "Well, Beau told me that you ditched Matt again" she said frowning "Ya but it's only because we have Ollie's party" I explained. She really liked Matt for some unknown reason. But mention Adam and she goes all b***h mode on you. She was the one who started the whole 'bonding dating' thing. I mean, she threatened to scratch my car if I didn't do it and you know them crazy lesbians really would do that....She would probably get Eve to help her, that demented child. "Yeah, he told me. But we came up with a solution." she said smiling mischievously. Oh no, I have a feeling I won't like this. I hope they don't think i'm going to miss Ollie's party. I mean, as much as i like Pavarotti -as a friend of course- I refuse to miss Ollie's party for him. I don't like him that much. Pssht. As if. "Which is?" I asked boredly "Invite him." she stated simply. I blinked at her then looked at Beau for help but he just smiled and shrugged. That little minx! One minute he's all I'm your GBF blah blah blah but when it comes to defending me, NO. He just lets me be sucked into plans like this insane one. Some GBF you are Beau! Some GBF you are. I mentally swore at them before shaking my head. "Uh-uh. No. Nope. Nee, Nicht, Nein, Non, No, Absolutely Not. No. Uh-uh. No" I refused in every language I knew. "Oh Tubby, Tubby, Tubby, my sweet naive Tubby." Candy cooed " I can't believe you actually think you have a choice" she shook her head as though she couldn't fathom the thought that i would dare defy her. She stood up from the bed and handed me my phone "Now be a good boy and Call. Now" she demanded in an eerily calm voice. I gulped and took the phone before dialling Pavarotti's number. Oh gosh, this is going to be a long night. * Matt's P.O.V Can you f*****g believe it?! Can you? After 3 months of working my ass off to get him to be my friend, I get ditched again?! How the hell! NO, What the hell! Three freaking months of being ditched, tested, teased, yelled at, apologizing for being 'a diva', kissing ass and freaking working my freaking f*****g ass off to be Tubby's friend but NO. After promising me that he would let me have his attention for the weekend he goes and ditches me on the first day of the weekend and no, I don't care whether it's Ollie's birthday or not! I don't even know the guy let alone care about his birthday! Besides a promise is a promise! I will never be good enough for that guy. I swear that I have done everything in my power to earn a spot on his friends list and I thought I had but apparently not! Because he ditched me again! Oh for f***s sake! But am I going to sit around and feel sorry for myself? NO! f**k that! I aint on chick! I won't sit at home and eat chocolate ice-cream and watch 'The Notebook' or Teen Wolf re-runs no matter how hot Derek Hale is! No, if he is going to go out and have fun then so am I. So when I got home I called up Adam and asked him what the plans were for tonight and it turns out there's a party at Jake's house tonight so I'm going to go the f**k out, have some f*****g fun and get f*****g drunk to the point of passing out! You know why? Because I f*****g deserve it! I have worked my ass off between school, basketball and Tubby and I deserve to go out and have fun! I ran upstairs, showered and got dressed. I decided to wear white skinnies with a black and white checkered belt, a white tee, white Tims with black laces, a white cap with a black leather jacket. I decided on silver jewellery for tonight. As I sat fixing my hair my phone suddenly started ringing. I guess Adam's being lazy tonight. I answered the phone without checking whose calling and began speaking before Adam could tell me to hurry up. "Yo, Adam, I'm coming down! Geez I still have 20 minutes to finish. You know you could just come in like you have been since we started being friends you lazy ass freak!" I chided "Uh, P-Pavarotti...I-It's Tubby" a soft not-Adam voice came from the phone. I looked at the phone slightly confused as to why Tubby would be with Adam when he has Ollie's party tonight. Oh....He's calling from his phone. I sighed "Oh. What is it Tubby?" I asked rudely because I'm still freaking pissed at him "I-I was uh thinking.... That since I told you we could hang out the entire weekend...uh...You could come with me to Ollie's party" he stuttered sounding way too nervous. I blinked. Twice. He's inviting me to a party with him and his so-called crew. As in for real? I don't even know what to stay because I'm supposed to be mad at him! I mean he just ditched me like a bad hot dog or something and now he just wants me to just forgive him and