Chapter 9

2792 Words
“So” Adam asked anxiously as soon as I got close enough. “So what?” I asked confused. He gave me an impatient look and rolled his eyes. “How did it go?” he asked practically bouncing on the spot. I gave him a confused ‘what’ look and he rolled his eyes and groaned “With Tubby” he exasperated “Oh… That went well. Better than expected to be honest. I think that this will be quicker than we thought. I do feel bad about doing it now” I answered taking the books I need out of my locker. “Why?” he asked with a disgusted/confused look on his face “Because, Tubby is a good guy and he doesn’t deserve to be hurt” “Wow, you are becoming so gay it’s amazing. So what now, are you going to back out over that guy who doesn’t even grant you the time of day?” he snarled rolling his eyes. “I—no” I sighed. There is no way I can back out now. I would never live it down. Adam slapped me on the shoulder and smiled. “Good… Now tell me all about it” he said cunningly. I don’t think he realizes how creepy that voice is on him. We walked towards our home room with his arm slung over my shoulder as I relayed last night to him, leaving out of course the fight at Nice and me thinking about Tubby for like an hour while I lay in bed. “Hmm, he seems to be letting down his guard quite considerably. This will be quicker if you can get him to see you as more than a friend.” Adam said thoughtfully. “And how do you suggest I do that. This guy is making work for friendship, imagine how I will have to work to get him to think of me in that way.” I sighed and rested my head in my palms. I am really starting to second guess my decision to play this game. Tubby could get hurt really badly. I mean, I don’t think I would ever fall for him in that way but he could easily fall for me. I mean look at me, I’m gorgeous. Who wouldn’t fall for me? “Yeah well, that’s your job. All I need is results” Adam proclaimed with a smile. “You are a stupid prick, you know that?” “Yup” he smiled. “Gotta go now, bra, I got to meet up with Kayla. Late” he stood up smacking me on the shoulder again and walking away. I don’t know what I’ve done or if I like what I’ve begun, but something told me to do it and I’m just the type to listen to that little voice whispering that I should do it and win. I didn’t back out when I had the chance to say no and now it’s too late to back out. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing anymore. All I know is that I have to do this and win. If not for myself, then for my crew. I’m so full of crap. I sighed and pulled myself out of my chair and walked towards the library. I’m not in the mood for people right now and I really want listen to music and read. I just want to block the world out right now. I feel so bad about this bet now. I’ve never really felt bad about a bet before, but Tubby is just so…different. He’s sweet and kind and funny and surprisingly easy to manipulate into watching the movie I want. I chuckled softly to myself. His face was priceless when I caused a scene at the cinema. He went like 7 shades of red. His hugs are awesome too, he hugs like…he is trying to save you from falling or something. I don’t know, it’s just refreshing. Yeah, that’s the word – refreshing, from all the stupid pricks I date. He is a nice breath of fresh air. I walked into the creepily silent library breathing in the scent of dust, books and fresh air. No one will ever look for me in here. Jocks don’t go to libraries so no one will think to look for me in here. I waved to the librarian with charming smile gracing my face, he returned the gesture and went back to doing whatever librarians do. I put my ear phones in and pressed play. I ran my fingertips on the shelves as I looked for a new book in the romance section. What can I say? I’m a sucker for romance. I chose a book called ‘Oh, Promised Destiny’, it looked like a pretty old book but the back showed that it was pretty interesting. I went to my favorite spot at the very back of the library where hardly anybody goes anymore. I sat down in a corner and started reading the book while listening to music. I sat on the floor so engrossed in the book with the music blocking out any unwanted noise that may distract me. I smiled to myself at the stubbornness of the leading lady in the book. I heard a distant noise but I paid it no mind because I just wanted to read. A while later the noise came again but it was so feint I couldn’t make out what it was. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and my left earphone was pulled out of my ear. I jumped slightly and then flinched away. I was scared out of mind and my heart was going a million miles a minute. I heard a hearty laugh bringing me out of the initial shock and I turned to face this person who would dare interrupt me in the middle of my ‘me’ time. I saw Tubby laughing his heart out with tears in his eyes because he was laughing so hard. The nerve! It’s not funny, he startled me and I jumped slightly…okay so maybe I let out a girlish shrill but in my defense I was startled! So there! I folded my arms across my chest and pouted. “D-don’t g-get sad now” he laughed “It’s not that bad that you scream like a b***h” he laughed harder clutching his stomach. I rolled my eyes “What do you want, Tubby?” I growled, “Aww, Pavarotti, is that anyway to talk to your friend?” he asked still chuckling slightly “Who did you think I was? Freddie? Jason? Hahahaha” “No,” I pursed my lips and looked away “Can you just stop laughing and tell me what you want?!” I demanded slightly annoyed that he was still laughing. “Well, I was just walking through the library looking for a new book when I saw you sitting here seemingly in your own world. So here I was deciding whether to scare the s**t out of you or not when the bell rang, but you didn’t move, so I waited a while to see if you were going to get up but you didn’t move I decided to tell you that you were late for class. It’s a good thing I did too, ‘coz I haven’t been so entertained in a while. Oh yeah, I definitely have to scare you more often” he explained still laughing. I groaned. I was late for Biology, geez, Miss Martins is so going to have my head for that. I looked at my watch. Scratch that – I’m late for Physics… I missed 2 whole periods and I’m late for the last one! I didn’t know I was reading for so long “s**t, I am 15 minutes late