Chapter 8

1489 Words
He helped me. That’s all I could think about since I left his car when he dropped me off about 2 hours ago. He beat up that disgustingly muscular bully…for me. That’s the part that I can’t get over. I’m sure he would do it for anyone but he did it for me and right now that’s all that matters. I smiled to myself. I think it was sweet and brave. Maybe he is more than I give him credit for. “Bambino, I hope you are asleep” My mother called through my door. I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself. When I came home my mum and dad almost imploded with anger and worry. They were so worried… I have no idea why. On the weekends I stay out till the early hours of the morning so I don’t know why they freaked I mean come on I’m like 18 already! But it was cute knowing my parents still worry about me; so much, in fact, that they lectured me for like an hour before they ‘sent’ me to my room in ‘shame’. I acted like I was so sorry and walked away with my head down to hide the smile that was forming on my face. Nothing could get me down. I had a great time with Tubby today, more fun than I’ve had in a long time. I sighed happily and went to sleep with a huge smile on my face. I woke up to the sounds of Avenged Sevenfold blasting on my alarm clock. Groaning, I reached over and hit the stop button. I pulled the covers over my head and tried to ignore the sunlight shining through my curtains. Dio, I should really ask mum to get me thicker ones. Begrudgingly I got up and prepared for school. I was beyond tired just like every other school day of my life. I swear, no matter how much sleep I get it’s just never enough on a school day. After I finished getting ready for school, I trudged to the kitchen and made myself some cereal. I really don’t like eating in the morning unless absolutely necessary and today it was necessary because I am starving. I finished my cereal silently, trying to be as quiet as possible because my parents won’t get up until much later. They both have the week off so that they can celebrate their honeymoon. They work really hard so they deserve it, so I’m just going to quietly slip out and go to school and hopefully by the time I come back they would have left forIndia. Don’t get me wrong – I will miss them but it’s only for 7 days and they will be back on Sunday anyways so I’m entitled to want them to be gone for a while. That and they are still going to be a little pissed about the fact I was out until 10 on a school night. I sighed leaving the house and getting in my car. I drove straight to school because Adam’s car came back from the garage yesterday so he is driving himself. I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t relieved because truth be told, I don’t want to retell the story of last night. I don’t want to tell Adam that I couldn’t stand up from myself against that muscle head jerk. I shuddered at the thought of him and the kiss he FORCED on me. No, I don’t want to tell Adam yet, gay people have pride too you know. I don’t want to be known as a sissy. Hell to the no. I know I will have to tell him eventually…just not anytime soon. I walked into school feeling sort of giddy – I think the word is – I don’t really know. Somehow I felt…excited? Ugh, I don’t know. All I know is that I feel good today. I have no idea why. I turned the corner that would lead me to Tubby’s locker and saw him standing there with his friend or whatever Beau. I stopped dead in my tracks and watched them from that distance. I felt my mood darken just a twinge and my smile turn upside down at the sight of them. Tubby was smiling down fondly at Beau as Beau spoke actively. He is really into that kid, huh? Beau must have asked Tubby something because Tubby nodded and shrugged, still smiling. Beau got excited and jumped into Tubby’s arms and kissed him on the cheek. Tubby laughed at his-- whatever the hell he is to him—and hugged him back. He then set Beau down gently and ruffled his hair. I guess Tubby is a good person after all. He is actually a great person, he treats people – those he likes of course – with the utmost respect and I find that admirable. I just don’t like that Beau kid for some reason and to be honest I don’t know why. I just plainly don’t like him. It’s not my fault, there are just those people in life that you don’t like for no apparent reason and the reason I don’t like him is far from apparent to me. I shook my head clear of those thoughts and put on a smile as I walked up to Tubby and Beau. Tubby saw me coming and gave me a small smile. I returned the gesture and stopped by them. “Hey” I greeted with a smile. Beau stopped talking and turned around to face me. His grin grew wider as he looked at me. It kinda creeps me out the way he smiles at me. Why the hell does he smile at me like that? “Matt Pavarotti, how great it is to see you again” Beau said cheerily. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him and smiled at him instead. That’s another thing that irritates me about him, why does he call me by my full name instead of just Matt? Not that it matters because I prefer not talking to him at all. “I could say the same” I replied. But I won’t say the same because I would be lying, I added in my head but kept the smile on my face. “Mhmm. Anyway,” he said turning back to Tubby “I have to go and meet up with Candylicious, boo-boo” he said and giggled. “Alright then, Beaulicious, I will see you later” Tubby replied smiling. Is it me or is he always smiling around this guy. He waved Beau off and then turned back to me with a questioning look. “So….” He started prolonging the ‘o’ part. “I…uh, just…wanted to say hi?” I said unsurely “You don’t sound too sure about that, Pavarotti.” He commented dryly grabbing a few books out of his locker. “Well, I just want to say… Thanks again for yesterday. It was really fun and I was hoping we could do it again some time soon.” “Yeah, well, we will see how my schedule looks, huh? Besides my parents gave me one hell of a lecture for staying out so late on a school night and I’m not really free most weekends so, we will have to see” My heart sunk a little bit lower in my chest and my mood darkened a bit more. I groaned inwardly. This guy is so bloody difficult! For goodness sake. “Oh… uh…ok. Well see you later.” I said nodding “Later then” he replied almost sympathetically, shutting his locker. I nodded again and walked the direction of my own locker where Adam was waiting for me. A/N: eh, what can i say? this chapter was originally longer...way longer, but i didn't want to upload something rediculously long. i mean it was like 10 here it is. Please comment even if its 3 weeks from the time i post, comments keep me motivated and the ideas pumping so do your thing my little readers.... press the vote know you wanna...go on click it. click it! click it! or LEAVE A COMMENT! Let the force be with you *makes weird starwars noise* .. To the next part!
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