move on like nothing happened? Hmph! The nerve. But some part of me is also jumping for joy that he called to invite me to a party with him and his friends. It's like its the ultimate form of acceptance with him. Like I actually mean enough to him to make him invite me to a party. It's kinda exciting in a romantic way. Maybe he is starting to fall for me. I know I started to fall for him 2 months ago on one of our dates. It's sad that at the end of all of this he is going to hate me because i've come to like him so much it hurts and that's why I can't stay angry at him. "Pavarotti?" Tubby's voice came through, snapping me out of my thoughts. His voice was unsure and nervous but still deep and smooth with that slight french flare to it as always. I sighed "I don't know, Tubby" I muttered, "I'm going out with Adam tonight. I already told him I would go. And I'm not the type to ditch my friends" "I'm sorry I ditched you but i'm trying to make it better, Pavarotti" he apologized again. Ugh, he was making this really hard for me. I mean, I already called Adam and everything. But...on the other hand I really really really like Tubby. I sighed again, biting my lip. "Matt" he called softly with his french accent coming through. I love the way he said my name. It just seemed to roll off his tongue like chocolate honey. He made it sound and french. Yum! "Please" he pleaded. I bit my lip and nodded even though he couldn't see me. He had me at Hi. I sighed again "Alright" I said softly "I'll come" "Great. Thank you. Uh... We will be there to pick you up soon okay" he said brightly. I could tell he was smiling that beautiful dimpled Tubby smile that he always does when he is really happy. "We?" I questioned confused. Who is we? "Yeah, uh, Candy, Beau and I" he replied. My heart sank a little at the mention of Beau's name. I mean, I know that they are just friends but they are so affectionate with each other and he is always cooing him and hugging him and kissing him on the forehead and holding his hand or his waist. I mean, as soon as Beau even comes into view, Tubby's face just lights up and he smiles. I'm beginning to think that he has some secret crush on Beau. I groaned internally and pushed the disappointment down. "Oh...Ok" "Ok cool. Bye. See you soon" "Bye" I hung up the phone breathed out. I took another deep breath before dialling Adam's number. He answered on the fifth ring. "Yo, Matty, I'm sorry but I'm going to be late. I overslept then got an unexpected....guest." he rambled as soon as he picked up. I sighed again "Nah, It's cool. Listen I know I said I wanna go out with you but Tubby called and he wants us to hang after all" I explained He groaned "I thought you said he ditched you?" "Yeah he did but he is all apologetic and yeah..." I heard him hiss sharply followed by a loud moan "Uhm...Yeah yeah. It's all *moan* goo-oooh-od" "Ugh, Adam what the hell are you doing you freak?" I asked disgusted "huh, oh god,....uh....uh...." Adam went on. My eyes widened "ADAM?!!!" I yelled "huh? Oh sorry... What were you saying?" he asked dazedly "I'm not going to the party with you anymore" I reminded him slowly "Neither are you" I heard another voice say seductively "Are you, Adam?" The voice teased I blinked horrified. That voice sounds awfully deep. But Adam doesn't swing that way. He's straight. Adam moaned again "No" he whispered. "What?" I asked confused "I-uh uh-I mean, It's all good. I don't think I'm going....either...I--I...some---uhhhh-thing came up" he stuttered and I heard a chuckle in the background an amused 'literally' "EWWWW, Dude you are disgusting!" I squealed,. But in a manly way. I mean, I don't do it like a girl...Adam moaned again and i shuddered in disgusted "Bye" I hung up quickly. Well, at least that's done even though I may be emotionally scarred for the rest of my life thanks to him. I shuddered again. How the hell does he just do such things while he is on the phone. Why would he want to be on the phone when doing such things! He is just...eww! For goodness sake! Kids of today. I am, however, curious to find out who it was in the background. Was he with another guy. The guy's voice sounded so familiar. A loud hooter broke me out of my thoughts about Adam and his mystery lover. I looked out of my window to see Candice's black Jeep in the driveway. I knew Candice since this whole 'get Tubby to like you' thing started. She's always been in my corner for some unknown reason but hey i'm not complaining. She's one of Tubby's best friends and therefore she has a lot of input oh his decisions. I mean she treats Beau and Tubby like they