there is no way in hell she is going to let me in her class now.” I groaned and hit my head against the wall which – I admit— isn’t the brightest idea because my head is now throbbing. Where is common sense when you need it? “Why are you waiting for me anyway? You are late for class too” “Nope, I have a free period right now” he shrugged smiling “Damn it! Oh well, there is no point going now, I will just end up with a detention that I don’t plan on going to.” “Well then, we can just leave now since it is the last period and all. We can go get ice cream or something. I’m craving that icy goodness.” He suggested. To say I was shocked at his invitation is an understatement. I was floored, shocked silent…amazed. He just invited me to ditch school with him and go and get ice cream! Oh em gee!!!! This is so exciting… I don’t know why but it is. My heart rate picked up speed again and I nodded my head fervently. “Cool,” he said getting up “Let’s go.” He held out his hand and pulled me up when I grabbed it. We snuck out of school and into the car park. “I have my car so I can follow you” I said softly when we got to his car. “Sure. Or you can leave your car and we will come get it later?” he offered. I wasn’t so hot on leaving my car behind but hey if he says that he will bring me back to get it then…it’s all good. I shrugged and nodded then got into his car. We zoomed out of the parking lot and down the road towards the ice cream parlor. * “Hey, Tubby” the cute guy at the counter greeted Tubby with a fond smile. “Wassup, Jamie?” he smiled back. “Eh, the usual; college, work, homework, and more homework then let loose on the weekend. We will be seeing you at Ollie’s party this weekend, right?” “Of course, I wouldn’t miss Ollie’s party for anything. You know me and the crew will be there as always. IsTaygoing to be there?” “Yeah, she will, I know she will be looking forward to going now that I know you are definitely going.” he answered with a grin. Who isTay? Tubby’s crush? “Is he a new member of your crew?” he asked pointing at me with a small yet disapproving smile. Well, who the hell does he think he is? Why the hell is he looking at me like that? He doesn’t even know me! Tubby turned to look at me and then back at Jamie “Who? Pavarotti? No. He is a new friend” he answered smiling. Jamie’s smile brightened when Tubby smiled and he nodded. “Pavarotti meet Jamie…Jamie meet Pavarotti” Jamie held out his hand so I shook it making sure to squeeze it extra tightly without looking suspicious. This only earned me another disapproving look from Jamie and he glanced at Tubby then back at me “Whoa, chill dude. What are you a football player?” “No but close” I chuckled sarcastically “I play basketball.” I reluctantly let go of his hand and put mine back in my pocket. “Hmm, a jock?” he glanced at Tubby. Tubby gave him a look and Jamie nodded in response “Well, what can I get you anyway?” he asked. “Well, that’s more like it, Delicious” Tubby smiled at him again. “Now, Delicious Jamie, you know that the old bat—I mean your boss doesn’t like it when you chat with customers. So I tell you what, if you come over withTay, I won’t tell a soul” he winked. Jamie rolled his eyes and laughed. “Well, how can I resist an offer like that? Just make sure Candylicious’ girl isn’t there otherwise you know s**t is going down.” He grinned up Tubby, Tubby nodded grinning as well. I don’t like how much these two smile with each other. He could be a problem… with the plan I mean. I cleared my throat loudly. Jamie’s smile faltered a bit but he kept it on his face. “Anyway, the usual for Sexyilicious Tubby and what will you have, uh, Pavarotti?” Your head on a pike. I smiled at him and said “I will have a chocolate Sunday with extra sauce and an extra bar one.” “Coming up. Take a seat.” He turned and started working on the ice cream. Yeah that’s right asshole get back to work and stop flirting with Tubby. Tubby and I sat at a table for two. It was so silent and he wasn’t even smiling at me. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. “Sooooo…” I began “Why were you rude to Jamie?” he questioned with a impatient-ish look on his face. I was rude! Me! He practically said out loud that he doesn’t like me and I’m not worthy to be your friend, I shouted in my head. But out loud I said “I don’t know what you are talking about” “Don’t play innocent with me, Pavarotti, you squeezed his hand too tight and gave him that sarcastic laugh. What is your problem with my friends? You even treat Beau like that?” he asked getting angry. “I don’t have a problem with your friends” Just the one’s that flirt with you, I added in my head. “Jamie doesn’t seem to like me. He looks at me like I’m not worthy of being your friend” I glowered. He chuckled a bit and then sighed “Most people I know don’t approve of jocks so… yeah.” He said with a smile. “At least, now you know how your friends look at me when you talk to me” he added crossing his arms over his chest. “They do not” I defended, he quirked an eyebrow at me with that ‘who-do-you-think-you’re-fooling’ look “Really” I asked shocked. No wonder he doesn’t like jocks. “I’m sorry.” “Eh, it’s all good. I don’t care, they are just wasting their time and giving me a reason to have a smug look all the time.” He chuckled. I was about to respond but Jamie came back with our ice-creams. Tubby’s usual was an ice-cream that resembled the Chocolate Brownie Avalanche but bigger and with more chocolate sauce. “Thanks, Delicious” Tubby said grinning up at Jamie as he placed the ice cream on the table. “Anything for you, Sexylicious” he responded with a mirroring expression and winked at Tubby. Seriously?! What’s with the nick names? Does he have a crush on my Tubby? I mean Tubby, not MY tubby but just Tubby. I—eh, don’t judge me. He is my mark right? Jeez don’t read too much into it! “Thanks” I mumbled under my breath when he placed mine in front of me “Mhmm” was his response. Mhmm! Can you believe it? It’s like people are going crazy all of a sudden; giving me attitude and everything. Humph! a/n: YOU CAN ALL VOTE...NOW. AND COMMENT NOW. AND LIKE...NOW!!! GO! GO! GO! And i will update tomorrow if i get 5 votes and 4 comments before this time tomorrow! mwahhaha.... i don't know what the laugh is about but hey lets just go with it, muahahahahahaha
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