are her own kids...or puppies. But it's sweet in a weird way. I grabbed my phone, keys and my favorite black leather jacket. It's getting quite cold these days which means winter is coming. I love winter. BMW (Baby Making Weather) round the clock! I ran down stairs and out the door switching off all the lights behind me. My parents were on a trip to my grandparents house for about two weeks. Grandma isn't feeling well and my mum is worried out of her mind so my dad decided that they would go see how she is and visit for a while. I locked the house up and ran up to Candice's jeep and jumped in. * The ride to the party was beyond awkward as we sat in COMPLETE AND UTTER SILENCE for about 15 minutes. I sat looking at my fingers and nibbling on my sexy bottom lip, Beau - who by some sort of sick twist of fate was sitting next to me in the back seat - sat impatiently drumming his fingers on his dark denim jeans, Eve -who is apparently Candy's girlfriend- sat on the other side of Beau looking extremely happy and maybe even proud of herself cause she's weird like that...she kinda freaks me out but I won't say anything...just in case; you never know if she's a serial killer! Candy just looked forward and concentrated on the road, and Tubby was looking out of his window staring at the houses going by and occasionally sent me a worried glance in the mirror which I smiled at because lets face it; Having Tubby Vagner worrying about you makes a person feel all fuzzy inside. I mean his intense blue gaze is enough to turn my insides to mush these days. "f**k this!" Candy suddenly yelled causing everyone to flinch and look at her "I hate the f*****g silence so make some conversation!" No one even opened their mouths as we stared at her in shock. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat "NOW BITCHES!" she shot Tubby and Beau looks. Beau bit his lip and then looked at me before shrugging. "So, Matt Pavarotti you excited to go to your first college party?" he asked somewhat viciously but part boredly. Why doesn't he just call me Matt? It's shorter and more friendly! What a doof! I knew there was a reason I didn't like him. I wonder if I should lie and say i'm all excited and shit...but I don't think my face shows excitement so that would go down well especially later when Tubby yells at me for having lied. "Well, not really. I mean it's cool that I can go with you guys to a party but I figure that a party is a party, right? Just a college party has older people. Same s**t different asses kinda thing" I answered honestly. Tubby smiled at my answer and winked at me in the rear view mirror. I felt a blush rising up my cheeks and I looked away grinning. Candy was grinning like a fool but remained silent. Beau nodded a smiled a bit. Probably thinking about other ways to torture me more till i give up and leave his Tubby alone. Well it won't work i tell you! It won't work! "So is it true that you're gay then?" Beau asked smiling a bit "Beau" Tubby reprimanded, he turned and shot him a stern look before looking at me and shooting me an apologetic look then looked at Beau again "Don't make Pavarotti uncomfortable" "Am I making you uncomfortable Matt?" Beau asked smartly "Well, uh, yeah" "Well exxxcuusssse me for trying to make conversation!" "Maybe you should just shut up, Butt-sucker" Eve snorted "Maybe you should jump of a cliff, Evil" Beau retorted "Maybe you should start f*****g a p***y!" "Maybe you should start f*****g a c**k then maybe you wouldn't go on like a s*x-deprived s*x addict!" "You wish I would f**k your c**k you fairy!" "Says the lesbian" "Says the Butt-sucker" "b***h" "Ass" "Harlot" "Gigolo" "Cu-" "Beau! Eve! Behave!" Tubby yelled making them snap their mouths shut. I looked at them in awe and slightly cringing in fear...Wow..issues much? See I told you; you never know who is crazy these days. And then they wonder why they aren't supposed to talk to jocks. I know i'm being mean but really? Who could stand to put up with that all day everyday for the entire educational experience? I shivered "Anyway, Matt, are you or are you not gay?" "I am" I confirmed shrugging casually "And you like Tubby?" he asked. I nodded blushing and looking at my lap. "Beau!" Tubby reprimanded "And what are your real intentions with my sexylicious Tubby?" he narrowed his eyes in suspicion. HIS Tubby? HIS? Wow, now how can anyone like this guy? How the hell is Tubby his? As far as I know Tubby is still single! Gods I hate him! What the hell does he mean my REAL intentions with-- Oh s**t! What does he know?!! s**t! s**t! s**t! "W-What do you mean?" I sound nervous. s**t! Now they will know something is up. Breathe Matt..Breathe "I mean what I said and said what I meant" he shrugged and rolled his eyes Come on think, Matt...Think! "I- uh" I searched my brain "I...I want him to be my...boyfriend" Well that's not a lie. I really do want to date Tubby. I mean he is gorgeous....and sweet...and loving..and kind...and beautiful. I really like him... I sighed and looked down. But, he's too perfect for me. Suddenly I felt arms engulf me in a tight hug. I looked up and saw Beau smiling like the freak he is with his freak arms around me. Why the hell is he hugging me? Why is he smiling at me like that? I'm getting freaked out. I stared at him and shot Tubby a worried glance in the rear-view. He shot me an apologetic look and shrug..the ass! "OMG! I sooo love you right now!" Beau exclaimed "uhhh" was the best I could come up with "Finally, you are part of the family! Not part of the crew as such but part of the family" he grinned "Thank you?" Candy pulled up to a huge mansion that had a forest to the side and went up the huge driveway. Ollie was freaking loaded. Gods, this isn't a freaking house! It's a f*****g palace! Goodness gracious me! I stared at the mansion taking it in, in awe. "One more question, Matt" Beau broke me out of my trance. I turned to him and raised my eye brow suspiciously. "How well do you hold your alcohol?" he asked dead serious as Eve and Candy got out of the car. "Very well, I think" "Good, cause even family can't puke on me or my shoes" and with that he got out too. I got out of the car and stood next to Tubby. He's like my huge Teddy Bear protector. Saving Matty one perv at a time! Coming soon to a retail store near you! Dunh dun dun! I giggled - in a manly way of course - to myself and Tubby shot me a questioning glance. I shook my head and turned to greet the rest of his crew. Goodness, he is friends with hot guys! Damn! But I only have eyes for Tubby. Oh well, their loss. We all walked up the to the door and rang the bell. Some hot dude answered the door looking happy but looked even happier when he saw us or rather them cause he gave me a look. What is with these people and hating on me. I mean seriously! What did I ever do to them?! "Heyyyy, if it isn't the LICIOUS crew! Whazzzzz uuuppp!" They all said hi and hi-fived him as he let us in. As we walked in everyone turned to look at us. "People! The licious crew is here!!!!" the guy who opened the door shouted right by my ear! Bitch..Anyway, everyone started cheering. It took a whole 30 minutes to get to the kitchen to get drinks because everyone wanted to hi-five, fist pump, hug or kiss the crew. I had no idea that they were so famous. Goodness, how the hell is he so famous at college parties if he's only in high school? After we successfully got drinks in the kitchen I was led by Tubby to the "VIP" area. It was every man's and lesbians fantasy world. Games, drinks, waiters and waitresses dressed in skimpy ass clothing for all orientations, huge TV's and long comfortable couches. We sat down and sipped on our drinks as Tubby introduced me to everyone that was there...and there were a lot of people there! How the hell does he know all these people? Why the hell does this drink taste so good? I wonder what's in it... I took another sip of the delicious alcohol and moaned at the taste. Tubby turned to look at me worriedly but his expression changed when he saw me licking the glass "Uh, Pavarotti, Are you ok?" he asked amused "Yup" I smiled reassuringly "I was just wondering why the hell this drink tastes so good" He laughed heartily and shook his head "I don't know either.. It's some sort of concoction the crew came up with one day when we were drunk as fuck...ahhh, good times" he smiled at the memory. "Well it's goo-" "Sexy-f*****g-licious!" Tubby's attention snapped up to the source of the interruption. Some guy with sexy green eyes but a very emo look to him in a jock-ish way, was the one who interrupted me..obviously he has no manners. "Ollie freaking King!" Tubby shouted in return smiling widely at the stranger. He stood up and hugged 'Ollie' tightly "Happy Birthday, man! How does it feel to be old?" he laughed "Thank you and f**k you" Ollie laughed along "So glad you could make it!" "No prob. You know I wouldn't miss this for the world!" Don't I know it.. "Awww, you love me" Ollie teased, his eyes wondering the room till the landed on me. His expression grew confused and then disapproving. He looked at Tubby again "Who is that?" he asked Tubby turned and looked at me before turning back to said 'Ollie'. That d**k, what the hell is his problem? Why does everyone in Tubby's world have a problem with me...screw them! For freaks sake! How the hell am I supposed to marry Tubby when all his friends hate me?! I mean...not that I have been planning our wedding or the number of children we are going to adopt. I have NOT been thinking of baby names for our first son, okay! I just happen to know that he is going to have Tubby's name...Jeremy. It's a cute name. Stop judging me! "That's Matt Pavarotti" Tubby answered nervously, drawing my attention back to the conversation at hand. "A jock? At one of our parties?" he asked disapprovingly rasing and eyebrow and crossing his arms over his chest. What the hell do people have against us jocks? Contrary to popular belief, we are people too! "Yeah, he's a stress, Ollie, he's cool" Tubby assured him "He doesn't look cool" he snorted. My eyes widened. I look sexy, thank you very much! How dare he! What the hell?! I don't look cool. I am the very definition of cool. Cool was too uncool for me and had to reassigned to someone less cool than me! Beau suddenly came out of nowhere and wrapped his arms around Ollie's neck. He kissed him on the cheek, making Ollie blush. "Happy Biiiirrrthhhdayyyy, Ollie-pop!" "Thanks Beau" he said shyly trying to hide his blush. Yeah, Mofo, I see it! "Matty!!!!!!" Beau screamed "You know him?" Ollie asked "Duh, he's cool! He's my b***h!" I am nobody's b***h! I'm not even his friend but I'll keep that to myself. Ollie frowned and Beau rolled his eyes. "Not like that...He's Tubby's.....well i don't know what he is to Tubby buuuut they are friends...of some sort....Whatever!! He's cool so it's all good" "Well if you say so" Ollie relaxed and smiled at me. "Ollie King" I smiled back at him and fist bumped him. "Great to meet you" NOT!!! "Yeah, Uh, Have fun and enjoy the party..." "Thank you and Happy Birthday!" I smiled "Thanks" Well, at least that's over. I was worried we were going to have to leave...and by 'we' I mean me. I don't want to leave. I want to spend the night with Tubby...Not in the perverted way! Get your mind out of the gutter..jeez i'm not a w***e. ******* Gosh the lights are sooooo preeetty! Why are they so pretty?! Am I that pretty? I hope so... Does Tubby like pretty things? If he does then he should like me, right? I'm pretty....soo very pretty. I giggle to myself. I want a pretty drink....I three! I held out my hands and looked at my cute fingers and wiggled them. Maybe 10 drinks...but they are soo good! I wanna dance! Where's Tubby?!!!! "TUUUUBBBBYYYYYYYYY!" I screamed through the noise but no one even turned to look at me! Why aren't they paying attention to me. Worship me, cretins! Worship meeee! Ah, there's Tubby...he's with Beau...aaaawwww, I don't want him to be with Beau! I hope i'm not saying this out loud again. Last time I got this wasted ---which I'm not! Don't tell my moommmy!!! I reached Tubby, whose looking all sexy in black with his hair straightened..."Tubbyyyyy! I wannna dance dance daaaaa---uh. Yeah" I cheered c*****g my head to the side "Pavarotti, I think you should sit down" "Nooooooo, dance with me!" "No,'re drunk" I pulled on his arm but he didn't budge..Wow I need to work out more. Why isn't he moving? "I wannna dance! Why won't you dance with me? You don't like me! You don't love me! Whyy Tuubby? Why can't you love me???" I whined "I--I, uh, like you Matt" "Then we dance! Now!" Tubby sighed and got up muttering "Fine" I clapped my hands and dragged him to the dance floor. Make it Rain by Travis Porter came on and I screamed. I turned and grinned at Tubby. "This is my song, b***h!!!" I yelled. I started swaying to the beat and grinded on Tubby. OOOhh, he feels big..hehehe. I shook my sexy bottom sassily grinding on my man! Yeah, He's my man...Whatcha saying now Beau??? Nothing that's what bitch...I felt Tubby grind back. I leaned into him putting my arm around his neck awkwardly cause I was facing way from him. I tugged on his hair roughly, giggling to myself. I felt him shiver and moan. "OOOh, you like that! I like you Tubby!" I grinned "I like you too Matt" I smile brightly and kept dancing. We danced and dance when Lollipop by Framing Hanley came on. I love this song...Maybe i should marry this song.. I turned around and hung on his neck properly "You're so sweet I wanna lick your wrapper" I whispered huskily into his ear. He shivered and I smirked. I ground our crotches together ghosting my lips over his jaw line. I looked up at him. He looked down at me through heavy lidded eyelids and licked his lips. My eyes flickered to his lips then returned to his eyes. He stared at me as we ground to the beat. His lips are so full and pink and kissable. I just want one taste... Just one..I leaned up and pressed my lips to his. Oh yes, they are as soft as they look...and I had been looking a lot....heehehehee. I felt him press his lips against mine harder. Yay! He's kissing me back!! Clap for me! I said clap! Our lips moved in sync against each other as we danced. He slid his tongue over my bottom lip and access was granted i would have to think about it. Be serious with life. His tongue massaged mine and explored my mouth in ways I never knew were possible. Where has he been all my life. I kissed him back hungrily feeling my c**k jump at every twist of his hot tongue. My knees felt weak and my head started to spin....Ooooh starss! I finally see the stars that they talk about in movies!!! yay! I turned my head to one side to give him better access. I withdrew from the kiss when my body forgot how to make oxygen without using my mouth...hmph. We drew back and stared at each other. We stood there just looking at each other. He grabbed my hand and took me back to the VIP room. As soon as I was in the room, which was now dark for some odd reason, I was pushed up against a wall and Tubby's tongue was in mouth before I could even comprehend what was happening. He forced his leg in between mine and grabbed my thigh roughly and held it around his waist. I love his roughness. It's such a turn on just like the rest of him. My hand went to his hair and I tugged at it roughly. He groaned into my mouth. He ground his crotch against mine agonizingly slowly making me moan and wine. His mouth left mine and wondered downward to my neck. He stopped where my pulse is and sucked and bit and licked. I moaned loudly and bucked my hips causing him to moan. The sound was music to my ears.. I love it. I crave it. He lifted other leg to wrap it around his waist. He ground harder into me. I was in total ecstasy. He had me writhing and whimpering at his ministrations when his hand found his way under my shirt to my overly sensitive n*****s. My head fell onto his shoulder as he continued to torture me pleasurably. I moaned next into his neck making him moan too. I like, I like it a lot. I licked bare skin of his shoulder where his top had moved and felt him shiver against me and buck his hips hard against me, making me slam into the wall in turn. I moaned at the sweet pain. "Yes, Tubby!!" I moaned. I bit down hard on the spot I licked. I sucked on it making him writhe and slam me into the wall while grinding against me. I guess I found his weak spot...hehehe. "Matt" He moaned. I love the way he says my name. "Again!" I shouted. I want him to say my name again. "Huh?" he asked. I just bit down on that sensitive spot again. "Matt!" "That's it! Say my name, baby, i love it when you scream my name!" I whispered seductively into his ear. "Matt" He whispered huskily into my ear, nibbling on the lobe. I grabbed his hair roughly and yanked. He found it, damn it! He bit into my earlobe then sucked on it making me scream and bite into his shoulder which made him scream again "Matt! God, you're going to kill me with pleasure" he whined and bit my ear lobe again. "Jeremy...Gaaaah...right...there." I whimpered. I have officially died and gone to heaven. "Tubbyyyyy!!!!!" Beau's voice screeched making Tubby and I jump apart. Aaannnd I'm back on earth...I hate you, Beau. I hate you soo much. "Oooh, I'm soorry to disturb...I just wanted to tell you that everyone wants to leave now soo...." Tubby cleared his throat "uh, yeah okay....I'll be there just now" "Okay..." Beau left the room leaving Tubby and I alone. I stood there awkwardly. We looked at each other in silence. Suddenly Tubby leaned forward and kissed me passionately. I kissed back eagerly but he withdrew before I had a chance to deepen the kiss. "This isn't over, Matt, cause I'm gonna f*ck you hard and deep and fast. I'm going to drive you insane with pleasure and take you to a place that you have only dreamed of. I will have you in a wheelchair from the force of my pounding. I'm gonna break a headboard with your body. You'll be dreaming about it for years to come...when you come" he whispered huskily into my ear and bit into my earlobe making me whimper. I squeezed my eyes tightly when I felt my c**k jump at his words. He drew back and smirked at me and winked before walking out of the room. I stood there shell shocked but shook my head and followed his lead back to Candy's car. Damn now I'm gonna have a problem sleeping tonight...Thank you, Tubby!
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